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11 Votes

Luna Build

July 23, 2012 by hurrin
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R-Conqueror (24) | November 19, 2013 12:09pm
Unfortunately there are many people who play Luna incorrectly.

But to be constructive:
1. Your skill build is messed up, you have 4 points in her ult and 3 in her Q.
2. I would recommend BKB. Luna is not tanky enough to survive many spells/disables so it really is a must-have.
3. Wait to level up the glaives. They really do almost no damage when you are level 4, making them pretty useless.

El_Alabe | November 19, 2013 7:20am
No wait, really, don't levelling lucent beam can be a chaice, but if you do so, there's really no point in levelling your ultimate, as for the sigle level in moon glaive at 4 i suggest it only if you're in trouble and need a little more aggression or an early jungle, you're a safe-lane carry, you don't want your lane to be pushed.
Last, if you're playng at a decent level bkb is really a must, not a situational, you have poor hp and no escape, you don't want to be chain-stunned.
Also iron branch and magic wand should be a suggested item if your enemy has a lot of active ability.
tyrranus | November 19, 2013 4:19am
As a DOTA 2 noob, I have been losing about 3-4 games for every 1 win since I started. For some reason I'd always liked Luna, and she was my most successful hero at a dismal win-to-loss of 3:7.

After reading this build, I tried it and have won 13 out of my last 16 games! My kills aren't huge, but I am a firm believer that a well-played Luna with this build can really turn a game completely around. Several of the games started out heavily in favor of the other team, but by the time I hit level 14-15 and was jungling and pushing waves, we did a 180 for the win.

All I can say is "my deepest thanks!" for a well-written guide. What drew me to this build was that the guide itself was short and sweet, with a detailed purchase order! <-KEEPS IT SIMPLE AND FOOLPROOF :)

Some things I change up:
1) Start with tangoes instead of salve
2) If I'm low on last hits/cash at the start, I buy Morbid right after Power Treads and start jungling a little sooner with the help of tangoes.
3) I max LB by lvl 7 for ganks, at the cost of a slower jungling start (no glaives till 8-9)

Anyways, you saved my DOTA game with this. Thanks again!
Ian13098 | July 27, 2013 11:16am
My first three games as Luna with this build got me +15 kills and -5 each game, Thank You so much :D, also i added aegis and Divine Rapier when i am really fed :3
hurrin | July 24, 2012 11:26am
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
I have 4 points in lucent beam they are just spread out.
this is a carry build not a nuke build as in when she hits lv16 she will have way more gold than normal and can end game pown!(i usually have her "buying order" complete by lv 16)
This build usually gets me first blood,is a little sluggish mid game but unstoppable late game.
Yeh its work in progress ill probably switch out YnS for something else.
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | July 24, 2012 9:08am
also you only put 3 pints in Lucent Beam
AngryTurtle (7) | July 24, 2012 6:58am
The movespeed from manta and SnY don't stack and there is no real point in getting her ult if you only have 1 point in her Q.
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