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7 Votes


March 5, 2015 by dwscar
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Kornel | March 23, 2015 1:18pm
If I can't get any farm because the opposite are harrasing me like crazy is ok?
Konstantin_C | March 8, 2015 9:36pm
apaz wrote:

Not only is this offensive, but wrong.

1. KoTL can be a core. Example:

Purge Plays KoTL mid

2. Vengeful Spirit can be a semicarry, because of her aura multiplying all of her damage by 1.12/1.2/1.28/1.36. Also, she has the minus armor of Wave of Terror to help her DPS.

Sometimes, the pros pick her up as a semicarry.

Some footage from the international 4

You see? Not only just wrong, but also offensive.

First video shows me that Kotl have terrible opponents, that's all. And it's true that Kotl can be played as core but is that a right way? Let's say that Kotl is not even situational core pick to the most people. Reason for that is common sense. Second video shows me something that I already knew. Yes, Venge can be semi carry. But I wrote -Carry- (read again and you will see). So, I'll wrote again: Kotl core is wrong / Venge carry is wrong / Naix support is wrong. And believe me I saw a lot of unorthodox but actually good stuff in my games and I wouldn't say NO to this guy if I could imagine this working.

And I don't see what part of my comment is offensive?
apaz (17) | March 8, 2015 1:40pm
Konstantin_C wrote:

So better try to write something that could work really well in practice and don't waste time on proving how Kotl can be core or maybe Venge is carry... Good luck, sir.

Not only is this offensive, but wrong.

1. KoTL can be a core. Example:

Purge Plays KoTL mid

2. Vengeful Spirit can be a semicarry, because of her aura multiplying all of her damage by 1.12/1.2/1.28/1.36. Also, she has the minus armor of Wave of Terror to help her DPS.

Sometimes, the pros pick her up as a semicarry.

Some footage from the international 4

You see? Not only just wrong, but also offensive.
Konstantin_C | March 8, 2015 10:54am
This guide makes no sense. Nobody should play LS as support. His ultimate is not useful in team fight initiations because infected creep will probably die before you even come close to engage your opponents. If you thought about solo engaging, I would surely notice that weird movement on random creep trying to attack me (maybe new players won't see anything suspicious and get engaged).

Now, let's speak about Rage. It is useful through a game and scale well into late game mainly because that BKB (level 4) has same duration till the end. But if you play support and use your Rage, what advantage you will get if you can't kill anyone in team fight? And LS is not that kind of support that could benefit from having a BKB such as WD, CM, Enigma, etc.

Feast! Not a single support in game needs life steal for himself so i can't take it as support spell at all.

And Open Wounds... It can be used as support skill, slowing and killing enemy plus getting some HP refreshed. Great. But to be honest, there is less than 50% heroes in Dota2 that can't escape from that. Also, there is a Force Staff or Blink Dagger.

So better try to write something that could work really well in practice and don't waste time on proving how Kotl can be core or maybe Venge is carry... Good luck, sir.
dwscar | March 8, 2015 6:28am
apaz wrote:

The guide is great, but I dont think it is a "Support" guide, per se. I think that it is a build for roaming Lifestealer. The thing is, you need levels in Open Wounds to do so. Usually, roamers need good disables at level 1 to be effective. Generally speaking, the more stuns, the better. Also, you might need quite a bit of sustain. If you follow your tactics with a Lion, you will probably have much better results. The thing is, though, you have a way to get gold and XP. The jungle. You can jungle quite effectively from level 1, and then take points into Open Wounds, Maxing it by 7 with one in Rage at 4. Then Rage, then Feast. The point of having a roaming hero is to apply pressure to the map, but you can do this with Lifestealer too, without having to play a support role. Also, you are one of the hardest carries in the game anyway, so why not build like one.

