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Kemedo Experiences

January 16, 2013 by Kemedo
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Kemedo (1) | December 21, 2012 4:44am
I really like your comments, logical and pragmatic.

I tried to use Shrapnel in my build, but I guess I have an inaptitude with it. Don´t seens that usefull to me, and I end almost oom for Assassinate when I tried. After some readings, the problem is probably with my game style. I sense that stats are better to a ocasional spell or one less Assassinate

Assassinate as warning shot. I am not just shoting random targets. See, the shot will scare "squishiers" (dam, is this exists at all? hehehe) heros, when the battle begin, even if not kill them, at least force them to retreat for a few seconds until realise that he is not the focus of the attack. Or shotting just with initiator attack will make the enemy easier to kill. It´s not shot at random, but I use it nothing only to last hit, but to help others to kill too. Maybe it´s not the most efficient way to use, in a world where the numbers of kills are overestimate over the assists. I already finish a game with only 4 kills but 1 death and almost 30 assists, using assassinate this way... :D

There is another use, but I didn´t recommend at all, because I do it right only once: Ambushes, since you can shoot out of their sight, once i use it to make them think I´m alone at jungle when all my group are waiting for them. It was a bloodbath... :D

Ethereal Blade working as a Assassinate buffer, or depends on group composition to burst their magical damage. it is situational, because when I tested, I felt their utility very marginal... But I see some replays where Snipers use this very effectvely against Ursa and others melee nukers. But there are comments about on investing in agility (and having a drow in your side) make the damage really impressive. Not tested this way tho.

As I said before, my knowledge is not complete about Sniper, I´m over testing it. And with tests new aproachs rise. Your comments are very usefull for that matter, tahnk you.
Galois4 (1) | December 17, 2012 1:57pm
Warning shot with assassinate:
Your uses for assassinate (setting up ganks and killing fleeing heroes) sounds logical, but other than that it seems useless to waste mana on just firing assassinate at random (I've seen twice snipers playing with me do that and it did nothing and helped nothing by doing it just because you can). Checked in practice game just now that it is possible at level 6 to do 3 assassinates in 70 seconds with that ring, but after that, it takes about 100seconds for enough mana again (with out ring even worse) (thinking about them just using potions out of you range (since assassinate is on 20 cooldown) then come back and also use their on you).

On average headshot deals 90*.4=36 physical damage per attack.
Shrapnel deals 48 magical damage in AOE.
Placing shrapnel over creeps, each of them receive the damage (as far as i know, creeps doesn't have magical resistance, so take full damage) which clearly outweighs 36 damage on average on one creep.
So theoretically (and from my experiences) shrapnel outweighs headshot early game (assuming your not picking fights while under farmed). Can be useful for early harassing, farming, pushing, defending, slowing (30% is really nice) or some crowd control or even escape. For escape place Shrapnel just in front of you in the direction your running away, people chasing you will get 30% slow. This idea is even useful if you have SB, since opposing team will at least have dust, i use it only when the 20% movement increase due to SB won't be enough, but most of the time the 20% move increase is sufficient (that is if they don't stun or disable, or your very close and low HP, ect., in which case, either way, your dead). Ring of Aquila provided me with the necessary mana for sharpnel (which i see is included in both your item builds early). Sometimes I still get headshot early.

Can you also try to justify the other options items. Like ethereal blade: when and why is it needed. Maybe use to increase assasinate's damage, but worth it to be slowed and also take extra magical damage?

"You must discart the part where ilusion do mini-suns."
Yeah, i know, it was even stated in the comments of that guide.

Nice to see that you at least trying to improve.
Good Luck. Have fun. :)
Kemedo (1) | December 17, 2012 10:35am
Yeah, your post makes much senses, and I was sensing somethings you said a while. I correct the Assassinate damage to first Blood, but still maintain the ''Warning Shot''; with it. Since I don't use Shrapnel, I have mana for 3 of it in a roll of 1 minute after get it on lvl 6. And 4 in 5 battles two thing occur: Or the mid opponnet keep in line and try to regenerate (moving him to die in 2nd or 3rd Assassinate), or he have to leave line after 1st or 2nd) keeping them 1 lvl away at last, denying the benefit of mid lane. In the 5th/5 times, he calls her buddies from top or bottom, forcing me to back up or could manage the fight to result in my death. I's a flipped coin.

