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4 Votes

Nature's Prophet Jungle Guide

October 13, 2012 by Ganonmarcel
Comments: 6    |    Views: 53851    |   


DotA2 Hero: Nature's Prophet

Hero Skills

Spirit of the Forest (Innate)


4 10 13 15


2 7 9 12

Nature's Call

1 3 5 8

Wrath of Nature

6 11 16


14 17 18

Nature's Prophet Jungle Guide

October 13, 2012


Hi my Name is Marcel and this is my first Dota 2 Guide! I am German so please dont flame me for my written Mistakes :)

This is a Beginners Guide for natures Prophet as a Jungler and if you already gained experience you could skip this guide already.

Pros / Cons

-you got Trees to Jungle quick and safe
-you can Teleport back to base every Time
-if you just get hard Camps (explenation follows) you could go to the lane too
-in late game he's a very strong pusher and carry

-some other Junglers might be better for Beginners because they mustnt summon and control Units
-Natures Prophet is very low on health so if your Trees die you have no chance to kill the Camps (early Game)


First of all you must know which Camps you could do and which one you can't do until youre Level 5.

Which one you can't do are every hard Camps:
- The big red Troll(or whatever it's called ;P )
- The two Zentaures
- The three Wolves
All others are soft Camps and you might be able to do with lvl 1-4.

Next: The Camps spawn at 0:30 and if you stand in a Camp or if you have Vision on it the Monsters DOESNT Spawn!!!
So at the beginnign you should stand where you see the Rune spawn but do not see a Camp.

If there is any usefull Rune(double Damage, Illusion) you should take it. And you should Check the Rune spot every 2 Minutes ( Respawn Time ). Also you can place one of your Trees at the Rune spot.

If you wanna do Jungling like a Pro you can Control every Single Tree so you might be able to pull low HP Trees out of Combat or something.


So thats it for that (very short)Guide i hope it helped you just a bit. I will be happy about positive Feedback, if i get enough the next Guide will be longer and will explain more.

Yeah by for now ;P

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