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3 Votes

Laning Ursa (noobs, pub stomper)

February 20, 2013 by olgran
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Dictatorforlife#278908 (1) | August 30, 2012 4:56pm
Downvoted for the following reason:

How long is somebody truly a noob in Dota 2? If we wanted to talk levels, I would say you would get pubstomped by a pubstomper Ursa from levels 1-10, a very generous level 10, I might add.
And if you were to get pubstomped by an Ursa from levels 1-10, I would think that he would be jungling. So I give pubstomping laning Ursa a level 1-7 threshold, again, being generous with that level 7.
How many levels can be achieved through Dota's leveling system? An infinite number, that's how many.
I present to you math. If a pub will get roflstomped by Ursa for a generous 10 levels of Dota's leveling system (at level 11 they will become enlightened, woooOo wooOooOoo), we have the ratio 10 levels of Ursa ownage out of an infinite amount of levels. Therefore, we have really small positive number over infinity which leaves us ZERO. Zero percent of Dota 2's hierarchy of players will get pubstomped by a jungling Ursa, imagine how I feel about a laning Ursa's chances.

That said, this guide is useless. Utterly and completely rubbish and refuse. If you want to play Ursa past an insignificant amount of levels, there are ways you can contribute to your team, for sure. But you aren't going to be a pubstomping overly fed Ursa which is why your guide is useless and tasteless. There are better ways of pubstomping in games that are actually enjoyable. If you've only discovered how to pubstomp with the easiest hero in game, I'm sorry. Killing noobs is only fun for noobs that wouldn't get fed otherwise.

That said, I'd much rather have noobs on my team learn how to JUNGLE Ursa. It's a good way to start learning the jungle, learning how to stack, learning how to pull, and learning the abilities of the many specimens that inhabit said jungle. Heck, it might even teach them mana control. I would much rather have a TRUE hard carry soak up massive amounts of magic solo experience and farm. Your guide steals that benefit from the whole team.

When I play a public game, I never ever want to see a product of your guide on my team. However, I'd be delighted to see him feed me on the enemy side.

NotSureIf (16) | August 30, 2012 4:10pm
Hades4u wrote:

What NotSureIf said.

Also, consider disassembling Sange and Yasha into Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Sange and Yasha is quite a viable item early game for it's movespeed, damage and HP contributions to Ursa. But later on this will be quite weak and late game is when Ursa is going to shine as a carry. So I completely agree with Hades in this case as...
Hades4u (296) | August 30, 2012 3:56pm
What NotSureIf said.

Also, consider disassembling Sange and Yasha into Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style.
olgran | August 30, 2012 3:55pm
i agree, an will add the shadow blade. this is gonna be a test then build and update guide.thanks for input
NotSureIf (16) | August 30, 2012 3:53pm
I think that the Sange and Yasha he has incorporated into the item build it supposed to accomodate for Ursa's slow movement speed even with boots. However Ursa can very well benefit from using a Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade so he can make more use of his Earthshock. You may also want to consider adding a Black King Bar so he can't get disabled after blinking into enemy heroes.
Filup | August 30, 2012 3:46pm
Ursa has to have either Shadow Blade of Blink Dagger to get to the centre of the fight quickly. He is too slow otherwise and can't contribute and dominate in team fights otherwise.
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