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I wouldn't go for mana boots unless the team needs them or the enemy has rune control, because phase boots will help you more with rune control and ganks.
Necronomicon is something I should try, it's a great item on most heroes and jakiro would seem one it's great on. A great item.
After thinking about it, I don't feel a bloodstone woulnd be bad at all if bought early. The tankiness it gives fades away fast because of your low agi and high str gain, so i'd rather get armor later.
-Jakiro is quite tanky as he has a nicely high STR gain for an INT hero, one item I could suggest so people to take advantage of it is to have a Vanguard in hand.
-Another alternative build route I could suggest is this one:
Tranquil Boots
Point Booster
Drums of Endurance
Ring of Basilius
The point booster can be extended later on into a Bloodstone, Aghanim's is quite good though I'd personnaly suggest Bloodstone more. I'd also suggest throwing in a Necronomicon to help maximize your pushing potential also having at least a level of Icepath early on is useful in helping out in ganks and teamfights.