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2 Votes

Jakiro Pub Strategy

December 20, 2012 by Jedi Master SyfaEggplant
Comments: 6    |    Views: 14309    |   

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adra112 | December 28, 2012 12:00pm
I really like your guide with the one exception that I dislike putting any points into Liquid Fire until at least 6 because the aoe will often push the lane when you harass and can make getting last hits harder, potentially hurting your carry's farm.

Also Ice Path's damage now scales so you should reconsider that in your guide and make necessary changes.
Jedi Master SyfaEggplant | December 20, 2012 4:42am
Made some changes---added Pipe of Insight
Jedi Master SyfaEggplant | December 19, 2012 11:27am
And the orchid is a luxury item that stacks with Veil to bring down heroes like TIDE and SK.
Jedi Master SyfaEggplant | December 19, 2012 11:26am
Skilling Micropyre without the maxed Ice Path is silly, no one is gonna hang out in it.

How do I add the little pictures for skills and characters?
Wulfstan (77) | December 19, 2012 7:28am
You forgot to add Macropyre at level 6.I would also not recomment not getting Orchid Malevolence on Jakiro,a hero that doesn't rely on its autoattacks.
SuperNova (16) | December 19, 2012 7:12am
God. sorry but this is nothing but a wall of text. needs color icons and i suggest you revise your skilling. from what i know ice path needs to be maxed as fast as possible. I will give you a +1 when you have done these things as it makes much more fun/easier to read.
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