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I also started out building Puck with a Null Talisman basically every time, but I was pretty underwhelmed by it. This might be mainly due to the fact that I despise Dagon and almost never build a Veil, so it does not progress naturally for me. Also, I think Puck needs HP more than any other stat, so if I build any stat item, it's usually a Bracer. Independently of that, whether you want to build Talisman or not, starting with it is terrible every time, mainly due to gold effectivity reasons - you get the same bang for way less buck with Branches+Mantle and can build into a Talisman later anyway. You can alternatively go Branches+Circlet for more balanced stats, and decide later whether you want Bracer or Talisman.
You talk about initiating with Orb in the late game while sieging - not a good idea. :p I also prefer to gank initiate with Blink Dagger, simply because the Orb is so much easier to land from close range, and you keep the option of escaping if things go sour. Also, if you don't inititate with Blink, what the hell did you buy it for? :p
I never really considered not buying a
I think I only mentioned
If your supports spot you a Tango or two, you might even get away with buying just Branches and rushing your Bottle even faster!
Also, you should absolutely not use