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8 Votes


February 6, 2014 by asa.kyzmo
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Ripslasher | October 14, 2014 8:44am
Both of the item Builds have 2 problems. First of a ring of regen is too costly to start with, I sugges getting 3 branches and a couple of tangos for starters, don't rush a bottle on a Phoenix unless you're pushing your lane faster than your opponent otherwise you'll be ganked on because of your low armor and physical damage resistance. I have 5 item suggestions since some players have no trouble farming for gold with Phoenix It's better to Get a Dagon as a Substitute for your Ultimate if you're having trouble with his reborn that way you don't risk getting swatted in the middle of a team fight and combine it with an icarus dive you have a surefire way of sniping an opponent wh put in enough distance for escape, next is Blademail you're probably wondering why? The reason is because you're a more likely target for Ultimate abilities because your skills use Hp rendering you vulnerable to some enemies that can pick you off like a Sniper time it right and make them regret they aimed for you, another item would be Ethereal Blade again why? Because You slow your opponent for a duration enough for your sunray to devestate enemy heroes that really on auto attacks such as a Drow Ranger and the increased magical damage means your skills will deal more Damage the fourth item would be An Shadow Blade, tis merely for Escaping when your Icarus Dive fails and it can also be used to set up ganks as you deal 175 bonus damage if you break the invisibility with an attack though it becomes useless later on, the final item I would suggest is it would be Black King Bar, as a soft hero who drains Hp whenever he uses a skill Phoenix Immediately becomes a target for Nyx Assassin, Lion, Sniper and any other hero who can nuke you without much problem so the best way to shut your weakness down would be to get BKB as it will make you less likely of a target and will increase your survivability, also if there are enemy heroes who can turn Invisible I suggest getting sentry wards or a gem because Phoenix is more of a Support hero when you don't get a significant gold and Xp advantage in any case giving Dagon to A Phoenix is only for getting last hits on heroes you nuked and is an alternative to your Ultimate when it's on cooldown but that doesn't mean you get to Dagon Steal Everything -_- it's only for finishing off enemies that have enough HP to survive a couple of your auto attacks and it is best used when Diving and befor during your sun ray
Mister-E | April 5, 2014 7:54pm
Also, what I've been doing recently, is building tranquil boots then skipping mek entirely to build hand of midas, which allows the later game items to come much earlier w/ increased attack speed for last hits and the gold reclaim
Mister-E | April 5, 2014 7:51pm
Add puck to best allies, his ult lasts 5 secs: can't move past tether, stun, your ult, 6 secs, double initiation + your ult, anyone inside tether is as good as dead
famasofwar (4) | March 1, 2014 4:38pm
1) Windrunner is a girl
2) It isn't meppo it is meepo.
Timminatorr (57) | February 6, 2014 3:09am
asa.kyzmo wrote:

Rushing Bottle on Phoenix is really ******ed. Buying Salve or Tango is a cheaper solution to fix the problem.

I challenge you 1v1 to show you how this works. You can choose any hero you want. The first one to die lose or we count the last hits after 6 minutes mark.

So you are going to survive all harass with just a set of tango's and a healing salve?
There is really no reason not to get a bottle, it is just 650 gold.
His spirits cost mana and health and your mana pool is pretty low.

Sure, we can 1 v 1 if you want, but whatever the result i still think you are wrong.
asa.kyzmo | February 5, 2014 11:04pm
Take out your calculator.
Bottle restores 135 HP in 3 seconds. Ring of Health heals 15 HP in that time, good luck coming back from a gank or 1 queen of pain dagger.
It makes even less sense on phoenix since he uses HEALTH to cast spells.

Seriously, try this item build against a good player or even me (a semi good player.) and look how hard you will be stomped.

Please don't recommend this item build to people. Beginners read this guide.

Rushing Bottle on Phoenix is really ******ed. Buying Salve or Tango is a cheaper solution to fix the problem.

I challenge you 1v1 to show you how this works. You can choose any hero you want. The first one to die lose or we count the last hits after 6 minutes mark.
asa.kyzmo | February 5, 2014 10:57pm
You have to rush a Bottle on mid laners ( Invoker being the only exception because of Quas), even pub mids like Sniper and Viper should do so. The amount of harass you take in the mid lane, especially versus common Heroes like Magnus, Puck, Dragon Knight, Queen of Pain and Invoker, along with your HP drain strictly referring to Phoenix, requires a Bottle in any case. Rune control is also very helpful, especially because this Hero is such a good ganker and a haste/double damage rune will make the difference.

