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This build goes against the strange concept of "Shrapnel first." I do Take Aim first for harassment.
Ironically, this is my build in a lot of ways. But I do have other reccomendations. Starting right off with a Wraith Band may not be the best idea. I usually start with like 3 or 4 Iron Branches (Needs to be 20% cheaper). Yes, I made an MLP reference, on accident. I would get Helm of the Dominator over Mask of Madness, it gives armor and HP regen. Tankier in other words.
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
200 posts YAY!!!
I'm not sad or hurt about any of it, I just feel like what works for me will work for others (not everyone of course) because Sniper, as well as BH, were the first two heroes that I learned how to play through constant testing, and I didn't use a guide for them because I wanted to figure out what works for me. Not many people enjoy doing that though, so I made this guide to say, "This is what I found was effective, and if you want to try it out, by all means please do."
I believe it's one of the reasons I feel that others aren't truly understanding why I won't take their advice to heart. Honestly, it's none of your faults', but mine for not explicitly saying that this is what I found that works and that it works for me and that I believe it will work for others. A good bit of proof of this is that I actually have tried out the other suggestions in hard bot matches for testing to see if it would be alright in pub matches, and I can't say I enjoy playing Sniper with the suggested items by all of you. It's not your fault, I just have a different way that I find Sniper should be played. Sometimes things just don't work with some people, and not because they're not moderately effective. (Blink Dagger was alright, but I was cancelled a lot from WR, Clinkz, and DR, not to mention a good chunk of INT casters, so I couldn't blink, and I died before I could run away.)
But thank you, I have to say that you were at the very least insightful. I don't think I will ever make a guide again, just because I know my ways and playstyle of every hero will be different from others (save Axe, who is almost static in the way his skills make him). Then again, everyone has a ****ty first time with things, and from experience I can tell you that anytime something is written, the first is usually the worst, like my first story I ever wrote as fanfiction (which was **** in my opinion, but still managed to get positive reviews), and then my second which was far better and highly reviewed.
By the way, I like your name. It reminds me of a PA that did just that with a bunch of our couriers because they got butthurt. XD
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
You know, I thought that DotA was a game where you can be expressive and opinionated in the way you play and build a hero, but I guess not. According to all of you, heroes are either played one way or not played at all. Maybe that's why my guide isn't good. I just have an opinion on how to play Sniper that is hated, and all of you would clearly outline me as a noob. But whatever, I guess I just won't make guides and continue playing how I enjoy playing Sniper. I'm sorry for wasting my time on all of you by using my freedom to express how I wish to play Sniper.
If only fellow Psychologist's understand what I'm actually saying, I'm going to cry.
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
its not about we thinking its supposed to be played one way or not at all.Its just that every guide is the same.There is no innovation.If you can hang around i will make a guide on Sniper next week or so :)
You know, I thought that DotA was a game where you can be expressive and opinionated in the way you play and build a hero, but I guess not. According to all of you, heroes are either played one way or not played at all. Maybe that's why my guide isn't good. I just have an opinion on how to play Sniper that is hated, and all of you would clearly outline me as a noob. But whatever, I guess I just won't make guides and continue playing how I enjoy playing Sniper. I'm sorry for wasting my time on all of you by using my freedom to express how I wish to play Sniper.
If only fellow Psychologist's understand what I'm actually saying, I'm going to cry.
I won't say it's core, but Eye of Skadi and Helm of the Dominator are great for mid-game tankiness. Often by the time I get Eye of Skadi I'll end up the tankiest hero on my team. Which is nice, because it often leads to people throwing their bodies at me assuming I'm a 1k HP Desolator building skkkkkkkrub.
Shadow Blade is a no-no.
It can be more beneficial to max Shrapnel now, since you can cast 3 for the cost of what 1 previously was. Really a great spell now, and often times 2 points in the skill (2x as much damage at level 2) is very good in the early game. 20% slow in a 450 AoE with a potential 1350 total distance of shrapneling is incredible in the early-game.
No Black King Bar in there. You're supposed to sit in the back, yeah. Then, though, if you're the only hero dealing real damage you need to stay alive. Black King Bar is very important in some matches.
A special mention to Linken's Sphere would be nice.
A Ghost Scepter too.
WoT-Wall Of Text. can also be used as "you wot m8?"
Edit: I was thinking,someone of the regulars should make a guide on Sniper.
i could probably make the best Sniper guide to date, thing is just that i never played him online, and when i played against bots i was bored out of my mind and depressionquitted.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Ironically, this is my build in a lot of ways. But I do have other reccomendations. Starting right off with a Wraith Band may not be the best idea. I usually start with like 3 or 4 Iron Branches (Needs to be 20% cheaper). Yes, I made an MLP reference, on accident. I would get Helm of the Dominator over Mask of Madness, it gives armor and HP regen. Tankier in other words.
Good build though.
But.. But... But...
Well... Yep you just kill junk. Check out mah guide(PLUG TIMEEE) if you want to know how to do it.
