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Meepo the multi tasking monster

February 24, 2013 by Vellion
Comments: 2    |    Views: 5580    |   

Poof Magic

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

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Meepo the multi tasking monster

February 24, 2013


Meepo is very squishy at first so lane in the safe lane where you are able to jungle right away.

Be passive, stay back, try and get last hits but survival is much more important. If there are 2 range units against meepo and a partner just stay out of range and wait until you get to level 6.

Creeping / Jungling

Now that you are at level 6 and have two meepos you can now take out any combination of creeps with no problem! At this time you should have the tranquil boots to heal either meepo if they become low on HP.

Start farming neutral creeps with a double poof and they should all be dead. To get to level 11 is very quick, but put wards up for night time farming and in case someone decides to come through the forest. At this point in time you should be a higher level then most characters so any solo character coming your way is easy pickings with your net! But your net has low range at the moment so try your best.

Once you have 3 meepos send two meepos in the same farming direction and the third meepo to another farming location. Poof the extra meepo back and forth to the two seperate locations. This should double the speed of farming now!

Mid Game

By this point you should have aghanims spear to get 4 meepos! Now this is where things get fun. Leave a meepo at base at all times. This meepo will be used to poof injured meepos to base and your main meepo to purchase and pickup items.

Continue the same strategy as above and include team ganking at this point as well. By now we should be getting close to level 16 to get all 5 meepos.

If you need to go shopping there is no need to use a courier, just send a meepo that way and poof to his location to purchase what you need same goes for secret shop!

Go grab the aegis at this point as it will give you a good amount of cash plus alot of experience!

Cleaning up

Now that we have 4 meepos fighting and 1 meepo at base, be sure to keep an eye on your less healthy meepos and swap them with the full healthed meepo at base. Keep doing this over and over and over and you should be unstoppable! Because of the farming rate that you have been farming at, you should be at a much higher level then the others.

Mind you this tactic has a lot of micro management. Netting, poofing, saving meepos, bringing healthy meepos back. All of this is happening during battle so be aware!

You need to get handy with the tab button to cycle through each meepo and use their abilities!

Pros / Cons

The issue about meepo is that if you forget about 1 single meepo, you are dead. But if you can keep them all alive, you are a force that no one wants to come in contact with.

- Out levels characters through jungling
- Can be a very strong carry
- Has disable and slowing hits naturally without help of items
- Can spam disables with multiple meepos
- Can teleport between each meepo therefore not needing a courier or teleport scrolls

- Very squishy at first
- One meepo death = all meepo death
- Very hard to manage all units
- Boots affect all meepos, very group item dependent.

Overall, extremely powerful if played correctly, extremely weak if there is no micro skills.

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