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4 Votes

Push strats

January 26, 2013 by GGnet.Ace
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Ancient Hero (17) | February 3, 2013 1:19pm
Sniper and enigma can also be antipushers. Sniper defends towers well with his long range and just position himself not to get caught out. Enigma has his midnight pusle and black hole to catch a team in the tight area. He can also convert enemy creeps into his minions. Desolator can also be a tower pusher (i beleive the passive works on towers?)
Prome (2) | February 3, 2013 11:14am
I disagree with the ultimate enemy of pushing strats.

It's ****ing tinker.
boots of travel with NO cooldown thanks to rearm, march of machines that when stacked 2 or 3 times will kill an entire wave in seconds. If you're pushing, will port to said lane, spam march, then port to opposite lane and counter push.

also, those rockets suck.

anyway, maybe include some common pushing line-ups too - juggernaut jakiro leshrac enchantress windrunner has good push, good gank, and can hold their own in late game for a while (juggernaut carry with enchantress and wr also dealing damage).

I don't think items such as Radiance and Manta Style belong in 'pushing items', just because they take so long to farm. Farm for your carry or push the lanes - you can't have both. Also, if pushing constantly, you are losing out in exp compared to the enemy team, and towers are temporary gold advantages - hence, to make sure you don't lose, you have to pressure then pressure some more, and HOARD your own towers. Ideally you shouldn't have lost a single T1 as you're breaking T3.
mightycookie (5) | January 28, 2013 2:43pm
good guide. but you said that turtling is done in high level games. that is not true. the new meta is pushing. and yes that was when the pushing strrategy was born. followed heavily by na'vi. and now, currently by everyone. there is almost always no hard carries. usually just semi carries or heroes that can be usefull with little items. say a Lifestealer he can hard carry. but he only needs armlet to be effective. the rest is extra.
Atlas (117) | January 28, 2013 2:26pm
I think KotL should be added to Anti-Push, he's actually one of the best. In one skill he can clear a creep wave and nuke the enemy team. He completely stops early-mid game pushes.
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