This is at early game. In Mid/Late I use Assass for 2 main reasons, Kill Flee-ers or make ambushes ;) Since i's show where direction I am, I use it on squishier forcing low coordinates teams to searching for me, and ecnoutering my all group thirting for their blood :D

What I feel is, If I can get my dwarves hand at Ring of Aquila + Power Treads + Shadow Blade + Mjollnir The mini-stun is so freaking hard. With a Invis factor to run or disengage/reengage strategy.

I´m not even touch nothing more. Lasts battles I can´t reach that level of game to pass too much on this. Or we winning by that time or we already lost it. Just Once in 10 battles I could reach Crystalys, and we won just when I craft it.

I tested Abissal Blade, but it´s a nono to sniper. And I don´t like use Manta Style, that much.

In the guide you link, You must discart the part where ilusion do mini-suns. They did Only head-shot one, on others stuns, it will proc, an animation will heappen, but no stun will be in effect. In fact it will low the number of stuns from itens, since it procs (denying your own stuns) and do not work.

Lastly, I still don´t have too much data of myself about MoM after Mjolnir, I´m still trying to do my Deadalus after... But if the battle was ugly (we were losting, p.e.), a bit of Life Steal did keep me alive more than once. And then you can farm creeps to lvl up your life and do not need go to fountain too much.

I will try a Shrapnel built some times, let´s see how it´s going. :D
Galois4 (1) | December 15, 2012 1:08am
Assassinate does 355 MAGICAL damage
under Damage reduction/increase section, you will notice that your assassinate will do at most
355*.75=266.25 damage
So I think that you should keep the enemy's health much lower than 340 (<266).

"I´m write this after some readings..."
Have you read the guide made by Atlas:
Which is an excellent guide.

Shrapnel is better than you think, and you honestly
use assassinate to not kill target?? Assassinate only
fires after 1.7 seconds, I'd rather take that time to
get to target and shrapnel and auto-attack him, and
only uses Assassinate to 'last hit' fleeing heroes.
And also, as a ganker you would like the movement
speed slow.
I like sniper a lot and used to use the
same skill build. After reading a few places that
shrapnel is better than head shot early game, I tried
it, and it seemed a lot better. Even helps you farm
better early game than head shot.

Why no monkey king bar (at least as situational
it gives you true strike (never miss an
attack), helpful against annoying (their skill that
gives high chance to miss) heroes like Brewmaster and
Riki or Void with Butterfly.

Tranq vs Treads:
Heal is nice, but heals only 175hp over 10s, while
healing salve heals 400hp over 10s. Treads gives
less movement speed, but gives 30 attack spead(38 on
agility setting). If you really, really want
movement speed for chasing, rather get phase boots.
Tranq: 290+75 = 365
Phase(active)=345*1.16=400.20 plus zero unit
And phase gives some much needed damage for sniper
early game.
"Not To Get
Any life steal. I used to build it on Sniper, but was
taught the error of my ways. You are too damned
squishy to even have someone attacking you, so just
avoid losing health altogether rather than worrying
about regenerating it. It's okay if someone has the
passive from Vlads, though."-Atlas
So can be useful for attack speed...
I rather wait 200g and buy hyper stone, and have
treads on agility which gives 38+55=93 attack speed
always active while MoM gives 100 only activated and
you take more damage. Buying hyper stone also gets
you closer to Mjorllnir.
Late game with SB and Mjorllnir, the activation of
MoM's 100 attack speed is barely noticeable.
But at least MoM is not your first priority (get MoM
before dps items, then it makes ****all sense), like
I've seen some snipers playing with me and
we lost all of those games.

I'm still a n00b and this is only my opinion, but
hopefully you can take something from this.
And please try to experiment with shrapnel early game
for a few games (think also how to place, like in
some cases, place such that most AOE is behind enemy
hero but still on him such that he gets damage and 30%
slow if he tries to run) and not waste mana on
unnecessary assassinate.
Kemedo (1) | December 5, 2012 10:44am
Thank you, I´m still working on it. It´s nice that worked with you too :D
faisalbu5 (2) | December 4, 2012 5:21am
nice guide i tried the build and it's great

and i'd like to add that when u get shadow blade and mask of maddnes always use MOM then SB and you'll get bonus movement speed

(there are some grammer mistake i hope u fix that makes the guide unreadable like :I´m really this this build in some games) :/

+ 1 from me
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