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6 Votes

Lifestealer competitive guide, Loda/Xboct/Era way to build a hardcarry lifestealer.

February 3, 2014 by affanhayat
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dynasty987 (6) | February 5, 2014 2:45pm
Bad item choices, even worse skill build. You max feast last. Even if jungling you never get more than 2 points in it until the other two are maxed, and no competitive player will ever, ever jungle a carry.
bastardodentro (2) | February 5, 2014 3:12am
I play stealer a lot and my usual build is phase, drums, armlet and desolator. If i'm farming well, I tend to get these items at around 17 to 20 minutes thus allowing me to 2/3 shot supports, push towers with ease, fight taking down important targets really fast. Then it depends on the enemy composition.
The SnY build is really weak imho and you simply can't pass up on armlet. As others said already the skillbuild also kinda sucks.
ashwinthegrim (7) | February 4, 2014 7:42pm
affanhayat wrote:

Now the thing you said about mid game and late game is that this guide is for competitive matches, and in competitive matches the build is always, I repeat always meant for mid game and if the game drags on, you can convert this into late game build by going abyssal/ MKB. Now you cannot in anyway ignore the fact that these items give lifestealer 500 phase speed, this speed itself is so damn high that he is easily able to catch upto enemy heroes quickly, and right click them down easily.

I disagree.. SnY falls off way too early to be viable.. Even for your midgame, an armlet would give you as much, if not more value compared to your SnY..
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 4, 2014 2:36pm
Hmm you should have added Power Treads as well. Not to mention Desolator to. Mjollnir, Heart of Tarrasque, Daedalus and of course lifesteal items Helm of the Dominator, Mask of Madness, Vladmir's Offering. About the Armlet of Mordiggian and Desolator you're wrong, also goes for the Butterfly as well. The player can choose between Butterfly or Heaven's Halberd.

PS: I build lifesteal items. If you don't like it, call a lawyer and sue me. Not even 3 man with a Satanic can take down Lifestealer.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 4, 2014 2:29pm
Timminatorr wrote:

this is a pretty bad guide, you cant pass up your active skills becosue you need the range on Open Wounds and Rage is just so good.
but if you would pull out a calculator you would see that armlet gives 65 damage as opposed to S&Y's 32 ****py damage, 7 less attack speed, but more HP, regen and armor. + the insane ability to go back in the fight even though you just had 1 HP.
you are paying 1500 gold more for some movespeed and a medicore slow with a low proc chance.

S&Y falls off after 5 maybe 10 minutes if you are stomping. your reasoning is just plain wrong. you are advising people wrong with this item and skillbuild.

The bad thing is that in Dota 2 Sange and Yasha doesn't give you buff. In Dota +16 Agility +16 Strength +16 damage +16 attack speed Greater Maim (passive) +16% movement speed. And it gives you all plus stats. Example: base damage 50-58 + 16 damage, + 16 Strength/Agility, + 16 attack speed, Greater Maim and + 16 movement speed. While in Dota 2 Sange and Yasha increases your base stats, that's why is carp in a way. If you have 50 base damage it won't give you the + 16, it will just increase the base damage from 50 to 66 and that goes for the rest of the stuff.
longtth | April 9, 2016 4:14am
doesn't know the SnY mechanic yet, thanks!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 4, 2014 10:25am
Timminatorr wrote:

this is a pretty bad guide, you cant pass up your active skills becosue you need the range on Open Wounds and Rage is just so good.
but if you would pull out a calculator you would see that armlet gives 65 damage as opposed to S&Y's 32 ****py damage, 7 less attack speed, but more HP, regen and armor. + the insane ability to go back in the fight even though you just had 1 HP.
you are paying 1500 gold more for some movespeed and a medicore slow with a low proc chance.

S&Y falls off after 5 maybe 10 minutes if you are stomping. your reasoning is just plain wrong. you are advising people wrong with this item and skillbuild.

