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3 Votes


March 30, 2015 by partofaman
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partofaman | April 2, 2015 8:32am
@yellulzquiet yeah, I should add some more recent builds

@apaz, you're discussing a different guide =)

@papa_akar I hope you're not trolling me =)
papa_akar (1) | March 31, 2015 3:38pm
This guide is amazing! I love it! I've only played Medusa once and that was in a bot match :P, but I could understand everything you were talking about. I do think that formatting could be a little better but I do like that there is not a whole lot going on, since this guide is very in-depth and the many colors and things like that the formatting brings in may be distracting to the reader. you have made me decide that my next DotA game will be me playing Medusa! I have noticed that this is not the usual "Rush Skadi" meta, although I like that you put it in "extensions" tab because I'm seeing that in "core" you have Linkens and Manta, which I think you intended for "mid suitability" and "extensions" is more like, "What makes Medusa a huge DPS carry". So in my opinion, this is a wonderful guide! +1 from me!
apaz (17) | March 31, 2015 12:35am
I reccomend that you read the guide formatting build:

Anyway, the meta doesn't really matter. Metas change. The core Lina that I was raving about became a thing. Lina has a 78% pick/ban rate right now, and they usually buy a Shadow Blade after they finish a Eul's Scepter of Divinity. They go and gank after the Eul's, and create CRAZY ammounts of space, and even free up the midlane for a support to farm. Lina has become the master of single-hero pickoffs. Most teams just don't really know how to play against her. Granted, I was suggesting very different items, but I was, nonetheless, suggesting a core Lina. As stupid as it sounds, Desolator is actually a really good item on her, for the same reasons that it is good on Sniper. Crazy range, high attack speed, and the wish to transition into a rightclick core.

Anyway, after that tangent, your guide is fine. What would make it good, however, is if it were formatted well.
YellulzQuiet (8) | March 31, 2015 12:14am
well writeen and stuff. However this guide is outdated medusa and you should reconsider ya build
i am no t saying you to do the ****ing noob maelstorm build but notice the atual meta (rush eye skadi)
buuuuuut good luck in this 6,79 build :)
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