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48 Votes

Jin'zakk, Death from Above

December 28, 2011 by dresmasher
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soreslands | August 20, 2015 6:08am
Team Canada Edmonton | April 6, 2014 10:14am
I am a former League of Legends player, main was skarner, ive been looking for a similar hero out of Dota (Im an old school dota player from RoC and FT) and this was the first hero that came to mind, the build that i enjoy using and should be explored more often is "rushing" if thats even possible, an eye of skadi.

It stacks nicely with the sticky on your auto attacks, so basically as soon as you get your first hit, that hero is done and maintains its usefulness WELL into the late game to the point where there is no point, in my opinion, where it loses its effectiveness other than heroes hard countering by amassing speed or a hero with travel i guess.

This build usually involves getting power treads rather than phase cause you need that cheap longevity to keep farming over and over.

Obviously this is not going to be your solution to winning every game with bat rider, the gold you gotta farm to get that skadi is just nuts but with his skill set, it is achievable with a modest amount of kills and a heavy farm/2 tower push.

But yeah, i hope somebody finds some use from this build, maybe your pretty fed and want a taste of dat greed, go for it.
Trumvall | August 10, 2013 8:57pm
I loved this guide, I was playing single draft and decided to play Batrider. The 3 bracelet start really helped me with my mid game against Jakiro. By mid game I had 7 kills and a Force Staff with treads. After that I got a Shiva's Guard and then finally in end game I was getting cc'd too much so I got a BKB. With the BKB and Shiva's I was able to go in there without any problems whatsoever, im not sure why you wouldn't build one considering how good in conjunction it is with shiva's. I felt like it crippled the enemies and gave my team enough time to win the fights. All in all this guide is really great, I'd say most of the items here really helped my game out a lot.
thippo (10) | April 5, 2013 12:30pm
I like your guide, love it, actually, but Flamebreak actually does decent damage, and in many situations is a viable choice, but should still be the last skill you max.
rocky (4) | February 20, 2013 7:01am
I don't really like this skill build..

I believe this one is a lot more efficient for a number of reasons.
ClassifiedGamer | January 12, 2013 5:02pm
This guide helped me alot when i randomed batrider. But i personally prefer boots of travel more than power treads for mobility + tele. Other than that this guide helped me alot! +1
Nubtrain (58) | November 20, 2012 8:42pm
If you want some clips to show with the DOTA 2 game client, here's a good match that covers a lot of what you explained (If I remembered correctly)

matchid: 63352968
Paulos122#312878 | November 7, 2012 5:50pm
nevermind im dumb
Paulos122#312878 | November 7, 2012 5:50pm
nevermind im dumb
Paulos122#312878 | November 7, 2012 5:49pm
you seem to have a very basic item understanding... all of the items listed are very basic, no purples or any items over 2k gold???
dresmasher (24) | October 26, 2012 6:04am
Atlas wrote:

I think 3x bracers is kind of over-doing it. Just one is usually enough. After that, get to work on bigger items.

i need to rework this someday, just to switch his core to tranquill, force, blink and bkb
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