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8 Votes


February 6, 2014 by asa.kyzmo
Comments: 15    |    Views: 35044    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 3 6 9

Fire Spirits

2 4 5 7

Sun Ray

10 12 13 14


8 11 16


15 17 18


February 6, 2014


I've been playing Phoenix for numerous times since it came out. Tried guides too but it did not work for me. So decided to write my first Dota 2 guide with my own personal build.

Phoenix is one of the best MID GANKER hero. He can easily gank other lanes by using Icarus Dive to initiate and burst the opponent with Fire Spirits if done properly. Phoenix can also cheat deaths when low on HP. This hero is fun and requires some skills to play. It could be challenging but with this guide I am hoping to help you get better as a Phoenix player. Hopefully you can maximize his potential as a MID hero. As he can also play the support role like what the other guides describe. I feel like there is a lot of better heroes to pick rather than Phoenix if you want to play that support role.

Note that This guide is from a player that has only 4000+ MMR and this build works the best on solo mid or solo off-lane. Feel free to add me on steam and give me feedback and what you think about this guide.


[*] Legion Commander - If LC duel someone and you are fairly close. Use Icarus Drive and you can easily land your Fire Spirits on stationary target.

[*] Tidehunter - TD's ultimate buys you time for 3.7 seconds on max level when you cast you ultimate Supernova. That combo has a total of 925 magical AOE damage at both max level.

[*] Medusa - Medusa's ultimate is very good too for buying time while Phoenix is on his ultimate Supernova

[*] Bristleback - Once someone is slow by Bristleback. Phoenix can easily land his Fire Spirits with Sun Ray.

[*] Warlock - Warlock's ultimate is perfect for your Supernova. A lot of AOE damage and AOE disable.

[*] Lifestealer- Lifestealer is Phoenix best ganking buddy. Lifestealer can easily infest inside you and gank someone very easy.


[*] Bloodseeker - He is your worst enemy in the game if you're playing Phoenix. Bloodseeker can screw you up in a lot of ways. His ultimate makes you unable to use Icarus Drive to escape. While his first skill, Bloodrage silence you and makes you unable to use your skills.

[*] Antimage - AM has a lot of magic damage reduction. AM also have a passive attack mana burn that is bad for Phoenix low mana pool.

[*] Nyx Assassin - Phoenix doesn't always have full HP. That makes him an easy target with NA early game.

[*] Clinkz - With farmed Clinkz he could silence and burst you early game.

[*] Windrunner - Windranger is hard to chase and could be a bad threat with his fast attack speed if you're on Supernova.

[*] Doom - Doom's ultimate silence you. Makes you unable to use Icarus Dive to escape and makes you useless on team fights.

[*] Lifestealer - LS has magic immune skill that makes him hard to gank for Phoenix

[*] Meppo - Meppo's clones doesn't count as an illusion. Meppo is a great threat if you're under your ultimate Supernova.


[*] Icarus Dive It's your long range blink skill that has damage. It has a long cool down of 36 seconds so use it wisely. You can manipulate this skill to go back to your original place or use it to blink away. Just press the key [Q] again when you want to stop the animation to go to your desirable location. Health Cost: 15% of Current health

[*] Fire Spirits This skill is your main damage spell. Each Fire Spirit gives 300 magical damage over 4 seconds at max level. That's 1200 maximum damage if used at it's maximum capacity. Note that the damage doesn't stock on hitting someone with another spirit but refreshes the burning duration. Also it slows your target's attack speed that would be handy before using Supernova. Health Cost: 15% of Current health

[*] Sun Ray Maximum damage of 270+ 36% Max Health. You can walk forward by pressing [D] while on the spell that has a fixed 250 movement speed. Note that this slows you down so don't use it when landing Fire Spirits unless you're sure that you're not falling behind your target. HP Cost: 6% of current HP per second

[*] Supernova It Regenerates you to full HP has a casting time of 6 seconds while immune to spells. Damage surrounding area with 100 per second at max level. That's 600 maximum magical damage. Auto-attacks before you destroyed 5/7/10. Not that Only auto-attacks from heroes, Meepo clones included but not illusions can destroy you when you're under this spell.


Most guides choose Tranquil Boots for a core item. The problem with it is with 6.80 update the passive breaks whenever you attack or attacked. That makes Tranquil Boots counterproductive when last hitting or getting aggressive on the enemies.

