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2 Votes

Medusa Primer

March 3, 2013 by 8thdensity
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M3phistophilus | July 7, 2013 5:23am
xCO2 wrote:

Notice how he follows up his Tranquil Boots with an Energy Booster. By disassembling and reassembling between Arcane Boots and Tranquil Boots you can sustain your laning phase and disassemble Arcane for your Soul Booster. Bloodstone is already cost efficient as is, you do not need to fill up the charges to make use of the item, its an item that gives you all around efficiency for Medusa. A Blinkdagger is not a bad idea either, when Medusa acquires a Maelstrom your GPM increases greatly, and allows you to initiate a fight as a very beefy hero that does damage to everyone which forces the enemy team to choose to take all the damage from your team and throw everything into you or ignore you and let you do loads of AoE to everyone with Chain Lightning and Split Shot. Blink also allows her to farm a lane without fear of being ganked.

meh... i suppose the dissasembling thing can be abused... its propably because i am a noob but i feel dissassembling and reassembling does always cost a lot of time. in this time you concentrate on your items and not on what is happening around you. while it shouldnt happen normally, there is the possibility to get jumped with all your **** on the floor. and that is way more crucial early then a death could ever be. if the enemy only grabs a mana booster thats a 1500 gold change all of a sudden (you loose 1000 enemy gets 500)

of course you can make use of the blink dagger but with straight tank and mana medusa can be almost as survivable as a naga (well not quite but still decent). Tank can always work out. blink does only work with perfect awareness.

Lastly: Medusa is **** early. She is **** midgame. She is a bit ****ty late. She always gets utterly owned by diffusal blade (soooo painfull). She owns when she is 6 slotted with power, damage and mana in every item. Then and only then she is like some gyro on steroids
xCO2 (72) | July 5, 2013 2:11pm

As mentioned above Bloodstone/soul booster is a really interesting and cool pickup. a agi hero with low hp, low mana and huge mana requierements could really profit from bloodstone. not to mention that reduced spawn times can mean a lot in the lategame. however: Medusa inflicts her meager damage very slowly and getting kills to refill charges could turn out to lessen BS effectivenes by a lot. otherwise however i dont think a blink dagger should be picked up on a ultra-hard carry and in my opinion a aquila is more than core on medusa.
the heal boots seem highly situational. if you pick up a mana booster you could just go arc boots

Notice how he follows up his Tranquil Boots with an Energy Booster. By disassembling and reassembling between Arcane Boots and Tranquil Boots you can sustain your laning phase and disassemble Arcane for your Soul Booster. Bloodstone is already cost efficient as is, you do not need to fill up the charges to make use of the item, its an item that gives you all around efficiency for Medusa. A Blinkdagger is not a bad idea either, when Medusa acquires a Maelstrom your GPM increases greatly, and allows you to initiate a fight as a very beefy hero that does damage to everyone which forces the enemy team to choose to take all the damage from your team and throw everything into you or ignore you and let you do loads of AoE to everyone with Chain Lightning and Split Shot. Blink also allows her to farm a lane without fear of being ganked.
M3phistophilus | July 5, 2013 4:22am
As mentioned above Bloodstone/soul booster is a really interesting and cool pickup. a agi hero with low hp, low mana and huge mana requierements could really profit from bloodstone. not to mention that reduced spawn times can mean a lot in the lategame. however: Medusa inflicts her meager damage very slowly and getting kills to refill charges could turn out to lessen BS effectivenes by a lot. otherwise however i dont think a blink dagger should be picked up on a ultra-hard carry and in my opinion a aquila is more than core on medusa.
the heal boots seem highly situational. if you pick up a mana booster you could just go arc boots
8thdensity | March 8, 2013 10:10am
I have mentioned it as a possible pickup, mainly for debuff canceling. Following the bloodstone+lightning build is not the one capitalizing on stats, thus you won't get that much leverage out of manta. You need something more steroid.
If you reach the latter part of the game where you have for instance bstone+mjoll+butterfly, I'd rather make a bkb isntead of a linkens at that point.
Mirror (22) | March 5, 2013 4:16pm
blood stone is an interesting item pick up. One thing that caught me off guard me was lack of Manta style, Could you shed dome light on that?
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