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Hello and welcome to my own medusa build
Medusa is by far the scariest late-game hard carry in the whole game, her skills make her super scary on the late game having up to over 9k effective hp in the late gamebut however medusa is pretty waek early game and demands tons of babysitting and hard work from supports to actually get you going i made 3 builds (most populars) and how to start/early/mid/late game all of then marked as 1/3 - 2/3 - 3/3
it really depends on how you want to play her
Split Shot - Medusa's second best abbility
Split Shot is broken... really is it allows you to hit 6 targets at the same time while only the main one get UAM like
Eye of Skadi but only deals 80% of your total damage... this is sooo broken in soo many ways this is what make
Divine Rapier soo strong on
Medusa your farming speed is incresed SOOO much with this abbility it is insane! it is like a free battlefury cleave for a ranged unit and way better than
Flak Cannon this abbility is extremelly OP in the late game and this makes medusa a cannon... and not a weak one!
Mystic Snake look lets be honest this is by far the worst medusa abbility... this is just... bad... it deals increased damage on each bounce... but... cost sooo much mana! and mana is a big part of your effective HP, i completelly HATE this abbility and skill it the last, im sorry i prefer stats over this stupid snake and dusa will allways have a support to harass in early game (only in ranked games over 1k MMR) so this is quite useless... sorry
Mana Shield THIS IS EVEN MORE BROKEN medusa got a ****ty stats gain because of this abbility... just like
Greevil's Greed imagine this: you have 1000 hp and 200 mana... mana shield will give you basicaly 2.5 more hp from each point of mana you have... this means the total hp enemys have to take away to kill you is 1000 + 200x2.5... this will give you a total of 1500 hp... WITH 200 MANA now image you on the late game with 2.900k hp and 2.5k mana... you will my friend have a total of 9150 effective Hp... WHAAAT??? this is how broken this is now imagine a hero with 9.150 k hp dealing over 400 damage every attack to almost eveything on it range... this my friends... is medusa
Stone Gaze your ultimate abbility this is a big team fight skill making enemys extremelly slow and forcing then to look away from you, if they look at you for 2 seconds they will be turned into stone taking extra physical damage but no magic damage of any king except
Mystic Snake that will cause pure damage on frozen units... you will deal 60% more damage lets see: a late game medusa hits for about 400-600 of damage lets go with 450... with the 60% extra damage you will deal 720 damage... you can still crit over this number... so yeah WELCOME TO LATE GAME MEDUSA MOTHERF%$
YOU DEAL OVER 450 damage each attack
you have over 9k effective hp
you have a game winning skill
and you can attack 6 targets at the same time
all of those builds are strong and there is nothing more to say actually
farm alot - go jungle after first point into Split Shot
get itens going reach late game/win
basically it... sorry nothing else to say this hero is just that broken btw
medusa is one of the only not countered by doom heros in the game... sorry doom you tried
Strongest hard carry in the game
best divine rapier carry in the game
extremmely tanky
can man up on 1 v 5 after farmed
game changing ultimate
likes shadow shaman and venomancer
is nature friendly
extremmely itens dependent
super low stats gain
is a stoner
needs over 30 min of farm to be usefull
****in annoying ultimate scream
FRIENDS - good support players...
aoe heavy heroes
iniciators like Enigma
FOES - farm disruptors
like Nyx Assassin
Bounty Hunter
heroes with alot of disables
if you dont have a bkb: Lion
Nyx Assassin support morpling (4.5 seconds stun)
if you have a bkb: blood seeker Winter Wyvern
lion is the worst he will stun you and then drain all of your mana burning a **** load of your effective HP also [[finger of death if you have no mana medusa can just die to this (depends on how much normal hp you have)
Diffusal Blade carrys like
Phantom Lancer
Naga Siren
Terrorblade or antimage since they burn mana they are basically dealing you double damage on your effective hp.
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