Laning Ursa (noobs, pub stomper)
February 20, 2013
You may notice that its not that different to a jungling Ursa
You may notice that its not that different to a jungling Ursa, an you'd be right. the only real difference is the starting items.
jungling you would start with
Quelling Blade
Stout Shield
once you are lv 6 and have vlads, solo roshan.
remember that ursa is a jungler so if your laning partner seems to be able to hold his/her own, get in the jungle.
Ursa slams the earth, causing a powerful shock to damage and slows all enemy units in a nearby area for 4 seconds.
Lv1 90 damage, 25% slow movement
Lv2 140 damage, 35% slow movement
Lv3 190 damage, 45% slow movement
Lv4 240 damage, 55% slow movement
This skill is the one that lets you kill the enemy before they escape, the damage output is not alot, but the slow movement does help alot.
Using his skill in combat, Ursa gains increased attack speed for a set number of attacks or until the duration expires.
lv1 next 3 attacks at 400% attack speed
Lv2 next 4 attacks at 400% attack speed
Lv3 next 5 attacks at 400% attack speed
Lv4 next 6 attacks at 400% attack speed
This skill can decimate the enemy so quickly. but has quite a long animation so press it just before you attack.
Fury Swipes
Ursa's claws dig deeper wounds in the enemy, causing consecutive attacks to the same enemy to deal more damage. Each hit on the same target within 6 seconds, including the first hit, deals damage and increases the damage taken by subsequent attacks. If the same target is not attacked after 6 seconds, the bonus damage is lost.
Fury Swipes is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers so when building vlads get the morbid mask LAST.
lv1. 15 Bonus damage per attack
lv2. 20 Bonus damage per attack
lv3. 25 Bonus damage per attack
lv4. 30 Bonus damage per attack
This skill allows you to kill Roshan early in the game, BUT DO NOT attack Roshan unless you have maxed this and you have Vlads.
Ursa goes into a frenzy, gaining a percentage of his current health as bonus damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
lv1. 5% of current life added to damage
lv2. 6% of current life added to damage
lv3. 7% of current life added to damage (7% of 2500hp is 175 bonus damage)
The more hp you have the more damage is done, so items like heart of tarrasque really help.
(under construction......)
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