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Out of control Lina

January 31, 2014 by wackyshadow
Comments: 3    |    Views: 4003    |   

Solo-mid Lina

DotA2 Hero: Lina

Hero Skills

Combustion (Innate)

Dragon Slave

1 3 5 9

Light Strike Array

2 7 10 13

Fiery Soul

4 8 12 14

Laguna Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Out of control Lina

January 31, 2014

Why I like Lina?

The reason I like Lina is because she is an easy hero to play with a lot of Nuke abilities. My favorite part is her her Laguna Blade. It is one of THE strongest ult out there right now. She doesn't require much items to be a wrecking machine. In experience, all i need is a Bloodstone and Aghanim's Scepter and I'm set. The other items are not necessary, but can you even more dangerous in the game

Pros and Cons


    Good Nuke Abilities
    Strong Ultimate
    Good Pusher
    Useful Passive

    Mana Dependent
    Unreliable Stun


Tango + Healing Salve

These items are there to help you stay in the lane. If played right, you won't need these as much. Most of the time, I end up giving it to someone else or selling it

I would buy at least 2 of these because you can scare away your opponent more often by using Dragon Slave.

Arcane Boots
This item will definitely help your mana problem early game. I prefer these kind of boots over the other boots is because you can disassemble them later to complete the Bloodstone. After disassembling it, you really don't need another boot. The Boots of Speed will do just fine.

This item will also help you with the mana problem early into the game. Also, it can be used later to complete Bloodstone.

This is an important item for Lina. It gives you that quick mana regen so you can keep casting spells without having to go back to the fountain. I usually rush this item because it make her so useful at pushing in mid and late game. Your mana problems will be basically gone once you get this.

Aghanim's Scepter
This item will makes your ult unbelievably strong. Enough said. After getting this item, you can get whatever you want. You have all the firepower you need to win the game. Anything more, will only make you stronger.

I never actually tried to get this item because by the time i get it, the game is pretty much over. It is really useful to get when you want to finish off some low health enemy that survived your Laguna Blade.

This item is completely optional. However, it is useful in killing enemies as well as pushing down towers. The increased attack speed from her Fiery Soul and this item will make you a force to be reckoned with.


Dragon Slave

I usually try to skill this as much as possible before level 6 because you can deal some damage to you opponent early into the game. Especially when you are solo-mid. However, be aware of your mana in early game. You don't want to abuse it early game until you can get some huge mana and mana regen

Light Strike Array

This ability is really hard to land without some practice. You always want to shoot it in front of your target. This way they run into it. The stun is not that long, but it deals a good amount of damage to your target.

Fiery Soul

This passive is really useful in all parts of the game. The increase attack speed and movement speed can help you finish off low health enemies that survived your combo. Also, this passive is good for pushing down towers. I use Dragon Slave and Light Strike Array at the tower (if there are no creeps or heroes around) just so i can have the increased attack speed. If you have the Bloodstone, mana won't be a problem for you and the cooldown are relatively short.

Laguna Blade

This ult can take down just about any hero in early game, if you can throw your combo right. Getting the Aghanim's Scepter can really boost the attack damage on this beautiful Ult.

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