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69 Votes

Jakiro Spotlight Guide by GamingwithDean

March 18, 2012 by GamingwithDean
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hanniballector | August 21, 2014 11:06am
Just used this guide for my first game as Jakiro, went 19-4. Great guide, great video, great tips on how to utilize all of your moves so that they stay in your "R" as long as possible. Keep it up!
Bionicreant | December 31, 2013 5:20pm
Very great Build From you dude.. really .. 4 game after this guide. i always get best kill and best assist.. thankssssssss .. VOTE UP !!!
dedmau5 | April 16, 2013 1:31am
Nice one! :)

I usually end up supporting the Carry, or the semi carry if that semi has a stun. Works wonders with Ice Path, it will be a perfect hit and thus more dmg done to the enemy.
I am almost never ever able to get Aghanim's Scepter though. I prioritise more supportive items like Force Staff or even a Scythe of Vyse. Have never tried Blade Mail on Jakiro but I'm sure it is good, but as I stated, I put prioritise on getting hex/FS. :)

Skill build for my support Jakiro;
Ice Path maxed at lvl 7
Dual Breath max next
Liquid Fire (take 1 lvl at lvl 2 then wait with it) max third
Macropyre take when possible

By maxing Ice Path early, the team has a great disable in early tower pushes / ganks / counter pushes. Imo it is worth it, and it makes it easier to land a good Macropyre too. :)

Gonna try this guide out though! :)
crubick | February 18, 2013 1:41pm
Great guide as with the items and playstyle! Generallym when you got pipe/agha, the game should be over. Oh, and I'd add drums as an optional item. As a support, it chasing/retreating/pushing that speed can be handy and it gives some nice stats. It's optional, but of you have money to spend, need mroe mana and HP, it's a great choice. So is Basilius, for teh same reasons (aura, + mana and +armor).

The skill build however. I'd definitely add teh first point on ice paths. The stun in a gank or securing first blood is essential. I'd also max it first. 2sec stun is enogh to disable the enemy carry and get rid of it mid game.
ClassifiedGamer | January 15, 2013 3:42pm
+ 1. The first match i randomed jakiro, I didnt know how to play him, so i quickly clicked on this guide. Although we were losing and getting crushed early-mid game, later on as i followed your build and got blademail + pipe, I was dominating the other team everytime they got to my baracks. We eventually won.

Thank you for this very helpful guide.
GodLes | September 13, 2012 7:52am
Great guide, Thanx !
Noxdormus | August 21, 2012 3:54am
I really appreciate your guide, thanks a million +1
Great F8 (3) | August 3, 2012 8:26pm
-1 for skill build, not maxing Dual Breath by 7 and opting for Ice Path over Liquid Fire simply isn't strong.
SionLeal | August 3, 2012 8:14pm
Strongly recommended go for Bloodstone, a MUST and come 1st item (after boot) for Jakiro. Perseverance -> Point Booster -> Vitality Booster -> Energy Booster. Try it, then u will see the different in-game. Cheer.
ElectricKatana (1) | July 31, 2012 4:45pm
Thank You :) +1 but i personally prefer radiance over blade mail because with blade mail
you still take the damage. :(
ElectricKatana (1) | July 31, 2012 3:34pm
Thank You :) +1
goodgame | July 17, 2012 8:43pm
I like the item leveling in this build best. Taking bottle at first works well too, better than taking consumables or boots. I win with this build without taking any consumable other than a teleport spell or wards.

I'd just say that the order of items at
Mekansm, Hood, and Blade Mail is really situational. Facing Ursa, I'd rush blade mail. Facing a bunch of spell chuckers, I'd rush Hood. Rush Mekansm if your team is actually cohesive and cooperative.

Also I'd max Liquid Fire well before Dual Breath, because the cooldown on LF goes down as you level, while mana cost of Dual Breath increases with level. I sometimes don't even take Dual Breath until my second level of Ice.

Something like Liquid Fire (1 level), Dual Breath (1 level), then alternate Ice and Liquid Fire is good until the third level of Ice. Then alternate Liquid Fire and Dual Breath. And only taking Macropyre situationally.
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