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9 Votes

Jungle Frenzy - Maximising Faceless

August 8, 2012 by NotSureIf
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NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 5:51am
Numeta wrote:

Never set out to build hand of midas, it's only meant to be bought if you're doing ok or are ahead. You can't just say you're gonna build it every game. You'll hurt your team and yourself.

I would also advocate never buying mask of madness. Helm of Dom is 10x better. Being able to control centaurs inside your chronosphere and chain stun after your ultimate ends is an invaluable perk to the item. Also consider Wolf commanders are amazing on any agility hero is a must.

If you need attack speed early just grab a Hyperstone and save it for your later Mjollnir.

Also cut out SnY from your build and just go Manta instead.

Fair statement. I'm leaving the guide as is for now as I'm currently working on other projects. Sange and Yasha is staying in the guide however as you can never anticipate how your farm will be even with Hand of Midas so Sange and Yasha is a nice pick-me-up if your farm turns to hell.
Numeta (27) | September 4, 2012 5:45am
Never set out to build hand of midas, it's only meant to be bought if you're doing ok or are ahead. You can't just say you're gonna build it every game. You'll hurt your team and yourself.

I would also advocate never buying mask of madness. Helm of Dom is 10x better. Being able to control centaurs inside your chronosphere and chain stun after your ultimate ends is an invaluable perk to the item. Also consider Wolf commanders are amazing on any agility hero is a must.

If you need attack speed early just grab a Hyperstone and save it for your later Mjollnir.

Also cut out SnY from your build and just go Manta instead.
NotSureIf (16) | August 13, 2012 11:31am
Glayde wrote:

I think perhaps get boots then morbid mask? I've never jungled in Dota before (except for a fail attempt at jungle Lycan. -_-) so I wouldn't know what to build. Just a suggestion.

@sp12: doesn't proc. Off to yell at my friend!

It wouldn't be so bad to get boots first, due to the permanent move speed the boots provide. I'll change that now, but the reasoning behind having MoM before boots is because this is the way I build FV to which I have had success.
Glayde (13) | August 13, 2012 3:30am
NotSureIf wrote:

Providing that Void is level 6 with only HoM and MoM still allows him to get kills. The movement speed of the MoM active is more than enough, provided you maxed the slow. But anyway I'm up to suggestions, what do you propose?

I think perhaps get boots then morbid mask? I've never jungled in Dota before (except for a fail attempt at jungle Lycan. -_-) so I wouldn't know what to build. Just a suggestion.

@sp12: doesn't proc. Off to yell at my friend!
NotSureIf (16) | August 12, 2012 12:19pm
Sp12 wrote:

Basically starting HoM and going straight MoM before even boots is going to get you smashed by anyone even close to your skill level. Basically it comes down to the premise that void can jungle, which he can't.

Providing that Void is level 6 with only HoM and MoM still allows him to get kills. The movement speed of the MoM active is more than enough, provided you maxed the slow. But anyway I'm up to suggestions, what do you propose?
NotSureIf (16) | August 12, 2012 12:14pm
Glayde wrote:

NotSureIf, separate the item build into different portions, like "starting" or "core".

@Sp12: Really? I thought Basher works with Time Lock? E.g. Time lock, autoattack, Time lock, Basher, autoattack... But if I'm wrong (I probably am -_-) I'll tell my friend that.

Will do.
Sp12 (25) | August 12, 2012 9:01am

Basically starting HoM and going straight MoM before even boots is going to get you smashed by anyone even close to your skill level. Basically it comes down to the premise that void can jungle, which he can't.
Glayde (13) | August 12, 2012 6:06am
NotSureIf, separate the item build into different portions, like "starting" or "core".

@Sp12: Really? I thought Basher works with Time Lock? E.g. Time lock, autoattack, Time lock, Basher, autoattack... But if I'm wrong (I probably am -_-) I'll tell my friend that.
NotSureIf (16) | August 11, 2012 1:01pm
Sp12 wrote:

Manta and basher are some of the worst items in the game on void.

1. Basher doesn't stack with time lock.
2. Illusions don't proc time lock.

This build has major issues but Manta/Basher are not the solution. Msnta is good of course for the split clearing and cheap DPS increase, plus decent stats.

Mind pointing out these major issues? Enlighten me :)
Sp12 (25) | August 11, 2012 7:39am
Manta and basher are some of the worst items in the game on void.

1. Basher doesn't stack with time lock.
2. Illusions don't proc time lock.

This build has major issues but Manta/Basher are not the solution. Msnta is good of course for the split clearing and cheap DPS increase, plus decent stats.
Glayde (13) | August 10, 2012 11:26pm
I don't usually play hard carries, but my friend does, and he thinks that instead of a MKB, you should build Skull Basher and a Manta. I might be wrong, but I think this build more suited for a ranged hard carry like Drow. (Daedalus + Butterfly) Manta, Basher (MKB works too, I just find it a bit more expensive) are more for melee carries. Overall, nice guide, and I see how this build can work, but a Manta/Basher build is cheaper and does wonders with Void.
NotSureIf (16) | August 9, 2012 10:13pm
Nubtrain wrote:

I'd swap SnY for manta, the slow is useless and unreliable since you have Timewalk and I'm guessing you also got it for the HP.

I added the SnY due to the stat gain and additional movement speed bonus it provides. However in saying the Manta would be just as good an item if not better. Thanks for your idea, I shall add this in.
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