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One is not enough.It's just as high as we can count

April 16, 2015 by Aruestarula
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Aruestarula | April 16, 2015 1:41am
Romark14 wrote:

I play a lot of Ogre Magi, and i completely agree with Unscathed here I'm afraid.

All in all, i like the guide. But, you really should be leveling Bloodlust, especially for a semi-carry build. He has good base damage, and i know that most of his damage comes from his skills, but if you can stun them, slow them, then what? Hit them really fast!

For the mobility item, he is a slow dude. You dont want to open with Ignite, you want to open with Fireblast. But, with it's nerfed range you aren't able to do this, unless the opponent is a bit out of position. So a Blink Dagger (though, if support i prefer Force Staff) is really needed. You jump in, stun, hit, slow, hit more. If you get lucky with Multicast you can solo quite a lot of heroes.

Bloodstone does seem a little wasted... I know he like's the mana regen, but he like's disables more. Get a Force Staff, Shiva's Guard and Scythe of Vyse and you have much more usefullness, much more kill potential and more than enough mana regeneration.

Also, stick Aghanim's Scepter in both sections. It's too damn good!

My standard build for support:
Force Staff - Aghanim's Scepter - Ghost Scepter - Magic Wand - TP! - Arcane Boots

My semi-carry build is contested, and includes Eul's Scepter of Divinity and Sange and Yasha.. So yeah, we'll leave that one out.

Thanks for respond for my guide.
I will make another part/section about common build(people usually build)
and thanks for pointing about Eul's Scepter of Divinity,i also will add Blink Dagger to this guide.

And for Bloodstone seems it's different to people but i'll make part about Bloodstone vs Scythe of Vyse
Romark14 (7) | April 15, 2015 10:09am
I play a lot of Ogre Magi, and i completely agree with Unscathed here I'm afraid.

All in all, i like the guide. But, you really should be leveling Bloodlust, especially for a semi-carry build. He has good base damage, and i know that most of his damage comes from his skills, but if you can stun them, slow them, then what? Hit them really fast!

For the mobility item, he is a slow dude. You dont want to open with Ignite, you want to open with Fireblast. But, with it's nerfed range you aren't able to do this, unless the opponent is a bit out of position. So a Blink Dagger (though, if support i prefer Force Staff) is really needed. You jump in, stun, hit, slow, hit more. If you get lucky with Multicast you can solo quite a lot of heroes.

Bloodstone does seem a little wasted... I know he like's the mana regen, but he like's disables more. Get a Force Staff, Shiva's Guard and Scythe of Vyse and you have much more usefullness, much more kill potential and more than enough mana regeneration.

Also, stick Aghanim's Scepter in both sections. It's too damn good!

My standard build for support:
Force Staff - Aghanim's Scepter - Ghost Scepter - Magic Wand - TP! - Arcane Boots

My semi-carry build is contested, and includes Eul's Scepter of Divinity and Sange and Yasha.. So yeah, we'll leave that one out.
caine1232 (3) | April 15, 2015 9:47am
You don't have to be a strong right clicker to semi carry. If ogre gets a fast aghs in mid lane (around 15-20 mins) he can do so much damage it's just stupid. Considering he will probably be lvl 11 then he can do 3x multicasts with 2 nukes+ignite.
Aruestarula | April 15, 2015 9:10am

The formatting is good-very good.
The guide contains good amount of useful info for Ogre Magi. However there are many grammar and spelling errors(usually I don't care about this but other people may). As for the build-Unscathed covered everything about it. Also I cannot understand why you take Bloodlust so late in the semicarry build. No matter the build bloodlust also helps for escaping and chasing. I will be glad if you explain this.

because main power of Ogre Magi is Fireblast for damage and stun, Ignite for slow and wipe out creep/CC, and Multicast for support both of them. Unless your team have Hero that using illusion like Chaos Knight, Terrorblade, and such, you don't have any reason to leveling this. For escape and chasing you have stun and slow with help some item.
SatomiCappucino (12) | April 15, 2015 9:01am
The formatting is good-very good.
The guide contains good amount of useful info for Ogre Magi. However there are many grammar and spelling errors(usually I don't care about this but other people may). As for the build-Unscathed covered everything about it. Also I cannot understand why you take Bloodlust so late in the semicarry build. No matter the build bloodlust also helps for escaping and chasing. I will be glad if you explain this.
Aruestarula | April 15, 2015 8:54am
well thanks :D
So here let me answer it

-Well maybe what i mean "semi-carry" is not simple right clicking.It mean need item to support their need for mana and make it "left-clicking"/spell casting hero

-thanks for advice.As for this build i increase they mana and Hp regen for so they can cast spell more often and can endure some blow. After i make Bloodstone, i try to buy some active item such Shiva's Guard and other and it's coverd by bloodstone.Also Bloodstone is cheaper than Scythe of Vyse

-For carry yes i max Fireblast after Ignite because it's mana need increase as Multicast learned.And unless the enemy have high magical resistance, it's not problem to me.

-Well i think that common knowledge, thanks will fix that latter

-Thanks's for advice about mobility.But Ogre Magi are dissabler he have Fireblast for stun and Ignite for slow it's not really necessary unless you become a ganker (i never become ganker with Ogre Magi)

-As far as i can see, your build is being support Ogre Magi and you have other nuker or carry team mate. You can survive but hard to win 1 vs 1

For hero build it's my first time :D
For english... i can't find proper word to use, so forgive me :D
Thank you kindly
Unscathed (47) | April 15, 2015 8:27am
Some points and questions here:

-So the semi-carry build is right clicking? Then why not level up Bloodlust?

- Bloodstone is a waste of gold for him since it is simply overkill and you won't need as much mana as other heroes like Leshrac or Storm Spirit.I'd rather see you rushing Scythe of Vyse on Ogre Magi thatn rushing Bloodstone. Why? Other than the better utility it has a large mana regen second only to Bloodstone. But on this guy scythe is way more useful.

-Even though im happy that you prioritize on Ignite, Fireblast is better to max than Bloodlust early game since most of the damage are magical instead of physical

-No Observer Ward on support build :l

-Mobility item is almost a must-have for any stunners this day. Lion, Bane, Beastmaster, etc.. are decent Blink Dagger carriers.

My build: Boots of Speed-> Soul Ring-> Tranquil Boots/( Blink Dagger/force staf)-> Scythe of Vyse

Need improvements on hero builds and English.
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