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18 Votes

Payday!-A guide to Juggernaut [7.01]

January 1, 2017 by SatomiCappucino
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History Maker | December 20, 2016 8:52pm
Nice Guide on the new 7.00 update. Keep up the good work
Cyanistic | October 21, 2015 7:55pm
I feel that some of your "Do Not Buy" items are actually quite viable and have no means to be in that section.

Battlefury is typically an item for farming but can find great use given a particular situation.
Most notable is AOE damage, farming for the late game, and enemies that like to get clumped together or get forced together. I typically will build Battlefury and even go as far as getting a Mjollnir to counter things such as Naga, Terrorblade, and Phantom Lancer. In some cases, just having Mjollnir or Battlefury is enough. In others, having both is also good.

Shadowblade / Silver Edge are both incredibly good items that change up how you play Juggernaut. You can argue that it's easy to counter but even pros build shadowblades and silver edges.
Plain and simple, not only do you get a potential initiation/escape tool, thanks to Silver Edge, you can DISABLE AN ENEMY PASSIVE. (This kills many potential problems in fights: PA, Bristle, etc)
That alone is almost invaluable sometimes. I find myself having to pick it up now and then to remove passives. The maim debuff is good too and it beefs you up.
SatomiCappucino (12) | May 1, 2015 2:51pm
T3xo wrote:

gg no new items

Tbh, I have not tried any of the new items on Juggernaut. I need to know if they are viable on him or not. I do not just blindly add items to the build because they look cool.
As of the new items, only Moon Shard looks promising on him...
T3xo (1) | May 1, 2015 12:59pm
gg no new items
Tigerre (4) | March 13, 2015 6:47am

Thanks, I will fix the DAC skill build when I have time. BF is not that bad on Juggernaut, but he already farms REALLY fast so spending money on a pure farming item that gives little damage is not advisable imo. Also, for waveclearing or a need for a faster farm the answer on Juggs is Mjollnir. It gives him attack speed and the damage is better than bf(if you count the passive which you should). Juggernaut scales really good with items, really. BUT he is still not carrying THAT hard like a Void for example. Sorry, but i just cannot think of Juggernaut as a hard carry.

Faceless Void isn't often played as a hard carry anymore and if I remember correctly most pros play him solo offlane (I can't seem to win as safe farm Faceless Void, but I rarely play poorly when I offlane him). The thing about Juggernaut not being a hard carry is incorrect since he is extremely farm dependent. If you play him as a semi-carry you do the Aghanim's Scepter build rather than the Mask of Madness build as Mask of Madness is an item focused on farming when put on heroes like Juggernaut.
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 12, 2015 2:47pm
Tigerre wrote:

Your skill build for DaC is incorrect, most pros do 1-1-1, stats X 2, ult, Stats X 2, max Blade Dance then max Healing Ward and ignore Bladefury until you've maxed everything else out.

Also, Juggernaut IS a hard carry. If you play him offlane then he's a semi-carry, but in the safe-lane and mid you're generally putting a heavy emphasis on farming. Also Battle Fury's still legit on Juggernaut, I say this because if you can get it pre-18 mins (Fear normally gets it+ Ring of Aquila, Poor Mans Shield, Mask of Madness and Phase Boots at 15 mins...) then it's brilliant for farming, and it works with your ult (I think so at least...).

Thanks, I will fix the DAC skill build when I have time. BF is not that bad on Juggernaut, but he already farms REALLY fast so spending money on a pure farming item that gives little damage is not advisable imo. Also, for waveclearing or a need for a faster farm the answer on Juggs is Mjollnir. It gives him attack speed and the damage is better than bf(if you count the passive which you should). Juggernaut scales really good with items, really. BUT he is still not carrying THAT hard like a Void for example. Sorry, but i just cannot think of Juggernaut as a hard carry.
Tigerre (4) | March 12, 2015 12:08pm
Your skill build for DaC is incorrect, most pros do 1-1-1, stats X 2, ult, Stats X 2, max Blade Dance then max Healing Ward and ignore Bladefury until you've maxed everything else out.

Also, Juggernaut IS a hard carry. If you play him offlane then he's a semi-carry, but in the safe-lane and mid you're generally putting a heavy emphasis on farming. Also Battle Fury's still legit on Juggernaut, I say this because if you can get it pre-18 mins (Fear normally gets it+ Ring of Aquila, Poor Mans Shield, Mask of Madness and Phase Boots at 15 mins...) then it's brilliant for farming, and it works with your ult (I think so at least...).
wangyuphing (9) | February 11, 2015 2:14am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

and when i suggested MoM 2 patches ago, everybody disagreed :/

yeah thats before Blade Dance was nerfed
SatomiCappucino (12) | February 9, 2015 9:14am
The idea about Battle Fury destroying illusion heroes is good I may add it. Refresher is when you are fed to the point you can 1v5 them and just want to do it with ult. It is an item which is built on Jugg only when your enemies are anti-fed. Orchid is very good item to have on many heroes not only int. ones. It lets you gank with ease and also shut down slippery heroes like Storm Spirit.
ChiChi (47) | February 9, 2015 6:29am
Oh, and +1 for you!
ChiChi (47) | February 9, 2015 6:28am
I liked your guide! It has pretty much everything that is going on now with this hero. Loved the comic also. I would only suggest you added the fact that Battle Fury may be necessary, not for farming, but to counter illusion heroes.

Besides, if his ulti does not do that much damage late game, as you said, why build a Refresher's Orb on him? I know all games are different and so on, but this item really seems like a waste on Juggs, because you will be investing so much money on just one of his skills, buying things like the Orchid Malevolence that are really meant for mages and not exactly agility heroes. That said, I have never seen a Soul Ring on a Jugg either, but hey, creativity's good, and maybe why not, given your explanation :)

Check out this video of Purge, a pro player and Dota 2 mentor (lol), trying the new Jugg's build: I like his videos because you learn a lot even when he plays poorly, like he did here, because after the game is over he goes over it criticizing his own plays :)

If you're into support too check out my own guide on Crystal Maiden, Jugger's girlfriend :D

Blubbles (13) | February 4, 2015 5:23pm
lol the comic at the end is too true, until its late game i just farm mostly.
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