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2 Votes

Meepo the Earth-God

November 7, 2013 by Bearded Redneck Team
Comments: 9    |    Views: 24175    |   

Ultimate Poof DPS

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


2 8 9 12


1 3 6 7


5 10 13 14

Divided We Stand

4 11 18


15 16 17


Now before I get into the details i want to explain the basic ideology behind this build, just to avoid the confusion. This build depends for you to get all close and personal with the targets, this is why i didnt include a blink dagger. The build focuses on the amount of damage you can dish out with a 5 (or 4) man meepo poof. A 5 man meepo poof can devastate really early, dealing a full 1400 magic damage if the skill is used fully (1120 for 4 meepos). I will explain the logic behind it later.


- Starting Items

Quelling Blade: Meepo has very low attack damage (39-45 dmg) at a start however needs quite a bit of farm to rush into his items, the quelling blade helps if you aren't a pro at last hitting.

Ring of Protection: This helps you tank up harass. This is especially good if you are put up against a strong lane yet still need Last hits. Ring of Protection also builds into your tranquil boots later

Tango: Every squishy hero needs some regen, even with the ring of protection meepo can take a lot of damage from early harass.

- Core items

Tranquil boots: when meepo really becomes effective the last thing you want to do is to go back to base, even if you send just one meepo back and then TP the others to it back and forth its still a lot of time and makes quite a dent in your XP farm if you do it often. This also helps with early lane harass if you get it on time

Aghanim's Scepter: I recommend rushing aghs because the mass poof damage increases by 280 everytime you get an extra meepo. Especially important to get Aghanim's with the 6.79 nerf (A nerf for this build anyway) (for those who didn't read the patch notes now meepo gets ult at lvl 4,11,18) to help give that extra 280 damage quite early

Blink Dagger: I dont quite reccomend this for any new person, even I dont use it however i still think its not effective Even if you have your 4 meepos poofing and you have the 5th one blinking, you only do 4x140 damage rather than 5x280 damage. But it does add mobility in order for you to get close and then slow with geostrike.
- Well Farmed / Want to take rosh

Before I start explaining I want to point out that it is a very valid choice to take on roshan as meepo (dont do it before you get aghanims though, aghanims prioritizes just like player kills prioritize over roshan) because of the low cooldown on poof and the ability to just start poofing the moment you respawn, dealing a lot of damage in an AOE

Vladimir's Offering: Is the only item which gives lifesteal as an aura, best to let all the meepos get lifesteal. Note: even with Vladimirs and Aghanims meepos will still take a loss in health while taking roshan, it is important to watch the health of your meepos very carefully and take out the ones at low health

Mekansm: This is one of those items you only want to get when really farmed and have nothing to spend the gold on. This is not useful because you already have large health regen from the tranquil boots and most of the time you wont be able to use the mekansm while poofing.

Situational Items:

Desolator: To make the damage dished out by right clicks increase just in case the enemy hero doesnt die from the poof damage of has something like a BKB. I would say that this is the last situational item to get tho, unless you are up against serious tanky heroes such as pudge or axe (Dragon knight, ursa etc.)

Assault Curi***: Is the only aura item which passes on attack speed and armor. Really useful to making your meepos less susceptible to right clicks. Also useful if you need to right click in order to finish the enemy, again it has an anti-armor aura so it helps with tanky heroes

Reaver: Just to clear up, I put 2 reavers to show that it is probably the most useful item you can get late-game and if you have any more space in your inventory you should fill it up with this. Useful item to making meepo stay alive longer, if you have enough you can stay alive long enough to use a mass poof twice.

Bloodstone: This is probably one of the most abusable glitches in a game of dota 2. If and when a hero dies with a bloodstone, half those charges will be gone, however with the glitch only the main meepo can lose the bloodstone charges, only if that one is the first to die does the meepo group lose bloodstone charges. if you are willing to sacrifice damage for instant respawn its worth a try to leave the main meepo in base and try to gank with the 4 you get.