I'm pretty sure you haven't played Dota that much, but still, try to get used to rush a Bottle (after starting with something like a Tango and three Iron Branches) in the mid lane since it makes so much difference. If you let the other mid get all the runes you'll also be very disadvantaged.

Only QOP and Viper can zone me out and limit me on last hitting before level 3. Buying a tango before the Ring of Heath should fix the problem. I would be willing to demonstrate it on you 1v1 if you allow me to post the replay in this guide to prove my point. I did test some 1v1 on this hero before I post this guide.

In other hand I never said not to control the rune. Taking it without the bottle should be fine. Sorry but rushing bottle on Phoenix is ******ed. I would rather buy cheap Salve or Tango to fix the problem for you only need HP regeneration. Using your spell before level 3 wont do you any good. For you're taking more damage from HP% of your own spell than damaging the opponent.

Also, the first build is called anti-magic build for a reason.
Timminatorr (57) | February 5, 2014 8:58am
Take out your calculator.
Bottle restores 135 HP in 3 seconds. Ring of Health heals 15 HP in that time, good luck coming back from a gank or 1 queen of pain dagger.
It makes even less sense on phoenix since he uses HEALTH to cast spells.

Seriously, try this item build against a good player or even me (a semi good player.) and look how hard you will be stomped.

Please dont reccomend this item build to people. Beginners read this guide.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 5, 2014 8:38am
I was going to instantly +1 your guide because of "NO TRASH TRANQUIL BOOTS" in the mid lane, but then I saw your starting items: I'd drop the Ring of Health rush - a very stupid choice in my opinion - to get something like three Branches and a Tango, then rush a Bottle and get Boots of Speed. I agree with the guys above that say the Vanguard is not worth it on ranged Heroes, and even though I encourage getting it in the right circumstances I think the Urn of Shadows is a cheaper option for HP regen and, since the charges used on enemies do stack with the DoT from your Fire Spirits, it's definitely better. You also have a Bottle, so you don't need a Vanguard at all. The Hood of Defiance is a decent choice though, but very situational.

asa.kyzmo wrote:

Not convince with bottle. It doesn't reward Phoenix that much compare on how much gold spend on it early game. You can take the rune without bottle it is the same thing on early game.

You have to rush a Bottle on mid laners ( Invoker being the only exception because of Quas), even pub mids like Sniper and Viper should do so. The amount of harass you take in the mid lane, especially versus common Heroes like Magnus, Puck, Dragon Knight, Queen of Pain and Invoker, along with your HP drain strictly referring to Phoenix, requires a Bottle in any case. Rune control is also very helpful, especially because this Hero is such a good ganker and a haste/double damage rune will make the difference.

I'm pretty sure you haven't played Dota that much, but still, try to get used to rush a Bottle (after starting with something like a Tango and three Iron Branches) in the mid lane since it makes so much difference. If you let the other mid get all the runes you'll also be very disadvantaged.
asa.kyzmo | February 5, 2014 8:14am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

vanguard is ******** on ranged heroes. mechansm is awesome on phoenix.the bottle is not only for health+mana regen,but also to get those runes which gives your team the upper hand.

Not convince with bottle. It doesn't reward Phoenix that much compare on how much gold spend on it early game. You can take the rune without bottle it is the same thing on early game.

You can't take away the fact +6 regeneration is a big deal on phoenix. Vanguard is like a selfish Mechansm that doesn't cost mana but has a greater HP regeneration with the same gold cost. But indeed Mechansm is a better choice for team's sake!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 5, 2014 7:49am
vanguard is ******** on ranged heroes. mechansm is awesome on phoenix.the bottle is not only for health+mana regen,but also to get those runes which gives your team the upper hand.
asa.kyzmo | February 5, 2014 6:56am
The skill build is good, not getting Tranquils is good again.I'd rather get Mekansm if you're mid since Phoenix barely uses any mana for skills and a Bottle would do just fine.

Suggesting the triple branch + tango start with Bottle rush and getting a mek after that.

Mechanism is a great item choice too. It is definitely superior on team fights, same heath increase but a little bit lower on HP regeneration. Ill definitely update some changes! Thanks a lot you made me realize that mechanism is a greater choice.

I don’t really see the point of rushing bottles. For you it gives low health regeneration. You can spam your skills and you won’t need mana regeneration until +6 minute mark.
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