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4 Votes

Let me try that! - Rubick Semi-support guide

September 8, 2013 by MrJamFury
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Eheroduelist (2) | January 16, 2014 12:55pm
I liked the guide, a bit general but it does what it needs to do.
I personally reccommend spamming the sh-t out of Spellsteal when deemably necessary, because in a teamfight you'd be surprised what you can snatch.

Example: Teamfight where the enemy mid T2 tower used to be (Dire side),5v4 situation, I (Rubick) am walking up the lane from the Radiant side, their team is basically 4 other heroes and Sand King.
So my team is losing the teamfight, I come, fade bolt, Spellsteal Sand King, stun ALL 5 of the enemy players, lift the Sand King, and throw him into his team, stun-locking their team for a team-wipe.

Example 2: my team is getting roflstomped inbetween the bottom T2 and T3 towers (Dire side), I walk in from the bottom right of the secret shop area, fade bolt a Drow, bounces to kill a Nyx Assassin and bounces again onto a bloodseeker. I lift the Drow, throw her into bloodseeker, steal bloodseeker's ultimate (Drow is just above half health, bloodseeker is at around 3/4ths) pop ult on Drow, secure the kill with a right click, Bloodseeker is right-clicking the hell out of me, I get just to the T3 with 7 hp, when my teammate Vengeful Spirit stuns Blood under tower for the kill.
(Moral of the story: never give up XD)

However, you may want to include a section that goes into detail about when to pick Rubick, and especially when not to.
MrJamFury (1) | September 10, 2013 6:07am
Thx, for the advice, I might add something else then
Sprout (1) | September 9, 2013 3:01pm
In my opinion this guide is a bit redundant, there are already guides for rubick just likes this and some of them even more in-depth, consider adding more information about your personal playstyle and anything that might contribute something new to the site, perhaps diving more into his ultimate (since it really is what makes him unique). Otherwise fine skill build, I would usually go for a bit more survivability before going both force and blink, they don't save you if you're stunned but 500 extra hp might. Consider phase boots too, love them on rubick for various reasons :-)
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