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4 Votes

Push strats

January 26, 2013 by GGnet.Ace
Comments: 4    |    Views: 33288    |   

Introduction to Push strategies Pros &Cons

Push strategies are the spice of this game of turtling*.
*For those who dont know what turtle is, turtle is basicly playing defensively as long as your carry can win the game, basicly the main of idea of dota in non pub high level games.
Push strategies occur when many heroes with great active or passive skills combine and finish the game the shortest possible.

Game Breaking
Can still work on a 4+1 strategy with a carry
Based on the element of surprise

Need perfect execution and planing

Heroes of push strats

Heroes in push strats must either have summonings,skills to clear creepwaves fast,auras to boost your team,active skills to destroy towers, enough hp to tank the creepwave and some heroes behind a tower,for support skills keeping your team alive,Split push skills
Strength Heroes
Beastmaster a unique hero excellent for push strats due to having speed aura scout ability for his team and ability to clear creepwaves fast.Also he is a perfect candidate for necronomicon.
Omniknight for his ability to heal his team for immunity and excellent ultimate that can turn around teamfights.
Tiny normally tiny isnt considered a pusher but with the ability that aghanims grants him he is the only hero with siege damage in the game.
Dragon Knight Fire clears creep waves fast,Ultimate destroys towers with damage over time pretty fast,also he has a long reliable stun need I say more ?
Nightstalker nightstalker is picked for his ability to destroy heroes in the night and well as his tankyness to be able to stand behind towers.Nightvision is great too .
Undying that annoying hero is picked for his tomb ability,for his heal and for being a gank god.
Agility Heroes
Vengeful Spirit this hero is picked for the damage aura and aoe minus armor.Also stun and superior ulti are no small things.
Lone Druid Lone druid is picked for level 4 bear ability to rape towers and also for building an early radiance on his spirit bear that can damage the enemy team.
Juggernat this hero is a new trend on push strategies just for his ward to heal the allied team and with bladestorm ability to clear creepwaves.
Broodmother that annoying spider is picked for creating spiderlings day and night that can melt towers by numbers.All it needs is a soul ring.
Venomancer venomancer is one of push strat kings with great initiation such as venomous gale.But the real reason he is picked is his ability of plague wards.Ulti is no small thing as well

Intelligence Heroes
Enchantress/Chen:Two of the favourite heroes of push strats picked for enchanting/Persuading neutral (and not only) creeps and for healing his team.Both heroes deal damage but chen does with spells while enchantress hurts enemies with impetus.They are both mechanism heroes as well.

Keeper of the Light this hero has one of the best aoe skills.His illuminate ability eliminates creepwaves pretty fast.Also he can give mana to allied units and fetch them from the other side of the map.

Nature's Prophet although the treants he summons are some of the weakest units in game they arent to be taken lightly if they are maxed early on.His teleport ability makes him a great hero to split push.Also force of nature pushes the entire map back.

Twin Headed Dragon Liquid fire melts towers 2 great aoe skills and a great damaging ulti.I think those are enough arent they ?

Tinker BoTs, Soul Ring, March of the machines, refresh, apply to all the lanes, all lanes pushed as simple as that.Did I mention that he can nuke with 2 rockets from 2500 range ?

Shadow Shaman Rhasta is picked for push strats as a solo mid to get his mass serpent wards the fastest possible to push towers.He also has pretty long and annoying crowd controls as well as a decent nuke.

Dark Seer Did you need someone to tank creeps and stay behind towers ?Then he is your man he can also be the playmaker of your teamfight with Vaccum and Wall.
And he can save your *** by speeding you away.

Death Prophet spammable aoe nuke to destroy creepwaves and ulti that hurts the towers.

Enigma hero with summonings great aoe ulti and a couple of annoying stuns.

Pugna nether blast (max level) deals 125 damage to buildings,with only 4.5 cd they wont stand for long.Also your ward is a great teamfight skill.With decripify you can melt enemy heroes early on.

Warlock quite nice heal,fatal bonds does tons of damage in early levels.Chaotic offering is the cherry on his cake.Infernals deal Chaos damage which is excellent for towers and have great regen.

Dazzle aoe heal,decent damage skill,Perfect ulti for pushing or teamfighting.

Visage good summonings, very nice nuke and a slow.

