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6 Votes

Natural Order || A 6.82 Guide to Lone Druid

October 13, 2014 by Blubbles
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hofelixho | November 27, 2014 4:05am
If you insist on getting attack speed I suggest Maelstorm. It gives you dmg, attack speed, and Chain Lightning XD . Please reconsider
Blubbles (13) | October 16, 2014 6:43pm
SoloBrow wrote:

I'm not really buying the mask of madness because with lone druid you need to get to core items sooner rather than later. When lone druid gets his E move up bear moves at 522 all the time anyway so I don't think it's so necessary. I'm also not agreeing with the skadi...

Not for the movement speed bonus, its for the insane amount of attack speed.
Eon_Theory (2) | October 14, 2014 4:52pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Eye of Skadi on bear may sound appealing for the slow but it doesn't work.

The bear has no stats, you can't make stat items on him. Skadi gives +25 to all stats but since the bear has no stats it does nothing.

You're paying 6K gold for a slow.

Other than that, yes, the bear items are pretty effective.

It does give a bit of mana and HP but the only way that would work is if you went full utility bear with Shiva, Mek, Drums, Pipe, Sheepstick etc.

Orb of Venom is only good early game for chasing, there are much better items for the bear, in the 6.82 update, hell even Heavens Halberd is better.
SoloBrow | October 14, 2014 10:05am
I'm not really buying the mask of madness because with lone druid you need to get to core items sooner rather than later. When lone druid gets his E move up bear moves at 522 all the time anyway so I don't think it's so necessary. I'm also not agreeing with the skadi...
Blubbles (13) | October 14, 2014 7:52am
ElDiablo wrote:

Like everyone already pointed out the gameplay section would be nice and if you're gonna get skadi, give it to the druid.

Edit: i myself wouldn't buy a stout shield for the druid because he's a ranged hero so he would only get a 10 damage block wich isn't that good in the end

Yes thank you for the input, I'll be adjusting the build and will add in a advanced jungling and ganmeplay section soon.
ElDiablo (10) | October 14, 2014 4:32am
Like everyone already pointed out the gameplay section would be nice and if you're gonna get skadi, give it to the druid.

Edit: i myself wouldn't buy a stout shield for the druid because he's a ranged hero so he would only get a 10 damage block wich isn't that good in the end
Unscathed (47) | October 14, 2014 2:21am
Like they said, the guide is mostly about items and heroes. It lacked gameplay.

Saving my vote for now.
Moodkill (9) | October 14, 2014 2:07am
Life what mastadoom already said, you need to add the gameplay or tips and tricks when playing lone druid otherwise it would be a "build" not a "guide".
Hamstertamer (89) | October 13, 2014 9:57pm
Eye of Skadi on bear may sound appealing for the slow but it doesn't work.

The bear has no stats, you can't make stat items on him. Skadi gives +25 to all stats but since the bear has no stats it does nothing.

You're paying 6K gold for a slow.

Other than that, yes, the bear items are pretty effective.
mastadoom (7) | October 13, 2014 9:34pm
This is nice and all, but could you add a part about how to play the hero?
You explain why you get items, but not what order or timing window.
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