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14 Votes

Jakiro The Freak Among Freaks

March 12, 2014 by TheLeowned
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bigdim1988 | May 14, 2014 4:40am
why don't you try to max out liquid fire and ice path first?? u will be able to harras enemy heroes and makes your teammates easy to farm, besides it is very effective to destroy towers at the beginning. I use liquid fire to haras enemy and to destroy tower first. geting macrophyre at level 7, and taking dual breath on level 9 above. with only liquid fire and ice path, u only take less mana to play on early game. Ur enemy will think a lot of time to get close to you and ur teammates will farm safely. if u teamming up with sven, wraith knight, pudge on side lane, I am sure u will get 2 or 3 assists on early game and destroying towers quite fast. Five minutes is the fastest record to destroy one tower so far when i play jakiro. Quite worth it, with liquid fire in the beginning. After destroying one, just teleport to another lane and help them.
TheLeowned | August 23, 2013 4:53am
Worst thing for me to do here is to agree with you because it is always hard for me to swallow my pride by saying you are correct in every way... No matter I am going to say it anyways YOU are correct the are holes on this guide bigger than what cannonball would leave on a wooden ship (And worse I didn't myself notice them until an anvil was trown on my face). All of these are what I have used and there for I placed them on the guide. All of the items you said are indeed expensive but if you have played Jakiro you notice how fast your manapool runs empty OR that when getting Aghanim's Macropyre is actually fire under your feet even at end game but there are some that may work better for keeping the enemy on the fire is pretty darn hard so taking it is an opinion matter and should not be controlled. And About the one that I said it is for you does not mean that you should go all Rambo on their *** it just means that MOSTLY it makes your stats bigger NOT you allies. Bloodstone then? Well if it has many charges you get higher manaregen Your allies get healt when you die and it reduces respawn time while also makes you lose less money when you die.

Every point you make is valid and most likely some changes to the guide will be made but in my opinion those work so don't kill me for it. Thank you for commenting and now I shall go and try to get my pride back from my stomach.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | August 21, 2013 1:26pm
Liquid Fire first level...

right there you already lost my praise. Though, I notice your second skill build is the one that is, more or less, what is "standard", so I can't really complain. I can understand getting Liquid Fire early, but getting it first point destroys any ability to get first blood without a second level or someone else having stuns and very high nuke damage

Then I continue though the guide, I see your item choice suggestions.

There is a part in the guide where Ring of Basilius and Tango was a starting item choice. This kind of a build is very situational, and in most lineups against players who actually check their enemies items, you will be focused down above the carry... you will be harassed... you will be killed possibly if they have the damage or you choose to stay in lane waiting for the tangos.

The combination of not having regen and buying an item made for mana regen right at the start while taking your first point in an orb that does very little... I don't know, I can't say I agree.

I am having a hard time interpreting your second starting item build, but I assume you mean Magic Stick, not Magic Wand. At which time, it is still going to end up in the same way i described above with the basi start. Low regen doesn't make for much a way to stay in lane. You are going to harass? well you are also going to agro creeps in the process. You are going to get 400 units away from the enemy (pretty short range for a non-carry ranged hero) and put yourself in a position where you can get hit fairly easily. If your enemy doesn't have supports, or the enemy isn't just a naturally good solo hero, then sure, you're in the clear. Magic Stick is generally a starting item you avoid because it relies on the enemy doing something specific to allow you to gain regen from it. This means, unless the enemy *has* to use a spammable spell to get last hits or win the lane, Magic Stick is a great item to start with. Zeus, Bristleback, Batrider are all good examples.

But the part that really made me comment...

Shiva's Guard
Aghanim's Scepter
Scythe of Vyse

Now, these are all very expensive items, and while I am sure you *can* get every last hit in a lane, just like KOTL, it doesn't mean you should. Additionally, and more importantly

Aghs- There is no point to buffing your ult tof 4,200
Bloodstone- "Use it for yourself" never buy an item for yourself. Ever. It it nice to have HP and Mana regen, but the part of bloodstone that matters on Jakero is the heal it gives from dying. 5000 gold to get 6 mana regen per sec + natural regen and basically a second mek if you die. This item not worth anything on Jak.
Shiva's Guard- there we have "use it for yourself" again, no. there is an aura attached to Shiva's Guard, that lowers attack speed. The active is an AOE nuke. The armor sure is nice for keeping you alive, the INT for manna... but you get it when your opponents attack speed matters, not because YOU get something, but because your TEAM gets something.
BazookaSamurai | January 22, 2013 8:48pm
I really enjoyed this guide. Thank you for taking the time to create it!
Schmiloff (1) | January 19, 2013 1:39am
Really good guide! I'm pretty new to the game and used this build it works well!! Thanks
dynasty987 (6) | January 14, 2013 12:32pm
Personally I prefer not getting liquid breath until we're going to be pushing down towers as I don't like how it pushes the lane when you're trying to harass.
Stank (2) | January 12, 2013 9:04am
Nice guide, +1! I personally like dual breath or ice path level 1, but Jakiro IS very versatile, so... no complaints here.
mightycookie (5) | January 10, 2013 8:50am
good guide, it looks very nice. +1
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