Leshrac Best tower pushing skill in the game.All abilities are aoe (or for multiple targets) which makes him ideal for clearing creep waves.

Necrolyte Although this hero is considered a carry he can work in early push strats with cheap core items healing/damaging around all the time.His ulti can lock down an enemy threat.

Enemies of Push Strategies

AKA Anti pushers
Alchemist,Shadow Fiend,Tinker,Windrunner,arthshaker,Storm Spirit,Twin Headed Dragon,Queen of Pain,Necrolyte,Pugna
And the winner is Natures Prophet
this bastard can push and defend at the same time.Also he can defend from the other side of the map.
Also the greatest enemy of push strategies is TIME.In most push strats there isnt a PLAN B left for late game.You almost never include a decent hard carry in push strats.So you have to finish by maximum 30-35 minute mark.

Push items

Push items should offer you what push heroes should have or even reinforce it more.
If you are getting harassed by enemies you need
Heal for the team.The earlier you get it the more effective it is.
Arcane Boots
To push you should be able to stay together for a long time after using skills again and again.Mana boots will grant you that power.
Neconomicon is one of the best and most underrated items.
You get movement and attack speed aura and 2 summoned units to hit the tower.
Vladimirs offering many and useful auras for the team.Lifesteal melee aura,damage aura,armor aura,mana aura.
Drum of Endurance movement speed and attack speed aura for the team.
A couple of stats as well.
Urn of Shadows cheap cost effective item that offers a lot of heal and a slight offensive ability.
Pipe against a team with great aoe magic damage it works miracles.Generally enemies will try to shut down your push with aoe skills and pipe is the counter for their counter.
Aghanims scepter on some heroes like razor and tiny aghanims scepter gives them pushing potential as their ulti starts to work on towers.
Vanguardalthough vanguard is no great item it can work very good on some heroes on push strategies.
Radiance an early radiance (14-20 minute) on certain heroes like lone druid is enough to push off the enemy team and help you destroy towers easily.
Manta Style although its quite expensive manta illusions especially melee always work good on push.
Medallion of Courage wonderful item,excellent for taking down roshan early something crucial to every push strat.
Soul Ring most healers love this item for a reason,more mana means more heal so it works for the team.

More walls of text (information)

Push strategies require mostly 1 thing:****ING PRECISION
You have to plan everything before you do it.And you have to solve the problems before they actually appear because as mentioned above you dont have much time,so you have even less time to think.
You have to outnumber enemies on the map by all your team carrying Tps.

These strategies have 1 core tactic.Get fast towers outfarm the enemies by getting towers and get your core items (mentioned above) faster.When you have your core force the teamfight or push towers.
Note:a 4 man push strat and an ultra hard carry can work miracles as well.The idea is simple your team keeps them busy and you become a farming beast Phantom Lancer/Faceless Void/Any hard carry.
There is little room for mistakes,almost no room at all.You have to prevent the snowball effect* at all costs,so even a first blood given to the enemy team can cost you too much.You get the edge by tower gold and you try to get the xp advantage by an early roshan after you take down some tier 1 towers.
*Snowball effect =s a figurative term for a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger (graver, more serious), and perhaps potentially dangerous or disastrous.In our case its the growth of one hero given by one kill or a tower.
Note:Remember its no small thing to take down roshan.It gives your team mass gold especially early on and 1 hero 2 lives.Also its a good chance for your team to force the enemies to do a mistake by coming close to the roshan pit.

Push strategists

Father of Push is Ar7style.
Long before NaVi was formed this low profile mastermind (while playing in DTS) after getting raped hard in ESWC by Ehome (for those who dont know,team that dominated 2010 dota scene) decided to find out a way to beat the chinese teams, since they made no mistake in classical type of turtle game.
In WDC DTS (captained by Artstyle) team tried the innovation. that was basicly when the push strategy was born.Correct me if I am wrong I am playing only for 3 years and following pro scene for 2.
In this game DTS focus on dominating the teamfights and push comes right after.
Another intresting game is GGnet/Nwo vs LGD.sgty (that is just part 1 follow the rest of it through youtube)
In this game we see a mass damage and speed aura stack.

Thanks for your time I will update this guide soon since my exams are over.I could use all kinds of feedback also send me some replays please =]

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