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4 Votes

Oh You're Dead? What A Surprise - Rikimaru

July 6, 2014 by Jack Sparrow
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Timminatorr (57) | July 7, 2014 1:05pm
Jack Sparrow wrote:

Ok, for those who says that it's easier to get some stout first, here's my thought about it.

You don't have to go rambo-ing for gold. Wait for the opportunity when the creeps go near your tower. With 3x Slippers and Backstab, you can out-hit tower easily and get a maximum gold from there. Not to mention you can also go jungling (bot for radiant and top for dire).

IF your enemy is strong (such as 2 range heroes especially those who got stun and slow), you might want to stay safe and out-hit creeps and use your blink near the tower.

Just make sure you get every single gold from the creeps.
Last hitting might be your very best way to got some gold.

If you decided to go for stout, you would not go rambo-ing for gold, am I right?
You're ended up hugging tower or dead if you decide to try to get some gold.
Then you'll realize that your only chance is to last hit when the creeps reach tower, but then you don't have enough damage to out-hit the tower.

Simple as that :)

stout is mostly there to help against creeps.
but if you will get poor mans anyway, then why get the slippers if you can easily get lasthits with blink strike? and personally i think that his damage is good enough for LVL1, and stout is a better item then 2 slippers.
Eheroduelist (2) | July 7, 2014 10:44am
Jack Sparrow wrote:

Thank you :)
Vote if you like it! :D

Seeing your stats up there, I was wondering how on earth they can win.
Riki should easily kill snip, lone druid, TA, and witch in early/mid game.

Seeing your report and your team, i thought it has something to do with the team mates. :)

Lone Druid carried like a madman and Sniper right clicks pretty hard.

1v5 is hard
game is hard
Jack Sparrow | July 6, 2014 8:56am
Ok, for those who says that it's easier to get some stout first, here's my thought about it.

You don't have to go rambo-ing for gold. Wait for the opportunity when the creeps go near your tower. With 3x Slippers and Backstab, you can out-hit tower easily and get a maximum gold from there. Not to mention you can also go jungling (bot for radiant and top for dire).

IF your enemy is strong (such as 2 range heroes especially those who got stun and slow), you might want to stay safe and out-hit creeps and use your blink near the tower.

Just make sure you get every single gold from the creeps.
Last hitting might be your very best way to got some gold.

If you decided to go for stout, you would not go rambo-ing for gold, am I right?
You're ended up hugging tower or dead if you decide to try to get some gold.
Then you'll realize that your only chance is to last hit when the creeps reach tower, but then you don't have enough damage to out-hit the tower.

Simple as that :)
Jack Sparrow | July 6, 2014 8:49am
Eheroduelist wrote:

Not a bad guide- I more or less play Riki in this style because generally stacking agility on Riki makes him a murdering machine.

Problem begins when the tankiest hero on the enemy team picks up a gem, then your team decides to play 2v5 until we get 5 man wiped defending high ground against a Sniper with MKB and Lone Druid with Radiance + Gem....

Thank you :)
Vote if you like it! :D

Seeing your stats up there, I was wondering how on earth they can win.
Riki should easily kill snip, lone druid, TA, and witch in early/mid game.

Seeing your report and your team, i thought it has something to do with the team mates. :)
Jack Sparrow | July 6, 2014 8:45am
El_Alabe wrote:

You should add to the diffusal blade that you can purge yourself from dust/track/amplifay dmg, it will save your a**, also mantastyle it's a bit situational but can be very usefull, especially if the enemy team has lot of silence (remeber that if you're silenced you're dead has hell)!

As for the laning phase remember that you can blink strike on an ally for escaping.

Good guide!

Thanks for your help!
I forgot to mention it :)
I won't bother using mantastyle because in my opinion, it has no use. If you face a lot of silence ability enemies, I won't go first in front. Or at least try to scout behind them. Usually they use their silence ability in front of them so you're safe. Make sure to check everything before storming to the battle field alone.

Thank you :)
Jack Sparrow | July 6, 2014 8:34am
Moodkill wrote:

I was wondering about the Eaglesong, why not upgrade it to a Butterfly? The evasion might be useful against lockdown heroes like Shadow Shaman.

Sorry, I really meant it's the butterfly. Wrong icon click lol. Thanks!
Yosiu | July 6, 2014 8:03am
Those starting items looks far to ballsy for me.
I would get 1 salve instead of 1 slippers and maybe stout shield instead of second one.
Otherwise you'll get harrased to death by any competent enemies.
bballer23 | July 6, 2014 7:36am
For starting items, I would actually skip two of the slippers for a stout shield at the fountain. This is because Riki is god awful at laning and the stout shield will help him take more harass.
Eheroduelist (2) | July 6, 2014 7:00am
Not a bad guide- I more or less play Riki in this style because generally stacking agility on Riki makes him a murdering machine.

Problem begins when the tankiest hero on the enemy team picks up a gem, then your team decides to play 2v5 until we get 5 man wiped defending high ground against a Sniper with MKB and Lone Druid with Radiance + Gem....
El_Alabe | July 6, 2014 6:11am
You should add to the diffusal blade that you can purge yourself from dust/track/amplifay dmg, it will save your a**, also mantastyle it's a bit situational but can be very usefull, especially if the enemy team has lot of silence (remeber that if you're silenced you're dead has hell)!

As for the laning phase remember that you can blink strike on an ally for escaping.

Good guide!
Moodkill (9) | July 6, 2014 6:06am
I was wondering about the Eaglesong, why not upgrade it to a Butterfly? The evasion might be useful against lockdown heroes like Shadow Shaman.
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