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2 Votes

Meepo the Earth-God

November 7, 2013 by Bearded Redneck Team
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Bearded Redneck Team | November 13, 2013 12:41am
Thanks for the advice again, I will make sure to add the above items. I understand your doubts about desolator, I almost never get it myself. Its just quite a good item when you are caught out by high health heroes 1 v 1 its quite useful. As for assault cuirass it is a very good item, it gives you that attack speed and armor aura. Its especially useful against PA or people with butteflies so that you can hit faster and land more hits, but thats just other benefits. Its an aura item, most big aura items are good on meepo. I will add ethereal blade tho, i see where you are coming from there
MANNLIER (1) | November 11, 2013 5:48am
hmm pretty good guide!

The only corrections i would make if any, its the usage of desolator and asault currias are not effective on meepo, or as effective as pure ol stats.
Also i rlly dislike the nerf on tranquils so i now just go treads for the hp boost, dagger, n finally scepter + ethereal/reaver(s)/travelz.
I'd also like to clarify the huge boost in meepos early game with his ultimate at lvl 4, and the nerf in the jungles make him much more of a ganker/pusher over the farmer he was b4. It is not woth it to farm the jungle with meepz.
Finally i reccomend u add the etheral blade, gives a huge 40 agi boost on all meepos and u can blink>poof>ethereal>bind to deal MASIVE dammage mid-late.

ps. The best item on meepo will and always will be a blink digger.
rrdragons | November 9, 2013 9:12am
If you have like strong pushers like Furion or Broodmother, you should think about getting Boots of Travel to counter push and get tons of gold from all the creeps they have. :D and for easy escape, you could leave one Meepo in the fountain and tp to wherever you want and when things get crazy you could poof back to the Meeepo in the fountain and be alive. (Meepo to me is probably the best pusher in the game with his AoE from poof easily taking out all the creeps)
zombiemuncher99 | November 9, 2013 8:35am
this build sucks, wheres the MoM and whwres the manta style? cmon man ;) jk really good build "holy hexor"
saifthedestroyer (6) | November 8, 2013 6:28am
Well maybe i say this cause i have amazing meecro skills :3
Bearded Redneck Team | November 8, 2013 1:09am
Yea yea, i understand where you are coming from. I really do, dont get me wrong here. Its just 2 different ways of dealing damage. Its a little bit easier to land the poofs tho. I guess it depends on what you are good at, if you can earthbind, you will do fine with the no blink build, if you can micro well, you can do it with the blink. My preference is the full on poof because not many people have BKBs early-mid game, and meepo is not that strong of a right click early-mid game either. But as I said, it all depends on the player.
saifthedestroyer (6) | November 8, 2013 1:01am
but dude they wont see you coming charge the blink on the other meepos then blink in and net that should do ALOT of dmg and then you bash the guy to death. Works fine,
Bearded Redneck Team | November 7, 2013 11:29pm
I will add it now of course, thanks for the feedback. Although if someone uses blink, only 4 meepos can do it, and only do half the damage, abolishing the usefulness of this build, well sort of i guess.
saifthedestroyer (6) | November 7, 2013 2:40am
Dude srsly add blink dagger to core its one of the best items on meepo if you know how to use it properly.
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