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If what you meant was that the build is viable, I agree with you. Most builds are viable, even if they aren't that good.
Again, about the shadown blade part of the discussion, I didn't say
Also, there have been several drafts in competitive matches where Heroes that rely on their invisibility have been picked. But they weren't picked because of their invisibility, and that's a very important point for the discussion that we are having (a friendly one, of course, :P). You can also see how
Also, it can be a bit stressing for a support to be always buying
The build of this guide is viable and it is an option, but when it is said in the guide that
I hope this doesn't come across as too aggressive. I actually enjoy these discussions, so no insults or flame of any kind intended. Sorry for the long *** post, I can't ****ing synthetise even if my life depended on it.
I don't want to repeat myself about the
Other than that, good effort on the guide. I would just suggest, if you had the patience for it (it can be boring), to improve the visual quality of it by using the double "[ ]", producing this effect:
Another person saying the reactive is useless makes me want to strangle them, a free extra attack that heals you, hell last game I played yesterday gave me first blood in the first 4 min from 4 reactive strikes in a row legion is not a passive farmer, treat her like axe, hit the other players, your faster, I do not farm a lane I win it.
The AC over Desolator, that is your choice, judge what you need, how well you are doing, what your facing, if your facing a lot of right click damage then yeah AC, but if it is spells as such deso, deso is easy to collect and a just building up to it helps your damage +24, yeah.
Last legion I spoon fed I asked he just follow what I ask and he will have the easiest game ever, he went 16-1 and we won by 30 min.
I will add in the items mentioned to last words, but I don't prefer them.
I don't see how this build is "optimal".
Also, no need to get a
This is my perspective and you may disagree from it, but it is not "misguided and misinformed", as with most other opinions from other users about this guide.
Clearly the wrong adjective for what I was typing, the word that was escaping me at the time was viable, not optimal. But that's clear enough when I go on to say there is changes to be made, wouldn't make much sense to say this is the best build and then go on to say that it could be improved.
You still see many heroes picking up Shadow Blade and heroes being secured in drafts that rely on invisibility, countering invisibility is not a new concept, the game has been around for over a decade. But the fact is that counter-counter warding is a tactic that can be used, gems are easily secured, and buying invis detection constantly for a single invis unit on the team and one with such limited spamability puts a big strain on the enemy team in itself and often time will not be an issue for a single Shadowblade carrier. Its an item you use to sneak in to ult, that doesn't mean you go way out of position while you're invisible.
There is not a single build path for a hero. In the build provided, the Shadow Blade is the core. Much like how a Blink Dagger could be a core in a build. He provides an aggressive burst damage Tresdin, his item build is completely viable. I'm not gonna explain again why its the core item, you can re-read my previous post. I don't see how either of those rings instantly fix a strength hero's mana problems, the Clarity is to have early lane dominance since both of her abilities are pretty strong and able to be spammed. His early build revolves around small skirmishes and that I don't agree with, which is why I provided a better skill build in my post.
The reason Tresdin is able to become a carry is specifically from her infinitely scaling ultimate, and getting those secured stacks is essential, much like how a Blink Dagger will have to be sold later and I can use the Shadow Fiend example again for that too. And I never made specific claims to who or what was misguided or misinformed, but there are a couple points you made that I find misguided, one being that Shadowblade is an awful item and is awful on everyone and every situation. If your knowledge on something is wrong, you're not going to know its wrong, otherwise you wouldn't be wrong, right?
Also, no need to get a
This is my perspective and you may disagree from it, but it is not "misguided and misinformed", as with most other opinions from other users about this guide.
she is a pretty weak laner.
Tresdin is not weak in Mid. So... I don't know about that
I think the best way is to jungle and have a non greedy offlaner like nyx assassin who can transition into sort of a semi-support.
Your passive is useless in lane, as you should NEVER autoattack and be attacked by the creepwave as this will push the lane.
You should keep the lane in the same place by doing the same damage to your creepwave as you do to theirs. That is IMPOSSIBLE to do with moment of courage.
1/ Did u really put a stat point at lvl 7?
2/ You say Tresdin is one of the most powerfull cac (1vs1), I agree but with this build (items) I don't think you will have a good survability.
For exemple you say that the armor is one of her weak point and you don't put the Armlet of Mordiggian into the core stuff. More over the Satanic is so overpowered and you don't even play it. (armlet + Helm of dominator) give a +10 armor.
3/ You pike the AOE very late, if you are fighting agressive range, I don't think you have the mana for spamming Press the Attack, if you pike overwerlming you will be able to harass and get some last hit, in fact I prefere OD for long range aoe and keep the openent low HP. With OD lvl 3 when you are lvl 5 you can easely put 240/250 damages, on ranged agl or int it's quite alot.
In fact Basilus are really good idea, and your build is good for a sneaky LC but I prefere a more tanky one. If you don't have much HP/armor you will have a lack of presence during clash.
With PT/Satanic/Armlet and Aquila to ;) You will have a better presence for less money.
I don't mean to offend you but are you sure about this build? the first skill for legion is 100% optional in fact i recommend never getting it unless your versing meepo, or some mass cloner as it's useless and if your going mid then dont buy any ****py starter items and get moment of courage for healing those annoying people who harass you
No need to tread lightly, criticism doesn't insult me if it is thought out and non insulting bro.
If you mean her nuke as optional then how do you chase your opponents or do any form of burst apart from right clicks?, every creep and hero you hit adds more damage and speed, i have had double and triple kills from good clumps, not to mention super speed both to catch and escape with.
For the mid comment, how are you going to keep the shout up then? your not going to have rune control in most cases, so bottle crow is the only way to stay there with no regen to start, and how will you counter harass?