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2 Votes

My skin isnt Blue!!!!!

October 4, 2014 by The amazing A.K.A stupid
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Eon_Theory (2) | October 7, 2014 5:59pm
I think it'd be good to add Aghanim's if not only as a situational item if you are having a bad game and have to change into a more of a utility role. Also, I don't get why noone does it especially with the 6.82 Aghanim's to add a Sven support Build into their Guides as although it isn't as strong as it once was I feel it is quite viable as he is a strong utility support early game and with that Agh's upgrade is phenomenal change in viability.
MrLocket (16) | October 5, 2014 3:06am
My fav-build are Power Treads >> Soul Ring and/or Urn of Shadows >> Mask of Madness >> Black King Bar.
With this build Sven hits really hard and mostly gets a secure kill when caught someone alone. The downside is the extra incoming damage due to Mask of Madness, so some hp boost might be needed before completing the core if the enemy team are able to bring you down easily.

By the way with the build you suggest will you have mana problem? Having only a Drum of Endurance doesn't really solve Sven's need of mana since spamming Storm Hammer during team fight will drain out Sven's mana quickly.
Moodkill (9) | October 4, 2014 4:00pm
I personally like MOM on Sven cuz it provides really strong pushing power. Well that's just cuz I like playing rat soo yeah. A few of your icons are not displaying properly so you might want to fix it :P
TheSofa (54) | October 4, 2014 11:45am
No support Sven?
Krwiozerca (34) | October 4, 2014 11:31am
I personally prefer Vladmir's Offering on Sven instead of Mask of Madness or Helm of the Dominator, because it gives nice mana regen and general usefulness to your team (if you have any other melee carry).

And I wouldn't agree that Sven is a "very strong hard carry". He is a very strong midgame carry, but he isn't just as strong as True hard carries like Faceless Void or Spectre. His stun does nothing on spell immune targets and he can be kited rather easily.

I don't like your writing style, it's just so messy. You know formatting, but it isn't aesthetically pleasent. Guide is a little bit too short, like you wanted to finish it ASAP.
Last paragraph is redundant.

AND FOR GOD'S SAKE - Sven IS A SNOWBALLING CARRY. How can you not see this? He comes online very quickly, as his ultimate provides great amount of DPS and even with your stun you can kill people right away.
Timminatorr (57) | October 4, 2014 8:08am
personally i usually max cleave after 2 points of warcry, without it you are a really slow farmer and cant cleave hard in early fights. especially if you dont have midas cleave will be maxed way too late.
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