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18 Votes


February 23, 2013 by vocup1997
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Bwallace (1) | March 25, 2013 8:49am
My eyes hurt by just looking at your guide. If you were developing a way how not to play Clinkz you succeeded. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and the terrible English on top of it makes it even worse. Thanks for the laughs. -1 rep
TenshiN (6) | February 27, 2013 10:30am
I see the Boots of Speed in starting...And facepalm. I see that the build is titled "Be a pro" and go facepalm again... Tell me straight dude, are you trolling?
xCO2 (72) | February 24, 2013 10:23am
vocup1997 wrote:


From reading your guide, I can see you're not very good at speaking English. I suggest you have a friend translate what I say to you, and not trying to figure it out yourself with Google or Bing translator.

You're right, there are different ways to play Clinkz successfully, but you're wrong this isn't one of them. Generally when Peppo_oPaccio gives feedback its a good idea to listen, he's one of the few members on the site that when they say something its for a justified reason. He even took the time to tell you what you're doing wrong to help you make appropriate changes.

In an ARTS genre, it has nothing to do with opinion, its all about efficiency and grinding numbers. In games like League of Legends and DoTA there are specific fundamentals, as is aim to a first person shooter, efficiency and diligence are the key to an RTS.

Now your build...your starting items need a big change. Clinkz could use some early mana regen, a good starting build would be a Ring of Protection, a few Iron Branches, and some regen like clarites and tangos. Then make an early Basilius. If you wanted to have an early Perseverance I would recommend a Linken's Sphere as the upgrade, it gives all around needed stats and a little damage as well as a good effect. For your middle game items or your "core" items, I recommend you choose one and then finish your Linken's, Desolator if they're tanky team and Maelstrom if they are squishy and don't have a Rubick or Anti-mage.

In terms of the guide itself, its very hard for others to read a large body of colored text, a better option would to highlight key points with the color of choice. Another good thing to do would be to rearrange your guide, split the German and English sections into two bodies, you can use the code:
[h2]Insert subtitle here.[/h2]
This will make the same header effect as the different sections but just have the German as one section and English as another. That way you have only two sections in the directory, so a user could click English or German to skip to that half of the guide. I recommend if you do this, that you have the English portion on the top half of the page, due to most of our community being English speaking individuals. Some good sections to add would be a "Friends and Foes", and a section that explains what lane you're going to and why.

vocup1997 wrote:
- Then you should slowly begin with regeneration, but should you buy RING OF HEALTH and VOID STONE -> PERSEVERANCE

You're supposed to purchase Void Stone first, you should not be taking very much physical damage in the lane, and will instead be casting quite a bit of mana.
vocup1997 | February 24, 2013 9:49am
There are different ways to play with Clinkz well and this is one of them. Each has a different opinion.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 24, 2013 4:08am
Boots of Speed and Healing Salve as starting items? -1
Plus, the random skill build and the Bloodstone, which is an item for Heroes that need a big amount of mana regen ( Timbersaw, Storm Spirit, maybe Death Prophet), make the guide even less appealing.

Also, one question: why you put a Gem of True Sight as a situational item? So that when the enemies kill you they'll be advantaged?
Johnthedragon (1) | February 23, 2013 11:36pm
One word: NO
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