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22 Votes

OldKainen's Guides: Ymir, the Tusk! (6.86)

December 17, 2015 by oldKainen
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oldKainen (14) | September 25, 2015 3:48pm
Updated for 6.85 (QoP guide as well).
oldKainen (14) | August 14, 2015 5:03pm
GeRoCk wrote:

I just started to play Tusk for the 4th time.
I played him twice when he was implemented, so i dont realized the changes until now.
His ulti is now a spell which is targetable and not a buff anymore, how does shadowblade work then i dont understand.
Because its an autocast enchanced auto attack like Burning Spear or what is the rule?
Ty for the guide btw :)

It is similar to Burning Spear. If you put it on autocast, your next attack against a non-building target will be Walrus Punch (and it will enter on cooldown). If you use your ultimate (via manual/autocast use) to break Shadow Blade/ Silver Edge it will benefit from the bonus damage of those items.
GeRoCk | August 13, 2015 7:56pm
I just started to play Tusk for the 4th time.
I played him twice when he was implemented, so i dont realized the changes until now.
His ulti is now a spell which is targetable and not a buff anymore, how does shadowblade work then i dont understand.
Because its an autocast enchanced auto attack like Burning Spear or what is the rule?
Ty for the guide btw :)
oldKainen (14) | August 2, 2015 12:40pm
Blubbles wrote:

Snowball and Walrus Punch need to be updated.

Blubbles (13) | July 31, 2015 3:21am
Snowball and Walrus Punch need to be updated.
Sanvitch (18) | June 21, 2015 2:18pm
I noticed the bit about snowball doesn't take into account it's got fixed speed now, rather than scaling.

Also game two of Secret vs iG in ESLOne should be put in as a feature match once a VOD is available, because it featured an amazing performance by Zai, showcasing the different range of initiation possibilities on the hero.

But tis a good guide. Covering everything that needs covering.
ChiChi (47) | June 11, 2015 2:42pm
Nice job! +1 ez
oldKainen (14) | May 22, 2015 7:39pm
Updated for 6.84c (finally!). New optional skill builds, item builds reworked and explanation over some of the new items for Tusk!
oldKainen (14) | March 3, 2015 11:44pm

One thing I think is worth mentioning...

If you get an Orb of Venom in the early game, Eye of Skadi is cheaper to complete than Heart of Tarrasque. My general rule of thumb is that if I get an Orb of Venom, I go for Eye of Skadi. If I don't, I go for heart.

Really good guide, I look forward to reading more of your guides. Nice job.

Thanks, man!

The problem in going Eye of Skadi after Orb of Venom is the big gold gap between the orb and the other items that complete Skadi. It is completely legit, of course, to keep the orb and go for it later in the game, but it can be very hard to do it, specially if you can't keep an advantage against the enemy team.
Str8outaCompton | March 1, 2015 7:30pm
One thing I think is worth mentioning...

If you get an Orb of Venom in the early game, Eye of Skadi is cheaper to complete than Heart of Tarrasque. My general rule of thumb is that if I get an Orb of Venom, I go for Eye of Skadi. If I don't, I go for heart.

Really good guide, I look forward to reading more of your guides. Nice job.
Frostbite07 | January 18, 2015 9:18pm
oldKainen wrote:

Frostbite07, you can lane him with a trilane or a support dual-lane, but you will need strong laners along with Tusk. This way you can get some kills and start roaming by yourself. Carries with stun like Sven and other strong roamers like Vengeful Spirit are good partners for him. He can work in the offlane too, but against good trilanes he will suffer. Any other questions, just ask!

Thanks for the +1, guys =D

Thanks bro.. Will try this build and gameplay and I'll see how it works out for me :D
oldKainen (14) | January 18, 2015 9:23am
Frostbite07, you can lane him with a trilane or a support dual-lane, but you will need strong laners along with Tusk. This way you can get some kills and start roaming by yourself. Carries with stun like Sven and other strong roamers like Vengeful Spirit are good partners for him. He can work in the offlane too, but against good trilanes he will suffer. Any other questions, just ask!

Thanks for the +1, guys =D
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