Hey There! It's me, FroschTheFrog again. Now, in my 2nd build guide i would like to present Nature's Prophet. Before you start reading, there are few things you might want to consider
Nature's prophet is an all-built-in hero, with capability of fulfilling almost any roles. If played well, he could be a constant threat, especially to unguarded lanes because his pushing capability is too good
Nature's Prophet mostly picked as a side carry, taking the main jungling and pushing routine, and often missing from the map. Playing this guy needs a lot of map awareness, a little micro management(multiple units command), and a bit of luck.
Nature's Prophet is a dependent hero, meaning he can get farm by his own. He doesn't need to babysitted, just the wards thing. Playing this hero also means you will gets busy as the game progress, taking your role as pusher, carry, and ganker at the same time
In this guide, i'll show you how to build him, to jungle him, to play him with a little tricks, and *how not to lose with him
*not guaranteed xD
If asked about Nature's Prophet role, people will argue about it. Some say he's a carry, some say he's a pusher, jungler, or ganker. Some others would even say he is an escape or support.
But which one is true? All of them are. But generally and mainly you will build him as a pusher, with a semi/side carry presence. Jungling is a thing that you would want to do, because most of your gold comes from there. However, taking the hard lane, or easy lane, or even mid isn't a bad idea too.
Role Conclusion = Pusher, paired with Jungler and Carry.
Q: Can i build him as the main carry?
A: well, you can, but you shouldn't. He's not really equipped with the right tools. I'll explain it later
Q: I can't really jungle well, can i play him by the lanes instead?
A: Up to you. In this guide i'll show you how to jungle with him. Relative easy.
(for explanations you can highlight the icon)
If you paying attention, Nature's Prophet items isn't one that will improve him greatly, but rather that will aid him and give a carrying capability. For example, an Armlet of Mordiggian on
Wraith King or
Lifestealer will impact very good on them than armlet on slardar. Second example, one day i was fought a team with a carry
Keeper of the Light(?). His items were
Shadow Blade, sctyhe of vyse,
Eye of Skadi,
Mjollnir, and
Divine Rapier. That makes him a badass hitter carry.
So, based on those two example, anyone could be carry with the right item. But there's few hero who can synergize very well with just one item rather than the other hero, but Nature's prophet isn't one of them. He's just a humble, non-carry-skill-equipped carry, but he is a supreme farmer.
Because of that, i can't justified which item is right and which item is wrong. So, i'll just suggest and discuss the items for him with you guys (yes you!).
Q: Do i really need Hand of Midas?
A: Absolutely. What is the reason you buy midas? because it doubles your already good farm. If you looking for only attack speed, you can invest the gold for midas in hyperstone
Q: Shadow Blade or
Blink Dagger?
A: Up to you. Looking for better right click? go get SB. Looking for more "surprise madafaka" or better escape? go get dagger. It is based on the situation
Q: how do you plan on getting inventory full with items you'll need?
A: never plan it. Go based on the situations. But usually i picked an item from each group, giving a balanced inventory
Q: why Maelstrom?
A: simple. 25 IAS, 24 damage, plus chain lightning. Near perfect farming tool
Q: what's with Desolator?
A: an old build, still effective though. I recommend this for new players, since relative easy to get, improves your right click alot, and really aid in tower shredding
Q: can i opt for Necronomicon?
A: go for it, if you're intending to become total pusher, or trying to counter invis enemy. I rarely go for it though, since it well suited for a farmed support
Q: rush for Aghanim's Scepter?
A: your call. Improves your ulti and overall stats. A pretty good item
Q: a simple item set plz?
A: Hand of Midas +
Shadow Blade + orchid malevolance +
Mjollnir(build from
Maelstrom) +
Scythe of Vyse +
Phase Boots. Later you can sold the midas for
Daedalus or
Monkey King Bar
Q: what's with the side items group?
A: wanna have a fun game? or you played on a 5 party teamfight? if you can trust and communicates with your teammates, this items really worth to try.
imagine saving friends with Force Staff or
Urn of Shadows, or even become a surprisingly tanker by
Heart of Tarrasque +
Shiva's Guard
How to start
Get RoB and 2 Clarities. When the gametime hit 00:07, create 2 treants near base, and stay in base for a while to regen your near-half mana. Move along with your treants to the jungle camp (any camp would be no problem, but i suggest start with the easy one). Dont go inside the camp or stay too near to it before 00:30, because jungle creeps wont spawn if there is unit inside their camp. When the first jungle spawned, i already calculated the treant's cooldown already reached 0 (if u used it right at 00:07 or earlier). Use Call if your treants overwhelmed with the creeps or if the duration goes down.
If you're asking for the route, try the easy camp first if you are not familiar with jungling start. If you already understand it, hard camp won't be a problem. Then to the next of it.
Early times
I assume you're doing good on starting, now we go to the early game for Nature's Prophet. By the time, i suggest you do an intense jungle, keep jungling actively. Buy Gloves of Haste first, with another clarity if u want. If you're lucky,
Hand of Midas is at your hand around 7 minute (10 minute is still okay). If the time hit 15:00 and you still didn't have midas, i suggest start building another item, leaving the glove of haste for power treads or maelstrom.
However, do not ignore the map.
A simple help possibly can: 1)turn the tide of a lane clash, 2)last hitting fleeing heroes with low hp 3)sniping courier 4)helping friend by trapping the enemy hero inside sprout 5)push the undefended lanes.
"NP push here!, NP push there! NP kill him! NP def! NP blablabla"
This is the busiest time of playing Nature's Prophet. Lets say this time is around 15 to 30 minutes mark. At the time all you do is push, defend, then push again, then snipe courier, then push again, and so on. Your item should be boots, midas, a defensive item, a pushing item, and a ganking item (like the list of set items i suggest).
"Here Comes Nature's Prophet!"
So you've got your list of dream items? Can solo a tower in a single push? Triple kill by yourself? or even Turning the tides of clash with your coming? Very well! you've get a hold on the game. This means your team depends on you for a couple or two things. Haven't done any good deeds yet? Don't worry, time will reveal the perfect moment for you.
But remember, you're not the hard carry (unless you're the only one). Try to give the kills for the main carry, and the towers for you. By doing this, your team got a clearer path for victory.
Extended Late Game
"Give Up!"-"Never!"
Gametime hits the 1 Hour and still both of you got complete racks? or even both only got their ancient tower standing briefly amongst the creeps? This is the game of the gods. I always said this to my friend "never give up on dota2", and this means you can say it too. When the game extends, teamwork is all you got. Regardsless of the result, teamplay is what makes dota2 is fun to play.
Kunkka is obviously one of your enemy. Admiral got
Torrent that can be casted on ground, making you a easy prey when you're inside ring of trees.
Tidebringer can clear treants wave in a single swoop, along with the creeps.
X Marks the Spot returns you after teleporting, and ghost ship is torrent combined with tidebringer.
However, this admiral also can be your ally, placing well torrents and ships with the help of sprout. and by using teleport-return, you can trick the enemy team to set up empty ganks.
Skywrath Mage,
Lina. Similar like kunkka, basically sprout makes whoever inside it alone to become a soft prey. They can hit you easily, or together create a perfect ganking setup.
Together with lycanthrope, pushing becomes daily meals. 5 treants powered with howl, along with both of you can take down tower in seconds
Tusk got a trick to play with Nature's Prophet. I found it on YouTube. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd1q183kNDg]
Zeus or
Spectre can create a global vision, possibly allowing you to kill or hit enemy heroes, normally or by ult.
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