Whoa, I didn't take a look at the skill build when I wrote my first comment. It is really bad for a laning Lifestealer.
Timminatorr (57) | February 4, 2014 7:23am
this is a pretty bad guide, you cant pass up your active skills becosue you need the range on Open Wounds and Rage is just so good.
but if you would pull out a calculator you would see that armlet gives 65 damage as opposed to S&Y's 32 ****py damage, 7 less attack speed, but more HP, regen and armor. + the insane ability to go back in the fight even though you just had 1 HP.
you are paying 1500 gold more for some movespeed and a medicore slow with a low proc chance.

S&Y falls off after 5 maybe 10 minutes if you are stomping. your reasoning is just plain wrong. you are advising people wrong with this item and skillbuild.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 4, 2014 4:59am
Where's the Armlet of Mordiggian? I've never seen a single competitive player not going for the Armlet after the Drums. Also, if you need to outcarry a stronger Hero as soon as possible, going Skull Basher into Assault Cuirass is better, though I really love Sange and Yasha on Lifestealer as they make him so fast.

affanhayat wrote:

Armlet (Yes you heard me right, I used to build armelet a lot of time but believe me armlet is not worth it, as it becomes useless late game and does extremely less when deactivated, plus you drop to zero health in no time if you are fighting 2v1)

The Armlet never becomes useless as it's basically free extra HP and damage, plus it gives you the ability to Armlet toggle and occasionally survive deadly situations. It's one of the most cost-efficient items, made from cheap components, with a relatively small early game price and a lot more benefits than overpriced items like a Sacred Relic (or even a full Radiance on STR Heroes). And if you're fighting 2v1 and you drop to zero health, chances are you're disarmed (or don't have enough mana for your Rage and get disabled) or you're underfarmed. And still, even if you end up with low health, you can run away Armlet toggling to get extra HP temporarily.

People get Phase Boots, Drum of Endurance and Sange and Yasha on Lifestealer to solve the kiting issue, but if you don't deal damage in the first place trading damage for movement speed is not worth it. An Armlet after the Drums makes this build the best one for N'aix in my opinion, but you really need it.
affanhayat | February 4, 2014 4:01am
eeon wrote:

nice, to the point guide. 2 things though:
1. this build is for an "in lane" Lifestealer so you can be efficient in the mid game, chase heroes and all that, if you freefarm the jungle I believe you need to go for harder items like Assault Cuirass Skull Basher -> Abyssal Blade asap
2. Desolator, there is a reason why so many people get it, it s not just +60 damage as you have said, also -7 armor reduction will increase your damage considerably and it will help you push towers faster.
some formatting will do wonders.

Eeon, thanks for the feedback, now about the desolator, the thing about how you should buy items on certain carries is if you know the true price/performance ratio, Now I'm not saying that desolator is a bad item, it just doesn't give you much and lifestealer gets six slotted fairly quickly and it just covers up space in the late game. It is better to spend that that money on a basher earlier so you can get bashes and later convert it into Abyssal blade.
affanhayat | February 4, 2014 3:56am
samukobo wrote:

No mention of how Feast should never be maxed first yet, unless you're jungling?

Feast is really good if you are getting harassed, How ever you are right, open wounds should be maxed out first for the long range ultra slow. TY for pointing that out :)
affanhayat | February 4, 2014 3:16am

Fair guide, however, I believe that you are combining two things here.. In my opinion, most lifestealer builds fall under two categories.. mid game oriented and late game oriented.. for mid game, you build phase boots, drums, SnY and go with it..

However, for a late game build, it is still better to go phase boots --> armlet --> basher --> abyssal --> MKB..

With your build, it would be very late by the time you get your basher done, and lifestealer does need that lockdown early because like you mention, he has no chasing mechanism other than open wounds..

Now the thing you said about mid game and late game is that this guide is for competitive matches, and in competitive matches the build is always, I repeat always meant for mid game and if the game drags on, you can convert this into late game build by going abyssal/ MKB. Now you cannot in anyway ignore the fact that these items give lifestealer 500 phase speed, this speed itself is so damn high that he is easily able to catch upto enemy heroes quickly, and right click them down easily.
samukobo (28) | February 3, 2014 11:32pm
No mention of how Feast should never be maxed first yet, unless you're jungling?
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