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11 Votes

matrice/Zenoth TerrorBlade

August 5, 2014 by minhogang
Comments: 8    |    Views: 72038    |   

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Ptyrell | October 21, 2014 6:35pm
This build is very good. Jungle TB is dead now with 6.81c, but the quick aquila->boots->yasha->BoTs is the best strategy I've seen for this hero. Even when behind, it allows one to control the map and defend with split push, especially with the TP cool down reduction attached to BoTs. The nerds to TB's illusions make early game juggling slower, but the same core principle and strategy of the hero make him very strong. I've won 6/6 games with this build so far, including a 4v5 and a 3v5 where teammates abandoned.
Rudd (3) | August 28, 2014 9:11am
The builds and your explanation along the guide seem very dubious. Stacking Skadi and Butterflies is a bad choice. Jungling with Terrorblade is also a bad option.

The players you use as example may be good players, and thats nice. However, you should take into consideration that a lot of high skill players troll with their buidls. They do stupid **** just for the heck of it and try and win that way.

Watching what better players do is a good way to improve. But you should learn the game itself also. That way you can distinguish between a legitimate build and a troll build.
Moodkill (9) | August 28, 2014 3:58am
Eon_Theory wrote:

Why the **** would you get 2 Skadi's, Heart is so much better for tankiness or even Satanic if you wanna heal to full....

Don't have to use foul language dude, at least go with why the hell or heck.
Anothink | August 7, 2014 4:36pm
Good guide really. I've always been intrigued about Terrorblade and my god, after reading this guide and playing a few games, I really saw Terrorblade in a new light.
znenon | August 5, 2014 11:49pm
you forgot about basher mask of madness cause you need the lockdown to get off a good sunder

also you should pick up pipe + mek for extra illusion survivability

and jungle tb isnt the best and most efficent btw its actually aincent farming with metamorph and qb like medusa
Muggets | August 5, 2014 10:54pm
Why not just get 3 vangaurds; because for you're survivability and you can fight early game, duh. gg
minhanh1964 | August 5, 2014 9:03pm
cool, I've just try this build, and I saved my team. Lol. Good guide
Eon_Theory (2) | August 5, 2014 4:20pm
Why the **** would you get 2 Skadi's, Heart is so much better for tankiness or even Satanic if you wanna heal to full....
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