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Necrolyte Semi Carry Done Right (I think)

April 9, 2012 by thedirtywizard
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mxe363 | October 15, 2013 2:53pm
i have to ask: what up with the dust??
KFCRAMPAGE | June 9, 2012 1:26am
You don't 100% NEED to get heartstopper aura first...many times if you're farming and playing aggressive it's fine to get sadist for the ultimate mana gain early on since if you are last hitting you CAN use death pulse to harass & get last hits at the same time (not that hard to do). Just make sure you're in a lane where you have a strong lane partner. Other than that it just takes time to learn. Please edit Radiance out of your guide, it's useless on a hero that's meant to be tanky. I can remember many a time where playing Soul Reaper on HoN as well where people think radiance will help him most because of the damage. People don't realize that he is AMAZING when super tanky because he is always doing damage regardless.

oh and bracers are for players who either suck at farming hard, or they're getting destroyed in lane.
thedirtywizard | April 10, 2012 1:05pm
Dr.D wrote:

As one of my friends used to say, "Necrolyte carries by outlasting the enemy team." That is, he should ideally tank up so he can get in the middle of teamfights and spam Death Pulse. With your core build however, you have very little survivability, and you give the enemy team another reason to focus you down due to your Radiance.

In particular, I would not recommend rushing a Radiance; even though it's not a terrible item, it's not particularly great either. Aghanim's Scepter is also situational at best on Necrolyte. Getting some early survivability items such as Ring of Basilius, Mekansm, Hood of Defiance, or even Bracers are usually a better choice. Later on, you can build more utility items such as Pipe of Insight or Rod of Atos. Alternatively, you could rush a very, very fast Bloodstone, since if you don't, it loses its effectiveness over time. Instead of an Eye of Skadi, I would also recommend a Shiva's Guard as a luxury item if you need a slow, since it has great synergy with what Necrolyte does.

Skill-wise, your guide is fairly accurate. Getting the first level of Heartstopper Aura before Sadist is usually better however, as it will let you maintain a bit more lane control. Plus, since you most likely won't be spamming Death Pulse in lane anyways, the extra mana gained from Sadist is almost worthless.

Overall, not bad. I would like to see some more actual content in the guide though.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, and i agree with what you got to say. Usually I get Bloodstone pretty early for survivability, a lot of items in this guide are situational stuff. This isn't the way you should ALWAYS play Necrolyte. This is my first guide but I am learning the ropes of this, so I intend to make better guides with more content and depth, and to also edit the ones I already have and make them better as well. I appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback! :)
Dr.D (80) | April 10, 2012 10:49am
As one of my friends used to say, "Necrolyte carries by outlasting the enemy team." That is, he should ideally tank up so he can get in the middle of teamfights and spam Death Pulse. With your core build however, you have very little survivability, and you give the enemy team another reason to focus you down due to your Radiance.

In particular, I would not recommend rushing a Radiance; even though it's not a terrible item, it's not particularly great either. Aghanim's Scepter is also situational at best on Necrolyte. Getting some early survivability items such as Ring of Basilius, Mekansm, Hood of Defiance, or even Bracers are usually a better choice. Later on, you can build more utility items such as Pipe of Insight or Rod of Atos. Alternatively, you could rush a very, very fast Bloodstone, since if you don't, it loses its effectiveness over time. Instead of an Eye of Skadi, I would also recommend a Shiva's Guard as a luxury item if you need a slow, since it has great synergy with what Necrolyte does.

Skill-wise, your guide is fairly accurate. Getting the first level of Heartstopper Aura before Sadist is usually better however, as it will let you maintain a bit more lane control. Plus, since you most likely won't be spamming Death Pulse in lane anyways, the extra mana gained from Sadist is almost worthless.

Overall, not bad. I would like to see some more actual content in the guide though.
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