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10 Votes

Nyx CAN Carry

March 18, 2013 by NotExactlyBacon
Comments: 6    |    Views: 42283    |   

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Oblizor | May 25, 2013 6:51pm
I am so sad because I'm seeing this kind of thinking promoted in guides. Should get this guide disabled for the sake of good games.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 18, 2013 11:54am
Nyx cannot carry, full stop. He can work as a side carry and single-handedly win a game just like Queen of Pain, Night Stalker or Broodmother, but if you let him free farm all day he won't be that useful. If by "carry" you mean "win for his team", then it's right, but this term usually refers to "farm in the early game and win the late game for his team" which is not exactly what Nyx Assassin is supposed to do.

About the guide, I would never consider neither Heart of Tarrasque nor Radiance: as I said before it's like buying them on Heroes like Templar Assassin, Zeus or Silencer; if you want survivability get either a Force Staff or a Ghost Scepter, if you want damage buy more istances of Dagon, an Ethereal Blade or a Blink Dagger so you can initiate on more enemies and deal a higher amount of damage. For the same reason, I'd exclude the Daedalus which would increase your attack damage for too much gold and little to no extra benefits, as you shouldn't be autoattacking.

Sorry if I sould too "aggressive" with my criticism, but I can't really find another way to say so.
xCO2 (72) | March 12, 2013 6:35pm
Smith wrote:

You wouldn't get mana burn until at least five. Even if there was a Silencer on the other team, it wouldnt do a heck of a lotta damage early game.

And nobody adds a Heart of Tarrasque. Nyx is kinda squishy without one.

No, you pick it up at 3.
Smith (2) | March 12, 2013 5:55pm
You wouldn't get mana burn until at least five. Even if there was a Silencer on the other team, it wouldnt do a heck of a lotta damage early game.

And nobody adds a Heart of Tarrasque. Nyx is kinda squishy without one.
thippo (10) | March 12, 2013 2:47pm
I agree with Saphireking, but also the item build is simply lacking. At least throw in some situationals, and it is nearly required that he have more early-game mana for him to get the kills to snowball into a carry, because his lack of farm capability makes it necessary.
Saphireking | March 12, 2013 11:00am
Your guide is way to short and simplistic to properly explain WHY Nyx can carry. There's absolutely no mention of his massive burst capabilities or how he can counter true sight and the like. Also, getting Spiked Carapace at level 4 eliminates his most important defensive skill, allowing for early ganks. It's much more suited for a level 2 skill, while Mana Burn should be taken at level 4. Overall I rate this guide a 2/10.
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