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2 Votes

Phoenix is a middle

January 31, 2014 by PiNG-
Comments: 8    |    Views: 82758    |   

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Xr Kyuz | February 12, 2014 4:49am
Hope this guide gets completed, I'm really interested in looking a pheonix mid
Xr Kyuz | February 12, 2014 4:48am
Hope this guide gets completed, I'm really interested in looking a pheonix mid
Wulfstan (77) | February 1, 2014 11:15am
I don't like the Sun Ray at level 3, early game, you get damaged more than you deal damage with it just because it is based on the max HP pool of your enemies, so it wouldn't deal much damage early and it would drain your HP for 6%, compared to the maximum of 2% you would deal every second.

Also, I don't understand why I should not buy Assault Cuirass, auras work during Supernova.If everyone is clumped up around it trying to kill it, they will have -6 armor, and say the Kunkka in your team could clean up the field.
Xyrus (104) | January 31, 2014 4:21pm

I don't like Tranquil Boots on anyone that isn't playing a support role:

This ^

There isn't really much benefit to having Boots that break every time you Attack something, if you're Laning, you're going to want to be Last Hitting when you're not Roaming, leaving you with less Movement Speed, and no Regen. You *can* just sit back if you need to Heal, but with the 13 seconds time until they un-break, it isn't much better than going back to the Fountain.
PiNG- (3) | January 31, 2014 12:07pm
Demus wrote:

I know this guide is mainly under contruction still, but i need to point this out:

"Another assumption that will be included is the opposing team did not purchase observer wards."

In other words, your build only works in low-level pubs? Since not assuming any wards is a very weird thing to do in any other situation. That said, just because a team has wards doesn't mean they're completely ungankable. You can just move to that lane when you're picking up the rune, and see how they react. If they don't move back, they didn't see you, and you've got a gank opportunity. If they do move back, then great as well! For an additional 5-10 seconds of action you've given your lane farmer quite a bit of space

Wrong, i'm just using it as an example so i wouldn't have to explain what Peppo_oPaccio mention. I was a bit lazy to explain the other methods of getting around. Just be creative on how you manoeuvre to gank. On the last part you mentioned 5-10 seconds is not long at all. Think about what can happen in 5-10 seconds if they see you, your teammate in that lane will only be able to get maybe... 2-3 last hit in that lane, you just wasted time traveling up their for a failed gank and now you need to travel back to middle which will consume more time or buy a town portal scrol. Anything less than a failed gank does not create enough room.

I don't like Tranquil Boots on anyone that isn't playing a support role: you're better off with an Urn of Shadows in my opinion, so you can get Phase Boots for better ganking or just leave naked Boots until you can purchase a pair of Boots of Travel. Also, I really think you should put the Bottle first in the item list to avoid misinterpretations.

And anyway, if the enemy team has Wards just get a Smoke of Deceit or teleport behind the tower.

I dont necessarily agree on your first part of your comment but your second statement seems to make better sense than Tranquil Boots. Best to leave the boot tier 1 and purchase a urn of shadoes since you're going to taking minimal damage as you would Icarus Dive and toss those fire spirits followed by Supernova, you're not really taking any damage since Supernova is pretty much a second reincarnation. I'll make sure to edit that.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 31, 2014 7:18am
I don't like Tranquil Boots on anyone that isn't playing a support role: you're better off with an Urn of Shadows in my opinion, so you can get Phase Boots for better ganking or just leave naked Boots until you can purchase a pair of Boots of Travel. Also, I really think you should put the Bottle first in the item list to avoid misinterpretations.

And anyway, if the enemy team has Wards just get a Smoke of Deceit or teleport behind the tower.
CheakyTeak | January 31, 2014 7:08am
Demus wrote:

I know this guide is mainly under contruction still, but i need to point this out:

"Another assumption that will be included is the opposing team did not purchase observer wards."

In other words, your build only works in low-level pubs? Since not assuming any wards is a very weird thing to do in any other situation. That said, just because a team has wards doesn't mean they're completely ungankable. You can just move to that lane when you're picking up the rune, and see how they react. If they don't move back, they didn't see you, and you've got a gank opportunity. If they do move back, then great as well! For an additional 5-10 seconds of action you've given your lane farmer quite a bit of space

I agree with ^^. Also, whats stopping you from getting wards? I buy them at spawn. i like the skill build though, almost the exact same as mine.
Demus | January 31, 2014 5:33am
I know this guide is mainly under contruction still, but i need to point this out:

"Another assumption that will be included is the opposing team did not purchase observer wards."

In other words, your build only works in low-level pubs? Since not assuming any wards is a very weird thing to do in any other situation. That said, just because a team has wards doesn't mean they're completely ungankable. You can just move to that lane when you're picking up the rune, and see how they react. If they don't move back, they didn't see you, and you've got a gank opportunity. If they do move back, then great as well! For an additional 5-10 seconds of action you've given your lane farmer quite a bit of space
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