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The only corrections i would make if any, its the usage of desolator and asault currias are not effective on meepo, or as effective as pure ol stats.
Also i rlly dislike the nerf on tranquils so i now just go treads for the hp boost, dagger, n finally scepter + ethereal/reaver(s)/travelz.
I'd also like to clarify the huge boost in meepos early game with his ultimate at lvl 4, and the nerf in the jungles make him much more of a ganker/pusher over the farmer he was b4. It is not woth it to farm the jungle with meepz.
Finally i reccomend u add the etheral blade, gives a huge 40 agi boost on all meepos and u can blink>poof>ethereal>bind to deal MASIVE dammage mid-late.
ps. The best item on meepo will and always will be a blink digger.