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Puck: A Blink Between Worlds

October 8, 2014 by Arensen
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voodoodoll (1) | October 9, 2014 4:02am
Just ask for Tangos, you get them more often than you would think. ;)

I also started out building Puck with a Null Talisman basically every time, but I was pretty underwhelmed by it. This might be mainly due to the fact that I despise Dagon and almost never build a Veil, so it does not progress naturally for me. Also, I think Puck needs HP more than any other stat, so if I build any stat item, it's usually a Bracer. Independently of that, whether you want to build Talisman or not, starting with it is terrible every time, mainly due to gold effectivity reasons - you get the same bang for way less buck with Branches+Mantle and can build into a Talisman later anyway. You can alternatively go Branches+Circlet for more balanced stats, and decide later whether you want Bracer or Talisman.

You talk about initiating with Orb in the late game while sieging - not a good idea. :p I also prefer to gank initiate with Blink Dagger, simply because the Orb is so much easier to land from close range, and you keep the option of escaping if things go sour. Also, if you don't inititate with Blink, what the hell did you buy it for? :p
Arensen | October 9, 2014 3:00am
Thanks for the feedback!

I never really considered not buying a Null Talisman, it always seemed like a natural choice, and it conveniently built into a Dagon. I probably should do more work with a triple Branch Tango build now that I don't rush Dagon on Puck. I completely forgot to mention Magic Wand. My supports in pubs never gave me tangos :(

I think I only mentioned Illusory Orb to initiate for ganks before Blink Dagger. I did mention using the Orb to scout uphill, but you are right, this tends to be a bit of a fringe scenario, to I'll make sure to mention that.
voodoodoll (1) | October 9, 2014 1:48am
Good effort! You have the Puck basics down. Some things that I noticed while reading:

The Null Talisman is really a terrible starting item. Between that and Tangos you will be left with 30 Gold. That will delay your Bottle very much, which you don't want, even more so after the 6.82 Rune changes. Consider just buying Tangos and 3 Iron Branches, you will get +3 to all stats and have 350 Gold left over - and the Branches build into a Magic Wand. If you absolutely can't live without the last hitting power, just buy a Mantle of Intelligence - you will have the same stats as with a Talisman, but still have 200 Gold left over (as opposed to 30). My own experience, however, is that with a bit of practice you can live without the extra Int altogether and Build a Bracer later if you need the HP.
If your supports spot you a Tango or two, you might even get away with buying just Branches and rushing your Bottle even faster!

Also, you should absolutely not use Illusory Orb to initiate after you have your Blink Dagger, and even scouting with it should in my opinion be done only in emergencies. There are obviously exceptions to this rule, as always, but if you initiate with the Orb you will simply not survive 9 out of 10 times. Also, initiation with Blink is much faster and thus less predictable than Jaunting in. Scouting with it is fine after your Phase Shift is lvl 4, but before that you will deprive yourself of any escape tool for the duration of the Orb's cooldown, and good players will capitalize on that.
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