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Medusa the strongest hard carry guide

June 3, 2015 by farmlessvoid
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MedusaistheGreatestHero | June 8, 2015 1:10am
Blubbles wrote:

We know that. We arent trying to shut you down, were trying to give you feedback. This si how one gets better at Dota. Just take the advice and don't be offended. If you wanna build wierd builds, thats fine, I do it all the time.

I agree with this guy. If you are gonna make a guide like this then you need to be prepared to accept criticism. You aren't the greatest DOTA player, but neither are we. We all have had our own experiences and we can combine what we have learned to enhance a guide.
We are just explaining to you other ways of doing it. doing things weirdly isn't bad but we are just saying the way we do it. Power Treads on Ursa might work, but so do Phase Boots. It's just so easy to get first blood as Medusa using Mystic Snake. If you lose a little EHP have a support buy you a Clarity. If heroes clump up especially near a ranged creep you could end up getting more mana than you started with, essentially healing yourself. Every character's abilities have a use. Try playing a match as Medusa and starting with one level of stats 2 levels of Mystic Snake and another of stats. I use this a lot and max MS first. Yesterday I did this and got this as my result. I think you should try using a similar skill and item build to what I did. I will try your build and then post the results here.
Blubbles (13) | June 5, 2015 11:21pm
farmlessvoid wrote:

ok guys the thing is power treads give medusa attack speed it ac..... you know what dota is really a situational and a game of choices just do what you think is better im not saying to you do just what the guide says to just go ahead pick what you like and play the game i just dont have time to make a trully good guide english is not even my home language for f**** sake look hey i like Phase Boots GET THEM hey Daedalus dont works on Split Shot then dont get EM! simple like this im just... sorry i dont have time to keep mananging a long guide and stuff im just gonna add some others itens here like shivas guard or a etheral blade dagon i dont really know if you think this is a bad build FINE do what you want dota is extremmely situational i BUILD Power Treads ON Ursa FOR GODS SAKE and it works! i build armlet on clockwerk and dagon on earthshaker and it works! dota is not like league of legends where only 1 stuff works dota is way situational and has a complex gameplay and Mystic Snake is medusa worst abbility because the rest is just way soooo good if this was a skill on Lina would be like amazing you know i hate the skill on medusa because the rest is better and mana is something i hate wasting on her and harassing with this? i mean using it to help clear stacks is good idea but... a hard carry like medusa where your team MUST be supporting you like sending 2 supports to aid you while you farm properly... this skill is kinda useless Mystic Snake is good but not on medusa because she dependds on mana to survive and she has a poor inteligence gain... i dont see a point here to wast over 400 effecive hp to get back 300 effective hp back while this skill could be a point into stats something you really need ok?