Meepo is a mid-game very farm hungry hero. The only farm you need to worry about is the gold, the XP should automatically get "stolen". I am sorry to use such a 'vulgar' word however it is quite true, Dota treats each meepo as a different hero, if you are in one lane with 5 meepos as a single hero you would be receiving a sheer amount of 16% of XP while the meepo gets 84%. Farming becomes really easy when you have your full levels in poof and have 2 meepos. If you walk up to the creep wave and just use a full level poof on both your meepos the creep wave should die, or get very close to dieing, then all you need to do is right click them once. Earthbind is also a very useful spell if you can land it. Especially if you are facing high mobility heroes such as dark seer or escapes such as anti-mage. If you manage to get an earthbind off on someone, it is important that you wait around 1.5 seconds and then cast another one, all while walking towards them. When you get close to them all you need to do is earthbind them oen more time and start channeling poof, the earthbind last for 2 seconds however the poof channel is roughly 1.5 seconds long, not including the time you need to (Tab + W + Click) spam. Geostrike is also only leveled only once early because the 5% slow on multiple instances is enough for you to either tare in an earthbind or for you to land more hits and catch up with the enemy hero.

For those who dont know here are the following formulas on what to do in order to kill a hero

(Earthbinding): Q + click ahead of target just abit to earthbind + Tab (1.5 sec wait) Q + click on the binded target +Tab (1.5 sec wait) Q + click on binded unit + Tab ...... until you get really close to the target

(Mass Poof): W + click on ground near target + Tab + W + Click on ground near target + Tab ..... until all meepos are casting poof

(Once Poof Finished): Right click the hero to slow him, the moment you have earthbind and poof back up use the Earthbidning and Mass Poof formula (if the target hasnt died already)

Pros / Cons


-Incredible amount of damage from mass poof
-Earthbind into earthbind can keep an enemy in place for a long time
-Easy farming early-mid game
-A full 80% slow with geostrike if 5 meepos hit
-Low cooldowns
-High map mobility (due to poof being global)
-Lot of AOE damage
-Great push

-Squishy early game
-Starts losing his value as the game gets beyond 40 mins
-At one point can run out of items to buy (not many items good on him)
-If the team communicates hes easy to bring down
-Can be countered with BKB
-Micro intensive (tried to make him less so in this build)
-Can be taken down with a lot single target burst (different to common knowledge AOE abilities dont counter meepo, single target does)

When to go in and when to not

The most important thing to decide when playing meepo is whether to go in or not. If you choose wrong you could either get beaten down to pulp and be shut down in the time where you really count or you could also miss a few kills you could have gotten with the earthbind and poof. There are a few questions to ask yourself before you go in:

Do they have mass stuns? (e.g black hole burrowstrike or impale): This is important because there is nothing more annoying than channeling poof while they are beating you down just to get stunned, have to wait the stun durationa and then channel Poof again, if you haven't died by now its either the enemy team is really noob, missing a lot of their player or you just have a lot of tanking items.

Have they been able to coordinate against my teammates? : If so they are likely to be good at communicating, this means that if they are in a party of 3 (which a normal aghanim meepo can beat down if they are not coordinated) they might be able to focus one meepo down, which is not what you want, it is much better if the three heroes attack 3 different meepos

Do I have enough health on my meepos?: If one of your meepos is below 1000 health (mid game) you might not want to go in because then its obvious to the heroes you want to kill which meepo to go in (the low health one, just to clarify). If they focus you down you may not get enough time to use all your poofs

Do i have all my abilities off cooldown? (or most of them): This question is not really asked because at full level poof has a cooldown of 6 seconds, however if you just used your poof to get there you might want to hold the enemies in place with your earthbind and then just wait until your poof is off cooldown, and then start walking towards them. Chances are you might not get them but you need to guard

Creeping / Jungling

Before you ask, no its not okay to jungle long term no matter what. Creeping is so much easier to do with meepo rather than taking ancients which is the only thing that equals the amount of farm you can get from just pushing the lane. 2 poofs are enough to devastate a creep wave and that is 160-200 gold per creepwave, and there is no way on earth you are not gonna find a lane to push. if there are 3 of them in one lane, move to another one, if there is 2 and you think you can take them, you can ask for help or try to scare them out of lane. If there is 1 hero and he is not the enemys hard carry you should immediately try to kill them unless they have invis. If you dont think you can take 1 hero, just try to scare them away or poof to harass.

If meepo cannot farm then you either need to ask for help from your team, or you might as well give up because if you arent effective 15-25 minute mark its almost a 100% thrown game. Unless the enemy players are early game heroes you must always, always farm the lanes, or at least leech the XP, meepo NEEDS to be that midgame powerhouse.

Last Words

I would like to repeat myself again, this is not a pro meepo build/guide. This is for those players who cant micro as strong as they want when playing meepo. This contains a lot of information that may be obvious, but I wanted to cover all the bases to avoid confusion.

NOTE: This is my first build/guide I will welcome constructive criticism. If you notice something out of order in the build just tell me and it might just be a mistake.

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