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26 Votes

Luna : The Basics

June 29, 2012 by Tenbrion
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Krilky | February 13, 2014 10:06pm
What about Butterfly? One of the better items on Luna to get in my opinion.

Also you should probably put Monkey King Bar in situational for countering evasion and/or the ability to interrupt channels more than once every 6 seconds.
Tenbrion | June 29, 2012 7:52am
Updated skillbuild and item build. Just in case no one noticed, this guide isn't set in stone, and as I learn more/am informed, I will add to it or change it.
jaslam (21) | June 29, 2012 7:19am
+1 all around, good effort for the post!
just 1 thing, poor man's shield is generally pants on a ranged hero - it only give -10 dmg. (I understand why, as luna is practically a melee hero)
however, getting a Wraith Band, and building a Ring of Aquila is cheaper, it saves you a slot, better stats AND you probably block 10 dmg with the extra armor anyway. (or inversely increase your effective hp)
also agree with above post. better skill build early would be
Lunar Blessing > Lucent Beam > Lunar Blessing > Lucent Beam > Lucent Beam > ulti etc..

You would do more damage with lunars blessing in the form of DPS than 2 levels of lucent beam. (+ you probably won't use lucent beam until it is level 3 or more)
Tenbrion | June 29, 2012 5:27am

Stuff you said

True, but if a Luna player isn't careful with her ultimate, he will still soak it up, especially before your glaive gets devastating.

EDIT: I thought about it, and I changed the skillset to E, Q, Q, E.
Franimal | June 28, 2012 10:31pm
I have to disagree that Phantom Lancer's illusions counter Luna. She can wreck them extremely quickly with Moon Glaive. If anything she counters him.

Also, tried out Luna today in a random game using this guide..
I did however change the beginning skill order and thought this worked better:

Bleessing - Beam - Beam - Blessing

Just gives some extra last hitting ability (a lot) and Beam is kinda useless at level 1 anyway.
Sentinel#248175 | June 28, 2012 8:01pm

Another good friend to have is Drow, her ranged attack aura stacks nicely with yours. The downside is that you have two gold-hungry carries on the same team, but if you can get it to work it can be devastating.
Tenbrion | June 28, 2012 7:29pm
Thank you. Will use this as reference for Friends/Foes section.

EDIT: Added Friends and Foes section. Tell me what ya think.
Sentinel#248175 | June 28, 2012 7:23pm
So, a few thoughts from trying her out in DOTA2:

- in teamfights, you will be focussed on early, so if there are ANY disables you need to get BKB before manta
- as a follow-up, enemies with major nuke and/or stun damage are bad to go up against. Not impossible, but you'll need to be careful.
- Riki would be bad as an opponent - your ulti doesn't hit invis units, and his smoke will silence you.
- PL has way too many decoys which will just soak up your ulti beams, also a bad opponent.
Tenbrion | June 28, 2012 7:14pm
Honestly, I haven't played her enough to know her allies and enemies. But once I do, I'll be sure to update the guide.
Sentinel#248175 | June 28, 2012 6:22pm
Looks like a good basic build. Perhaps a section on good allies and bad opponents? That often helps people make wiser picks...

Luna was one of my favourite heroes from DOTA 1 - can't wait to try her out in version 2!
Leech (25) | June 27, 2012 10:08pm
Lucent beam or aura level 1, max lucent first and get either the aura or stats. Max glaive last, you'll have a better time this way.

EDIT: I see you changed the skill build, looks better now.
Tenbrion | June 27, 2012 9:12pm
Leech wrote:

Moon Glaive first? Why? It does **** damage early on and pushes, I see no point in getting it early. Especially since you won't have manta early enough to justify illusions. Also it isn't needed to farm.

Perhaps an early level of the aura to help with ganks/lasthitting?
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