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Our lance catches the sun

December 2, 2012 by hidrojen
Comments: 8    |    Views: 10609    |   

unsquishable lancer

DotA2 Hero: Phantom Lancer

Hero Skills

Illusory Armaments (Innate)

Spirit Lance

1 3 5 7


2 4 13 14

Phantom Rush

8 9 10 12


6 11 16


15 17 18

Our lance catches the sun

December 2, 2012


Phantom Lancer as known as PL is an illusion based melee agility hard carry and pusher after heart of tarasq its nearly imposible to kill phantom lancer thanks to his multiple illusions good escape mechanisim spirit lance nuke and megic resistance.

Pros and Cons

-great carry and has a good nuke
-highest stat and agility gain in the game 4.2 ag�± per level
-has a good escape mecanisim
-only needs survival ability (heart of tarasq) to be effective early on
-creates cheos in battlefield like 15vs5 playing
-best ally of death prophet
-unlike to other dps heroes immune to blademail (damage coming from illusion)

-needs mana (keeper of the light) dependent
-squishy early on
-has not much damage unless has dif. blade (but still create chaos)
-farm dependent
-is not a noob friendly hero requires so much farm skill and micromanagement
-vulnerable to several battlefuries with critical strike

Creeping / Jungling

when farming right clivkinh ground or allied unit is better way than pressing stop button or drawing circles around creeps

Skill build

max sprit lance first. improving doppelwalk reduces mana cost get two level of this. ultimate improves your magic resistance so get ulti at 6,11,16. save your level up points when farming you must have 2 free points for preparing engagement. for example you are farming and you are 10 level illusions makes farm harder so you shouldnt have juxtapose. 4 lvl sprit lance 1 ulti 2 doppelwalk = 7 given level up points 3 of them free, dont use them untill engaging enemies


The early game aim is farming for HoT
laning with keeper of the light is best option for any PL for mana issues
every hero gains gold 75 gold passively per minute every creep wave is equally 177 gold and every creep wave has a siege creep about 21 wave after (tenth minute) you should gain 4000 gold from lane creeps and 750 gold passively and must finish tranquil boots and reaver.
after reaver laning stage is over you should jungling until (HoT)
avoid to engage enemy heroes and roaming this time period, dont be aggresive your lance doesnt catches the sun yet keep alive but you taking 1-2 kill is amazing. doppelwalks mana cost reduces significiantly per level so its better than stats.
* Ask for allies to stack ancients and neutralcreeps for fastest buying dif.blade or radiance after(HoT)12 stack of ancients is equal to free sacred relic or free diff blade


now the time is about 15 minute you have a (HoT) and (radiance/diffblade), and you are about 14 level. you must push like crazy take all towers and get huge gold advantage, attack everyone for frighten enemies, create chaos. Finish treads and soul ring first and butterfly use soul ring andthrow sprit lance in every 7 seconds. this stage noone cant stop your march so game ends about 30 minute


The game lengheted for some reason (1-2 allied disconnected, some of teammate feeded very hard or something different) you should finish manta of all costs for balance the numbers. attack enemies if they are 2-3 people is together but engaging (5v1)is not reasonable if you die you lose the game. if you are playing 3v5 or 4v5 your inventory should be include pt tarasq diffblade fly manta etheralblade. With this build you and your 10 illusions deals 3000 damage per seconds and you have 3200 hp and 40 armor so you are immune to blademail ; you only dealing about 370 damage per hit and it is nothing for pl

item choice

early game tranquil boots stout shield quelling blade makes you farm machine
tranquil cheaper than treads and gives you nice regen and armor plus more movement speed do not forget to sell stout shield after HoT because only you damage blocking illusions are not. it makes yo reveal faster

heart of tarasque is obvious choice for pl. makes illusions tanky. one of my pl game �± threw sprit lance to lina and my illusions killed her, second time i threw sprit lance to lina she cast laguna blade to my illusion for survive

diffusal blade is main damage source of illusions its active ability is so amazing. it overcomes pandas miss and phantom asasins miss, riki cannot also outword destroyer cannot mana regen when purged. purge save your allies from stuns dusts tracks etc. olso disspels etheral form

butterfly is an excellent chioce of every agi carry hero and also provides evasion and 30 agility to your illusions

manta style creates 2 illusions and disspels some of negative buffs , gives you chance to avoid stuns and 26 agility with doppelwalk and sprit lance you enter the battle 5 people

etheral blade provides you total 60 stats and a powerful nuke. with sprit lance you deal net 900 damage to someone. it also dispel with manta or purge. gives you total 150 damage with 10 illusion

treads gives you attack speed and damage

radiance opt for noone can take this item in your team

deadalus makes you vulnerable to blademail and gives nothing your illusions except critical strike chance

linken optional for enemy team has so much nuker heroes

bkb makes you revealed and accelerate your death avoid this item

Team Work

phantom lancer not only a hard carry but also a good teamfight hero thanks to creating chaos with illusions and effective pusher.


-Death prophet is effective pusher/tank/anticaster her exorcism multiplies chaos in battlefield. Dead prophet is excellent laner nuker in early game and arguably best semi carry in the game so she keep the team alive when pl farming

-meepo in fact has no benefit for phantom lancer so 2 carry same team always sucks but noone dont want facing 10 pl plus 5 meepo

-keeper of the light he solves mana problem early and harras enemies early game provides pl free farm and possible kills. also he can farm in jungle, KotL is an excellent pusher throught the game

- undying is pusher/tank/antitank/slower/initiator he helps to phantom lancer more than everyone. his tombstone zombies slows everyone, his decay weaken enemies , soul rip heals allies, ultimate flesh golem improves phantom lancer's damage 30 percent

-silencer is anticaster/nuker hero likewise death prophet and alseo poverful support and carry but has no pushing power blocks all spells in global range creates terrible situation for enemy team and silencer has a capacity of being hardest carry in the game thenks to her passive permanent int stealing

-necrolyte is support/tank/antitank/pusher with powerful skillset 275 damage 130 heal in per 5 seconds devastating heartstopper aura and a good ultimate if enemy which has less than 48% percent of max hp is already dead. his aura forces the enemies to engage or runaway noone cant wait for the initation

-shadow demon is able to create 8 more pl ilusion with distruption

-morphling is bad choice for team but his ultimate harmonious with pl noone distinguish replicate and real pl

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