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2 Votes

Phoenix is a middle

January 31, 2014 by PiNG-
Comments: 8    |    Views: 82757    |   


DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 12 13 14

Fire Spirits

2 4 5 7

Sun Ray

3 8 9 10


6 11 16


15 17 18


Intelligence - For each point of intelligence a Hero has, their maximum mana increases by 13 and their mana regeneration increases by 0.04 mana per second, meaning Heroes gain 1 mana per second for every 25 points of Intelligence. For Intelligence Heroes, every point of Intelligence increases their damage by 1.

Agility - For every point of Agility a Hero has, their Attack Speed goes up by 1 and their Armor increases by 0.14, meaning Heroes gain 1 Armor for every 7 points of Agility. For Agility heroes, every point of Agility increases their damage by 1.

Strength - Every point of strength a hero has increases their maximum hit points increases by 19, and their health regeneration increases by 0.03 HP per second, meaning Heroes gain 1 health per second for every 33 points of Strength. For Strength Heroes, every point of Strength increases their damage by 1.

The Mechanics

Before you begin to play Phoenix, it's important to understand that his skills consume both MP and HP. Icarus Dive, Fire Spirits, Sun Ray, Supernova. When playing Phoenix, the individual does not want rely on physical damage as it doesn't play an important factor in this play style. The reason why relying physical damage doesn't play an important factor is the majority of his spells are active and have a casting animation. During Icarus Dive, Phoenix plunges into the desired location in an arc formation. Sun Ray immobilizes Phoenix from dealing any physical damage and can move at an extremely slow speed if desired, or else he will run speed will be immobilized. Phoenix doesn't require attack speed so there is not need to build any item that gives him IAS such as, Power Treads and Assault Cuirass. Keep in mind that Phoenix Sun Ray also heals allies.

Now let's get into some basics stats of the hero.
x = level of hero
Intelligence - 18 + 1.8x
Agility - 12 + 1.3x
Strength - 17 +2.9x
Physical Damage - {[26 + (2.9x)] + [36 + (2.9x)]} / 2
Run Speed - 285
Armor - -0.32 + (1.3x)

Level 1
Level 6
Level 7

Starting Items

Ring of Protection - Since Phoenix has a low agility and agility gain per level, he becomes extremely vulnerable to Physical damage. Armor has diminishing return and the first several whole points in armor will a significant impact. Ring of Protection provides +2 armor and on Phoenix that will give him a 10.7% damage reduction at level 1 since Phoenix has 0 armor.

Iron Branch - No one can go wrong with 3 branches, these branches are by far one of the best items in the game in terms of cost efficiency, +1 to each attribute (Intelligence, Agility, Strength). Since you're gaining +1 to each attribute you will be receiving the bonuses that each point provides in the corresponding attribute which is extremely great considering it's only 50 gold!

Tango - Who doesn't want to eat a tree and heal?

Early Items/Gameplay

In this chapter we are going to assume the individual has farmed enough for boots, Bottle and a Buckler. Another assumption that will be included is the opposing team did not purchase observer wards. Since Phoenix is going middle, it is extremely important to create room for your other lanes to farm. Any hero can create space for their lane to farm by ganking or forcing the opposing hero in that lane back. it's ideal to preemptively cast Fire Spirits, the reason being is that at level 3, Fire Spirits has a 35 second cooldown and the individual would want to reduce that time as much as possible. An ideal time is to cast it 10 seconds before the battle so there is a 6 second window to Gank the lane. Your first initial launch of the bird should hit the target followed by yourself by activating Icarus Dive and your team should advance with you. Once you land on your enemy you want to activate Buckler for your allies to take reduced damage since the activation of Buckler provides an additional +2 armor, after activating Buckler you want to Supernova to dish out more damage. Supernova and Icarus Dive combination goes well with each other since Icarus Dive slows the target upon impact, Supernova has a large immolation field that covers a 1000 range in a 360 radius. The longer they are in that 1000 range, the more immolation damage they will receive.

Now say the target is not dead for some odd reason.... Once Supernova duration is complete, ALL your skills should be off cooldown. This is your opportunity to secure the kill, activate Fire Spirits, Throw a Fire spirit at him, activate Sun Ray, become mobile and aim the ray directly at your target and keep throwing those Fire Spirits. If the target gets out of range then Icarus Dive them once again and upon impact of Icarus Dive. (If you have Mekansm, here is the perfect time to use it as you will have lost more than 30% of your hp.) This should secure you the kill. ( note that earlier in the team battle i told the individual to activate buckler and later on I said activate Mekanm, if you have Mekansm do not activate it when i said Buckler. Buckler =/= Mekansm

Mid game


Late Game




Do Not Buy


Early/Mid/Late Team fights


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