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Our lance catches the sun

December 2, 2012 by hidrojen
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hidrojen | December 3, 2012 9:38am
Sp12 wrote:

1. Heart rush is viable given your now very good agi gain, but this is more of an old-school european build that doesn't happen much anymore unless you have a mid-game carry to fill the DPS role while you split push and tank.

heart doubles lancers hp, 4.2 agi gain neutralizes lack of damage and armor. I admit that pl has not enough dps against enemy heroes unless he have diffusal blade. but heart gives more pushing /counter pushing power , more self confidence ,jungling capacity, faster farming, most important of all it provides mid game carry potential.

neither radiance nor diffusal blade rush is useful as heart rush. this build keeps your towers alive

this build hardly depends on a semi carry e.g death prophet's early-mid game push-dps power
Atlas (117) | December 3, 2012 9:32am
I take ulti at 6, because it's magic resistance, which is good. You're not losing much if you don't take another point in doppelwalk for one level.
hidrojen | December 3, 2012 9:11am
english is not my primary language so I had a lot of grammar mistakes. stats gives 38 hp and 28 mana . doppelwalk reduces mana cost by 30 .rushing for HoT removes survivability problems and 15 percent magic resistance with 2k hp improves EHP by 230 .tranquil boots loses its effectiveness . after HoT ,disasemble it for pt and soul ring. pl need not so much movement speed thanks to manta style. I think travel unnecessary at 20th minute.
depparted (3) | December 2, 2012 6:37am
Very bad grammar, sorry but it kills the guide.

Plus, HoT rushing is kinda meh, and the ult at level 6 too.
PL desperately needs stats, one point in dopplewalk should be enough to get you through your laning stage.
And why would you change your boots to threads so early on? You can make it with tranquil up to the point where you only need travel
Sp12 (25) | December 2, 2012 6:09am
1. Heart rush is viable given your now very good agi gain, but this is more of an old-school european build that doesn't happen much anymore unless you have a mid-game carry to fill the DPS role while you split push and tank.

2. You pick up no stat levels but more than one level of doppelwalk. That's somewhat pubby, as doppelwalk doesn't do anything but reduce in manacost and cooldown with levels, whereas stats give you HP and int for survivability and lances.

3. Edge at 6 is situational. Depending on your lane (~2/3rds of the time) stats are better. If your lane has a double stun and their ganker is a magic one (Nyx, QoP, Tiny) sure, get it. Otherwise stats will give you more survivability.
Hades4u (296) | December 2, 2012 3:16am
I don't see the point of Heart of Tarrasque as first item, it makes you durable, but you won't have any damage.

No point for Juxtapose at level 6, better level up Doppelwalk.

Also, the grammar is really bad, it makes the guide look unprofessional, I think you should fix that.
hidrojen | December 2, 2012 3:06am
you are right it only gives magic resistance , lane pushing is useless so we dont want to have illusions at this level but free cloak is not bad
cheeserinoo | December 1, 2012 10:12pm
Getting Phantom Edge at lvl 6 without Juxtapose only gives magic resistance... I don't like this guide.
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