Why not rush bottle? Bottle gives you 135HP per charge. That's a total of 405 HP regeneration. Buying a Tango 460HP regeneration or a Salve 400HP regeneration would be a smarter choice. When you reach level 3, spamming your Fire Spirits every time its on cool down that wont make you out of mana at all.

[*] BULD 1
Start with Ring of Regen, Tango and 2 Iron Branch.

[*] BUILD 2
Buy a Tango for you first item. Then rush your Ring of Heath after that

[*] BUILD 1 & 2
Then I follow up with Boots of Speed and Bottle for early ganks.


By level 3 around 1:40 minute mark. Use your level 2 Fire Spirit to harass and drive your opponent out of the lane. Use your Fire Spirit every time it's on cooldown, you're not going to run out of mana until level 7-8. Remember to only jump on your opponent using Icarus Dive if it is a sure kill. Other wise reserve it in case you need an escape mechanism. It has a crazy cool down of 36 seconds, use it wisely.

Around 3:40 at level 4 I expect you to get money to buy boots and a Teleport Scroll.

Around 5:06 at level 6 start ganking outher lanes

Around 5:55at level 6 should be be able to afford bottle.

IMPORTANT: Always try to push the lane to be able to control the rune respawn.


[*] Mekansm Very great on team fights. Gives you armor and 250 HP on surrounding area.

[*] Health Of Defiance If you're more worried about burst damage (magic damage) on the opponent side.

BUILD 1 & 2
[*] Upgrade your Boots of Speed to Boots of Travel.

Why Boots of Travel and not Boots of Threads?
The most important thing about Phoenix is landing your Fire Spirits every 4 seconds to max the damage input. Each Fire Spirits deals with 300 magical damage over 4 seconds. That's 1200 max damage on Fire Spirits if used properly.
Boots of Travel comes with 100 moving speed that would help you chase or land those Fire Spirits. That makes it more superior than Boots of Threads on Phoenix.

Note that you can skip upgrading your boots and go straight to situational late game items if you feel that you have to.


When ganking other lanes use Icarus Dive to initiate. Land your Fire Spirits every 4 seconds to maximize the damage input of the spell. Remember not to use Sun Ray while landing and chasing the opponent team for it will slow you down.

Use only Sun Ray on very close stunned opponent or chasing low HP, long distant opponent or when you're out of spell to throw.

Make sure your Icarus Dive is on cool down when farming alone.

Avoid farming for a long time and concentrate more on ganking and getting kills with your team.

If not on low HP make sure you use all your spell first to maximize damage before using Supernova.

In reverse sometimes when you use all your spell already on a team fight and you still need to help your team mates. Use Supernova to restart your spell's cool down and your HP/mana.

Lastly make sure you have Teleport Scroll at all times


[*] Pipe of Insight If you are still worried about too much burst damage from your opponent team upgrade your Hood of Defiance to this.

BUILD 1 & 2
[*] Shiva's Guard can be easily timed with Icarus Dive to maximize the area of damage. It also works perfectly with Icarus Dive having 36 seconds cool down and Shiva's Guard with

[*Force Staff]-Icarus Dive has 36 seconds cool down. Force Staff is very useful on escaping when you gank dive with Icarus Dive and you find yourself in a bad position.

[*] Black King Bar- You don't have to worry about disables and bust damage. While you can slow their auto-attacks with Fire Spirits. That makes you a good initiator on team fights.

[*] Radiance- This item's AOE damge stacks with Supernova.

[*] Heart of Tarrasque- Every skill Phoenix is casting cost a certain percentage of HP. The higher your HP is the higher the lost of HP on casting a spell. Mainly the very reason to get this is for the handy passive HP regeneration it gives.

[*] Heavens Halberd- Very useful on disabling carries and chasing them.


Supernova will be most effective as ever for it takes 10 auto-attacks to kill you and every second in team fights matters.

Activating you Shiva's Guard then using Icarus Dive triples your area for damage.

Sun Ray is effective in slowing down enemy push on tier 3 tower.

You can use Sun Ray to check if they are doing Roshan from a distance.

Avoid initiating with Icarus Dive then using Supernova in the front of the team fights. It is best to use your ultimate when everyone is on chaos.

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