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4 Votes

Jakiro mid push/gank

May 4, 2012 by jaakb
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Mid jakiro gank/push

DotA2 Hero: Jakiro

Hero Skills

Double Trouble (Innate)

Dual Breath

1 3 5 8

Ice Path

9 12 13 14

Liquid Fire

2 4 6 7

Liquid Frost

2 4 6 7


10 11 16


15 17 18

Jakiro mid push/gank

May 4, 2012


This guide focuses on a solo mid jakiro whose focus is to push middle tower as soon as he's able to, then move on to push other lanes (a bit like shadow fiend or death prophet would). After the laning phase is over, you'd transition into a more supporting role.

Before runes spawn, nuke the creeps like any other mid with a nuke. Don't be afraid of exchanging autoattacks, but don't miss lasthits unless you are about to kill/force him out of lane. Be especially agressive when you've got your liquid fire on him as his attack speed is reduced a lot.

Buy smoke for ganking if the enemy has wards. If the enemy mid is missing, push the tower. If you get a good rune (haste, invis or dd), check other lanes for any opportunities. The earlier you start carrying a tp the better, but I'd generally delay buying the best item in the game until you've got bottle/phase.

If no one bought courier, get it yourself.

Your skills are at their best in closed areas like ramps and juke paths inside trees. Ulti -> frost breath -> autoattack with orb -> dual breath can deal a huge amount of damage to a clumped team (level 11 (360 + 140 * 3 + 125) * 0.75 = 679, more with additional disables).

Pros / Cons

+High damage, spammable nuke (360 magic damage level 4)
+Large aoe, spammable stun
+All skills have an aoe
+High str and int from start to finish
+Great pusher
+Orb to harass with early

-No reliable disables (they are quite reliable if you are good at landing them, ofc =D)
-Really long cast times (Clockwerk will rape you)
-Low agi gain (low armor and attack speed mid/late)
-Lower than average speed
-400 range on autoattack


Dual breath is always taken at 1, 3, 5 because it helps you control your lane and keep rune control.

Liquid fire is maxed first unless you need the nuke more. If you don't expect to autoattack towers you most probably need the nuke more. You'll melt towers and creeps with it.

1 level of stun can be taken earlier than level 9 if it's needed, but your other skills have priority before adding any points to this.

Ulti can be taken at level 6 if your enemies aren't very bright or there are teamfights (get stun, too).


3 gg branches and hp regen to get you off. Don't buy clarities. Follow the build order, unless it's clearly bad. Buy courier if you have to, you can afford it.

Skip magic wand if you expect to bathe in gold and stick to your gg branches until it is time to let go of them. It's not worth buying an item you've got to sell 5 minutes later. Apply same logic afterwards, too, don't buy eul's if you could get a sheep after 5 mins

The reason behind mvspeed items is that mvspeed is good. You could even get a blink dagger to help land perfect ultimates. Leave the early supporty items (except drums, they rock =D) for other lanes: rune control, ganks and towers are more important. Ring of basi is not as good on solo lanes, let someone on dual/tri get it so the aura isn't wasted.

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