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4 Votes

Juggernaut, easy peasy

July 30, 2012 by Heidar
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Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 2:31pm

Blade Fury should be maxed at level 7 as it's an early game skill while Blade Dance is a late game skill & isn't required until mid game at the earliest (your base damage is too low to make the crits any use).
Take Blade Fury at 1,3,5 & 7 with 2 & 4 either in stats or one in stats & one in Healing Ward as it'll allow you to stay in lane longer & push towers early/recover from teamfights/ganks etc. Max Blade Dance at 12 then Healing Ward at 15 or 17 depending on whether you took 2 levels of stats early or just 1.

You don't need both Vladmir's Offering and Battle Fury but you should get one of them before Aghanim's Scepter as it'll let you farm & get kills much quicker which means a faster Aghanim's Scepter where as Aghanim's Scepter first is only any use if you know you can get kills with Omnislash.

Crystalys/ Daedalus are wasted when you have a crit skill already & Black King Bar is very questionable as Blade Fury gives you magic immunity plus you're invulnerable while using Omnislash.

Should upgrade the Stout Shield to Poor Man's Shield early & use the 3 Iron Branches to make a Magic Wand otherwise they're wasted gold.

Lastly, always carry a Town Portal Scroll

this, -1
Malibu Stacey (1) | August 1, 2012 7:12am
Blade Fury should be maxed at level 7 as it's an early game skill while Blade Dance is a late game skill & isn't required until mid game at the earliest (your base damage is too low to make the crits any use).
Take Blade Fury at 1,3,5 & 7 with 2 & 4 either in stats or one in stats & one in Healing Ward as it'll allow you to stay in lane longer & push towers early/recover from teamfights/ganks etc. Max Blade Dance at 12 then Healing Ward at 15 or 17 depending on whether you took 2 levels of stats early or just 1.

You don't need both Vladmir's Offering and Battle Fury but you should get one of them before Aghanim's Scepter as it'll let you farm & get kills much quicker which means a faster Aghanim's Scepter where as Aghanim's Scepter first is only any use if you know you can get kills with Omnislash.

Crystalys/ Daedalus are wasted when you have a crit skill already & Black King Bar is very questionable as Blade Fury gives you magic immunity plus you're invulnerable while using Omnislash.

Should upgrade the Stout Shield to Poor Man's Shield early & use the 3 Iron Branches to make a Magic Wand otherwise they're wasted gold.

Lastly, always carry a Town Portal Scroll
wilddeonpwn (102) | July 29, 2012 4:51pm
Heidar wrote:

Ok! That's it! I edited the build :P

Still. It's no that great. And it's optional not opzional
Heidar | July 29, 2012 10:39am
Ok! That's it! I edited the build :P
Hades4u (296) | July 29, 2012 9:43am
Phase Boots are better than Power Treads for Juggernaut, so he can chase enemies while using Blade Fury.

Also, Sange and Yasha? why? it's useless for him, if you need stats that much, get an Aghanim's Scepter.
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