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
I'm not sad or hurt about any of it, I just feel like what works for me will work for others (not everyone of course) because Sniper, as well as BH, were the first two heroes that I learned how to play through constant testing, and I didn't use a guide for them because I wanted to figure out what works for me. Not many people enjoy doing that though, so I made this guide to say, "This is what I found was effective, and if you want to try it out, by all means please do."
I believe it's one of the reasons I feel that others aren't truly understanding why I won't take their advice to heart. Honestly, it's none of your faults', but mine for not explicitly saying that this is what I found that works and that it works for me and that I believe it will work for others. A good bit of proof of this is that I actually have tried out the other suggestions in hard bot matches for testing to see if it would be alright in pub matches, and I can't say I enjoy playing Sniper with the suggested items by all of you. It's not your fault, I just have a different way that I find Sniper should be played. Sometimes things just don't work with some people, and not because they're not moderately effective. (Blink Dagger was alright, but I was cancelled a lot from WR, Clinkz, and DR, not to mention a good chunk of INT casters, so I couldn't blink, and I died before I could run away.)
But thank you, I have to say that you were at the very least insightful. I don't think I will ever make a guide again, just because I know my ways and playstyle of every hero will be different from others (save Axe, who is almost static in the way his skills make him). Then again, everyone has a ****ty first time with things, and from experience I can tell you that anytime something is written, the first is usually the worst, like my first story I ever wrote as fanfiction (which was **** in my opinion, but still managed to get positive reviews), and then my second which was far better and highly reviewed.
By the way, I like your name. It reminds me of a PA that did just that with a bunch of our couriers because they got butthurt. XD
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
Oh **** I'm so touched by you man.
You know, I thought that DotA was a game where you can be expressive and opinionated in the way you play and build a hero, but I guess not. According to all of you, heroes are either played one way or not played at all. Maybe that's why my guide isn't good. I just have an opinion on how to play Sniper that is hated, and all of you would clearly outline me as a noob. But whatever, I guess I just won't make guides and continue playing how I enjoy playing Sniper. I'm sorry for wasting my time on all of you by using my freedom to express how I wish to play Sniper.
If only fellow Psychologist's understand what I'm actually saying, I'm going to cry.
Actually they are called philosophers, analytical philosophers to be exact.
NOOB- NEWB- NEW player. NOOB is not a crass expression its how people say congrats -Congo- -grats-gratz.
Playing a game is not life. A bad player can be a good hearted fellow, no 2 ways about it!!!!
It is nice you enjoy playing sniper. I do too. But you will realize that when you keep winning with sniper that some experienced players will come across your game, they know how a sniper works, they know Shadow blade invis is debuffed by dust, they know sniper has no escape, worse, tey will know how to escape from your ulti.
The guys here at dotafire do not criticize a player just because how he plays, you are writing a guide for *******s sake. What we all require is that you supplement your assumptions with facts, theorize and put it into practice.
Tell us properly how your build works. But as you know, we already have guides here with your build progression. We know what lies ahead....that is a gapcloser that will kill you and make your life miserable. You can keep playing sniper like this but soon you will find that you need to improvise your build because a specific strat counters you a ganker killing you and the like.
Ok, now coming back to what you said about freedom of expression, dont take me wrong, you have a right to liberty, but please for gods sake, do not advocate that others follow your build. If you didnt want to, dont make a guide. If you do want, then make a better guide, a guide where YOU express WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESNT, not just a STATIC BUILD, but YOUR LOVE FOR SNIPER.
What your previous post conveyed was a bratty kid who isnt willing to learn from mistakes. a frog in a well. Now you seem something in between of indifference because of hurt. No one here wants to hhurt people. They are passionate as you are and want you to learn better ways of playing sniper, MAKING IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU!!!! Blink is too good on sniper try it you will like it.
Seriously, dont take them to heart. Enough of me now. I felt you were crestfallen so here is something to cheer you up:
Dont back down on any thought if you think it is correct and works for you. But when you encounter issues with it, dont become adamant, improvise. And most of all dont stop playing just cause you are sore of player comments and the like.
Hope you enjoy sniper even more. If it is a guide you wanna make you are welcome, even if you are 1k MMR, just be sure to take POSITIVE CRITICSM.
If only fellow Psychologist's understand what I'm actually saying, I'm going to cry.
By the way i am coining a new Dotofire exclusive.
WoT-Wall Of Text. can also be used as "you wot m8?"
Edit: I was thinking,someone of the regulars should make a guide on
Actually I'm making one. What a coincidence
It can be more beneficial to max
A special mention to
By the way i am coining a new Dotofire exclusive.
WoT-Wall Of Text. can also be used as "you wot m8?"
Edit: I was thinking,someone of the regulars should make a guide on
i could probably make the best
WoT-Wall Of Text. can also be used as "you wot m8?"
Edit: I was thinking,someone of the regulars should make a guide on