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Mid Level Spectre (~3k MMR) Pub Builds/Strats

November 23, 2014 by Incandescence
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Incandescence | November 13, 2014 12:52am
@Lampmaster I agree on all your points but the thing about spectre is she sucks up until late game. giving her an early game power item makes her more likely to make it there. That's the idea behind vanguard/drums/urn but now with Crimson guard being a mid-game item, it's the best pick.

But of course as I've suggested if you get free-farm then just go to whatever build you want... however as spectre you won't get free-farm very often because anyone who knows dota knows you shut-down the hard-carry as much as possible.
lampmaster | November 11, 2014 9:58pm
Solid guide. While Crimson Guard is undeniably a great item, I feel that it provides more utility than anything else and falls off late game which is ironically when Spectre fights at her best. I'm not sure if the Crimson Guard pickup on this hero is completely justifiable, but those are just the meager thoughts of someone that has only ever played Spectre once or twice.
FroschTheFrog | November 9, 2014 5:35am
this is a guide that i'm looking for on spectre. Very nice explanation, especially on late game items and 3 UAM thing. +1
Incandescence | November 6, 2014 1:13pm

MrLocket wrote:

Your guide need a lot of formatting, what I see is wall of texts...

Yes I know but it will be done. Thank you for the examples :) I only finished writing it out today. There was a lot of text positional formatting that was lost in translation also which I'll have to replace with stuff that does work : /

Yes this is not a Radiance Rush because that's generic and self explanatory. Get as few items as possible until you have radiance as early as possible. Try to not die at all.

There... done Radiance rush build.

Edit: found this post: Will go through bit by bit adding formatting. Will probably take a while as I learn/do at the same time.

Edit: 5/8 sections formatted. Will do the rest tomorrow. This took longer than writing the whole thing out by double so far : /
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 6, 2014 12:49am
^ my point exactly
MrLocket (16) | November 5, 2014 10:12pm
Your guide need a lot of formatting, what I see is wall of texts...

Radiance should never be consider if timer has passed 20:00. You have stated that it is a farming item, why not get it ASAP? It sounds like "I should get a Power Treads, a Yasha and a Drum of Endurance before I get Hand of Midas."

If you are trying to say that Radiance is a "scepter-upgrade" for Haunt, I'm completely disagree with you, 65 magical damage before reduction is pitiful to actually do damage to anyone because your target will fall before you within 5 seconds, which Radiance contributes very little, and its effectiveness diminishes from late game, Refresher Orb is a much better choice.

Monkey King Bar is a very situational item. Spectre doesn't need that true strike because the Desolate ignores evasion, and it offers no synergy with her illusions.
MuoiKhoang (6) | November 5, 2014 10:09pm
Here you go, please check out this link before trying to build a guide.
It's a great help for formatting, which makes your guide easier too read.

KoDyAbAbA wrote:

*sees "do not rush radiance",Stops reading*

Rushing Radiance is nice and all! but he did say this is for a pub game, which means people are gonna contest for last hits. I feel that getting a Vanguard will help immensely, letting you jungle and farm forever. Of course, if you are free farming then go ahead and get Rad. Also, if you hate Vanguard like most people! then at least get a Drum of Endurance or a Yasha if game is not easy
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 5, 2014 6:46pm
*sees "do not rush radiance",Stops reading*
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