We know that. We arent trying to shut you down, were trying to give you feedback. This si how one gets better at Dota. Just take the advice and don't be offended. If you wanna build wierd builds, thats fine, I do it all the time.
farmlessvoid | June 5, 2015 5:43pm
ok guys the thing is power treads give medusa attack speed it ac..... you know what dota is really a situational and a game of choices just do what you think is better im not saying to you do just what the guide says to just go ahead pick what you like and play the game i just dont have time to make a trully good guide english is not even my home language for f**** sake look hey i like Phase Boots GET THEM hey Daedalus dont works on Split Shot then dont get EM! simple like this im just... sorry i dont have time to keep mananging a long guide and stuff im just gonna add some others itens here like shivas guard or a etheral blade dagon i dont really know if you think this is a bad build FINE do what you want dota is extremmely situational i BUILD Power Treads ON Ursa FOR GODS SAKE and it works! i build armlet on clockwerk and dagon on earthshaker and it works! dota is not like league of legends where only 1 stuff works dota is way situational and has a complex gameplay and Mystic Snake is medusa worst abbility because the rest is just way soooo good if this was a skill on Lina would be like amazing you know i hate the skill on medusa because the rest is better and mana is something i hate wasting on her and harassing with this? i mean using it to help clear stacks is good idea but... a hard carry like medusa where your team MUST be supporting you like sending 2 supports to aid you while you farm properly... this skill is kinda useless Mystic Snake is good but not on medusa because she dependds on mana to survive and she has a poor inteligence gain... i dont see a point here to wast over 400 effecive hp to get back 300 effective hp back while this skill could be a point into stats something you really need ok?
MedusaistheGreatestHero | June 4, 2015 10:40pm
I honestly am having trouble believing that you think Mystic Snake is a bad skill. It is amazing for harassing.
Cast it on the ranged creep at level 1 and 2 but you don't have too much mana to sustain it yet.
Once it is at level 3 cast it on the closest enemy melee creep once a new wave comes in.
This deals
160 magical damage to the creep you cast it on
200 magical damage to the second creep
250 to the third
about 313 to the ranged
and finally the hero standing close by takes about 391 damage.
It also steals 40 mana from the ranged creep and 50 from the nearby hero.
If there happen to be two heroes nearby the second one hit will have 63 mana stolen as well as taking about 489 damage.
Keep in mind this is at level 3. There is still one more level to go on this skill so it will deal more damage and steal more mana. At level 4 this skill will kill the ranged creep if it hits 3 other creeps first.
Later on you can cast it on creeps and heroes alike. Although casting on creeps will increase the damage heroes take, It may not be able to jump from a whole creep wave to the whole enemy team. It can take a large chunk of health and mana away from a team as the teamfight is being initiated. Not to mention the pure damage if an enemy has been turned to stone by your ulti.
I hope you use this skill more in your matches to prove just how awesome Medusa really is.

P.S For the love of God proofread your work.
Blubbles (13) | June 4, 2015 10:01pm
This guide seems pretty rushed. Lots of typos, even in the build name, and it is WAY to short to explain everything on a hero like Medusa.

I'd add a tip section, some reasons why she is so much better than other carries (as the guide's name implies), AND FOR GODS SAKE ADD ITEM REASONING. I right now have no reason to think that Power Treads are any better then the normal Phase Boots or why Scythe of Vyse is better than Shiva's Guard, on a tank Dusa. (P.S SG is better imo cuz it gives you armor which makes you more tank, its not about the regen as much as how much you have).
apaz (17) | June 4, 2015 7:54pm
I don't really think that you need a big +damage item, just more stats. For that reason, I like Manta Style. It is not only a more efficient Item, but it is also a farming item that boosts your DPS by a large percentage, just like a Daedalus. Split Shot works on Manta illusions.
farmlessvoid | June 4, 2015 2:51am
Hey i know daedalus dont crit on secondariry arrows bro this is for when you are maning up against they carry... i made a templar assassin so scared of my damage she turned on a Black King Bar in panic... soo that happened and dedalus gives you damage it is not only about the crit you see in one of my 3 builds i get a crysalys after power treads because im with negative damage when i activate the split shot, my life is really complicated i had bout 2 hours to make this build NOT GUIDE im commenting this now via tablet. Btw i think i should include good old linkens sphere here... damn i remember back on 6.82 when battlefury aghanim juggernault instantly won the match and linkens on medusa all the time... good old days but the metagame changed and some builds are more effective than otthers when i can i put alot of effort on my guides/builds please realise this guide is actually a build im writting this to kinda experienced players i have about 668 hours of dota iconsider myself 8/10 inexperience being 10 professional medua is sooo ****ing strong when farmed and i finnaly found someone ho agree on double skadi LETS GOO 4 SKADIS MEDUSA A RAPIER AND BOOTS TO 9K MMR AND BEYOND!
apaz (17) | June 3, 2015 10:33pm
I would say that the guide simply isn't long enough. Add a far more detailed skill section and an item section, and explain in depth what makes your hero strong. Then, write 5K more words. Add tips. Perhaps an analysis of a pro game. Needs content desperately.

The content that is there though, is rather good. My only nitpicking is that Daedalus and Split Shot don't work together(You can't crit on extra arrows), so it would be better to just either get another Eye of Skadi, or to get a Manta Style.
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