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5 Votes


November 6, 2012 by OneHalf
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OneHalf (10) | November 14, 2012 7:15pm
Why would you have tranquil boots after the meka?
Mirror (22) | November 13, 2012 3:21pm
I know why you have blink dagger but the combo is hard. I guess I do not have fast enough fingers. I have found that you can solo rosh with three Meepos tranquil boots and a mek.
OneHalf (10) | November 7, 2012 10:37pm
Thanks :3
I plan to update this guide eventaully, so I will include some hotkey tips.
Cheers haha
Watcher (5) | November 7, 2012 8:24am
I just applaud you for taking on meepo! Most players struggle with him because he does require a high level of Micro skill! So with that said well done! Maybe go into some hotkey combinations that may make your job easier! that would help lots of people!

SuperNova (16) | November 7, 2012 4:32am
NotSureIf wrote:

If your not landing your Earthbinds by all means grab a Blink Dagger. Meepo is a hero I've found to be reliant on a Vladmir's Offering as your Divided We Stand Meepos will benefit from the aura. Simply speaking, your Poof nuke placement will be reliant on how many times you can land Earthbind. As every Meepo you control has their own cast times on Earthbind and Poof, Blink Dagger won't be completely necessary as you should be locking down your target for 8 seconds when you get level 3 Divided We Stand (10 seconds with Aghanim's Scepter).

Simply put, if you land your first Earthbind, which isn't hard due to the 1250 cast range, you can easily land subsequent instances of Earthbind making it easier to land Poof.

you're amazing at meepo i swear. that game we had when i was krobelus......i was like..impossibru.
OneHalf (10) | September 29, 2012 12:57pm
I can understand why vlads would look like a good choice, sure mana regen, damage, lifesteal. Just makes very little sense to me on a hero that is mostly spell damage (poof)
Sure you can start hitting people to regain health, but that just makes you more vunerable to any sorts of burst damage, meepo isnt a very hard hitter so lifesteal incoming is pretty small.
If you have one meepo thats low on health, would you seriously micro him onto a creep or enemy during a clash to regain health?
Anyway thats just how I see it. Vlads on a spell damage dealer, neh.
Appreciate the feedback though.
BrindunT (1) | September 29, 2012 9:24am
some lifesteal missing here and powertreads would be better i think but generally its ok
Wulfstan (77) | September 29, 2012 8:26am
Then why not Shadow Blade at that point? Blink Dagger seems pretty risky especially in teamfights.You can even use Shadow Blade to initiate with a Tidehunter,for example.However,if you would just blink in,people would burst down your original version.

Also Vladmirs Offering seems pretty good,same as Drums of Endurance.
OneHalf (10) | September 29, 2012 5:52am
Hades4u wrote:
I'm not a troll, that's just my opinion. Everyone has the right to share his own opinion.

Quite awkward how you talk about respecting opinions yet undermine my 'opinions' with blunt statements :|
OneHalf (10) | September 29, 2012 5:44am
I explained, Blink Dagger = quicker levels in Geostrike
I don't like vlads, I prefer meka for burst heal rather than have meepos reliant on hitting **** to stay around longer. But sure if you feel you need it, by all means buy it. I like to get my meepo crew out of the action where he is prone to being bursted down, sneakily poofing in each time it's off cooldown and backing up a little after you've filled your role with nets and poof damage. I don't really agree in buying vlads on a hero which is primarily spell damage, squishy as hell and shouldn't really be in the front lines. Vlads<Mekansm/Blink/Pipe/BoTs - Take your pick, I find it a waste of money :)
Whated (12) | September 29, 2012 5:19am
@Hades try Blink Dagger out.

It is basicly addition to your Poof combo. Blink in -> net -> x many of poofs = kill.
Hades4u (296) | September 29, 2012 5:03am
OneHalf wrote:

Hades i swear you're a troll.

I'm not a troll, that's just my opinion. Everyone has the right to share his own opinion.

If you don't like to read someone's else opinion, go play with bots. Thanks.

I just don't use Blink Dagger on Meepo myself, I never said it's bad, maybe it's good, I didn't try it.
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