Basically, your idea of putting pressure on the map is sound, but you don't have to play a support to do it.

yes you don’t have to play support lifestealer to be jungler/roamer lifestealer but this is support guide for an alternate build and new playstyle. it does still work quite well if you play it right and gank at the right times. it is a higher skillcap playstyle and situational yes. you don't have to build like a carry to carry a game as supports are the true carries of any game. I also said that if things don’t go so well then you have the option to build like the normal carry role or just get a few carry items to help with damage if needed.
dwscar | March 8, 2015 6:16am

What makes this hero better among other support ? He may have the "support-carry transition" and initiation abilities but Sven can make up both plus Sven has a disable. I like your experiments btw.

sven is also a very good support but this is a lifestealer guide. and lifestealer is a situational pick also like sven support. the thing that makes lifstealer good is the lifesteal to allies on the open wounds when they focus the target you slowed and early game bkb the surprise factor when you pop out of a creep or ally out of the blue and slow them to death while your team kills them. again this is a situational pick and works best if you have other initiator supports or blinking carries on your team.
dwscar | March 8, 2015 6:09am
EternalFire wrote:

I'm sorry I didn't pretty well understand about the guide
What I get is the supp lifestealer here is become a tanker or an initiator,
You already said that at early lifestealer is squishy so it just only can slow and use rage but no damage,
What the adventage of using this new meta? is this build is for situational if ur team has no support? and you say that if things cannot go through well, go on semi carry build. Why we not go on the carry build?

Please reply, I really appreciate your work
+1 if reply

yes you will be tanky secondary initiator later in the game and yes this build is mostly situational and if the enemy team has few stuns. if they counter pick and pick stuns after you picked already then go the rage first skill build and play it safe till 6 like normal. i will add a section for friends and foes and TL:DR to clarify a few things people have some confusion over because people dont fully read and just skim through things. you want to go semi carry because you already intended as going support and your team will benefit more from you as semi carry rather than full carry as you are a hybrid and are able to still get a good build with the less gold you will have.
Blubbles (13) | March 7, 2015 2:59am
You say support build yet you want to "rape sauce". If you are true support you let your carry get the kills.
apaz (17) | March 5, 2015 10:07pm
The guide is great, but I dont think it is a "Support" guide, per se. I think that it is a build for roaming Lifestealer. The thing is, you need levels in Open Wounds to do so. Usually, roamers need good disables at level 1 to be effective. Generally speaking, the more stuns, the better. Also, you might need quite a bit of sustain. If you follow your tactics with a Lion, you will probably have much better results. The thing is, though, you have a way to get gold and XP. The jungle. You can jungle quite effectively from level 1, and then take points into Open Wounds, Maxing it by 7 with one in Rage at 4. Then Rage, then Feast. The point of having a roaming hero is to apply pressure to the map, but you can do this with Lifestealer too, without having to play a support role. Also, you are one of the hardest carries in the game anyway, so why not build like one.

Basically, your idea of putting pressure on the map is sound, but you don't have to play a support to do it.
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 5, 2015 6:21pm
You need farm. The slow barely has a range. And apart from the slow~ there is nothing supportish in Lifestealer. He has no stun or heal, only slow. I mean that some carries with stuns can be supports( Tiny). I don't mean you should play the hero this way. Naix support can be good, but the slow is not enough to have good killing potential in lane. So playing Naix support requires more aggressive lane with a stun(or more). This is just my opinion.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 5, 2015 4:02pm
hero has a **** slow (the range is too less), has no form of lane control, needs a tonne of farm to be effective, and is one of the slowest farmers in the game.

You said that you are a support yet you propose building an Eye of Skadi and Shiva's Guard which are probably some of the hardest items to build in the game, apart from the fact that these items will be unobtainable for any good support.They are also not useful as a support. (Why?BECAUSE THEY WARD)

You say that LS ganks like a monster, but i don't see how. You have a slow.that's about it.Your ultimate does 150 damage at level 1.He is not a ganker people. please do not propogate builds that are only conditionally good.

I'm sorry if I am being a bit too harsh, but it has to be done.
fires.of.hell (2) | March 5, 2015 3:24pm
What makes this hero better among other support ? He may have the "support-carry transition" and initiation abilities but Sven can make up both plus Sven has a disable. I like your experiments btw.
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