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5 Votes

Lunar Equation

October 15, 2012 by Numeta
Comments: 10    |    Views: 7555    |   

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WorkPants (7) | July 5, 2012 12:36am
Numeta wrote:

Also Eclipse is like an event cast, if you refresh and recast the first initial eclipse will remain and continue to rain beams down.

That's pretty cool actually, I knew it worked like that for Eye of the Storm but didn't realize it was the same for Eclipse.
Numeta (27) | July 4, 2012 11:01pm
Well the timing / level at which you obtain Refresher, you will have enough mana for the combo no problem. I got a video of me showcasing it.

Also Eclipse is like an event cast, if you refresh and recast the first initial eclipse will remain and continue to rain beams down.
WorkPants (7) | July 4, 2012 10:37pm
Numeta wrote:

You can't have 4 images up, but it does refresh manta. Since the images die easily it's nice to have a back up pair. And the split cleanse is nice to have as well.

Also refreshes BKB

The timing window for everything going perfectly ( Eclipse ends, Manta Style images dying, Black King Bar nearing expiration) seems pretty iffy, although I understand that's just the literal best case scenario. Does Luna really have the Mana to double Eclipse though? You receive merely +6/14 INT ( Refresher Orb and Power Treads, +78/182 Mana) from items but must finance 875 (250 * 2 + 375) Mana to perform a double Eclipse. And that's without even factoring in Manta Style (1040 Mana), double Manta Style (1205 Mana) or any Lucent Beam usage (+120 Mana per usage)...
Numeta (27) | July 4, 2012 10:18pm
You can't have 4 images up, but it does refresh manta. Since the images die easily it's nice to have a back up pair. And the split cleanse is nice to have as well.

Also refreshes BKB
WorkPants (7) | July 4, 2012 9:28pm
How do Manta Style and Refresher Orb interact? Can you have four images at once or does it refresh your current two?
Numeta (27) | July 4, 2012 8:30pm
Cheese? Wat?
wilddeonpwn (102) | July 4, 2012 7:10pm
very lazy guide, but I see what you are doing Cheese
Numeta (27) | July 4, 2012 4:50pm
Added a video, have been very busy I will write some text later.
Gottlike (1) | July 3, 2012 2:08pm
This is an itembuild nothing more.
Xshadow101 | July 3, 2012 12:05pm
This guide is lazy.
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